En este artículo se presenta la intervención de la Ministra del Servicio Nacional de la Mujer (SERNAM) durante la administración del Presidente Ricardo Lagos Escobar; Cecilia Pérez Díaz, en el Foro "Los desafíos del trabajo social, en el año de la canonización de Alberto Hurtado" organizado por la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH) en Santiago de Chile el 6 de octubre de 2005.
been made in the best Colombian universities, focused on the properties of materials and the behavior of the structuralearth systems when subject to seismic forces. These investigations have been innovating and have been basedon international studies. Nevertheless, in order for these studies to have a real impact, they must be included in theearthquake Colombian resistant code (NSR-10), which at the moment does not include specific sections on how torehabilitate earth constructions subjected to seismic forces. Therefore the authors, who have worked for more thanone decade in rehabilitation and restoration of earth constructions, present in this document a draft proposal for theseismic rehabilitation of earth buildings in order to be included in the next update of the earthquake resistant code ofthe Republic of Colombia.This document is a draft of a proposed rule that the authors want, in the near future, to present to the ColombianAssociation of Seismic Engineering, the Colombian Society of Engineers and the Colombian Association of StructuralEngineering for it to be studied, analyzed and worked as a development basis regulating the seismic rehabilitation ofpatrimonial buildings on land in Colombia. The authors also wish to thank the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and especiallythe Faculties of Architecture and Design and Engineering for their support for the implementation of this proposal. ; Con el fin de aportar a la solución del problema sísmico de las edificaciones en tierra, se han realizado investigaciones en las mejores universidades de Colombia sobre las propiedades de los materiales y el comportamiento de los sistemas estructurales en tierra ante fuerzas sísmicas. Estas investigaciones han sido innovadoras y se han apoyado en estudios a nivel internacional. Sin embargo para que estos estudios tengan un real impacto deben incluirse en la norma sismo resistente (NSR-10), la cual actualmente no incluye apartados específicos sobre la manera de rehabilitar sísmicamente las construcciones en tierra. Por esta razón los autores, que han trabajado por más de una década en rehabilitación y restauración de edificaciones en tierra, presentan en este documento un borrador de propuesta de normativa para la rehabilitación de edificaciones en tierra para que sea incluida en las siguientes actualizaciones de la Norma Sismo Resistente de la República de Colombia. El presente documento es un borrador de una propuesta de normativa que los autores quieren, en un futuro próximo, poner a consideración de la Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sísmica, de la Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros y de la Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Estructural para ser estudiada, analizada y trabajada como una base de desarrollo que reglamente la rehabilitación sísmica de las construcciones patrimoniales en tierra en Colombia. Asimismo, los autores desean agradecer a la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y en especial a las Facultades de Arquitectura y Diseño e Ingeniería por el apoyo brindado para la realización de la presente propuesta. ; Para contribuir para resolver o problema dos edifícios sísmicas em terra, têm sido investigadas nas melhores universidadesda Colômbia sobre as propriedades do material e do comportamento de sistemas estruturais para asforças sísmicas em terra. Esta pesquisa tem sido inovadora e confiaram em estudos internacionais. No entanto, paraesses estudos têm um impacto real deve ser incluído no padrão resistente sísmica (NSR-10), que atualmente nãoinclui seções específicas sobre como sismicamente reabilitar os edifícios em terra. Por esta razão os autores, quetrabalharam por mais de uma década na reabilitação e restauração de edifícios em terra, este documento apresentaum projecto de proposta legislativa para a reabilitação de edifícios em terrenos a serem incluídos nas seguintesatualizações padrão de Resistência sísmica da República da Colômbia.Este documento é um projecto de norma proposta que os autores querem colocar em consideração da SociedadeColombiana de Engenharia a ser estudado, analisado e trabalhado como uma base de desenvolvimento regular deconstrução em terra na Colômbia. Os autores também gostaria de agradecer a Pontificia Universidad Javeriana e,especialmente, para as Faculdades de Arquitetura e Design de Engenharia Civil e para o seu apoio para a implementaçãodesta proposta.
The informal production of habitat is a growing phenomenon in Colombian cities, which share a common characteristic: the lack of public space to enable the development of community life. In a period when the right to the city has been reclaimed government actions seem to be insufficient. There is then a reflection for academics to empower the inhabitants of popular neighborhoods to effectively influence the transformation of their realities. From this perspective, this paper presents the work conducted in Caracolí, an informal settlement located in Bogotá DC, Colombia, where different academic and social objectives were combined to improve the physical conditions of the only park in the area. This study shows theoretical backgrounds, the results of previous research developed by the authors and the development of activities to conclude on the need to combine different knowledge for the construction of communities and cities. ; La informalidad en la producción del hábitat continúa avanzando en las ciudades colombianas con una característica común: la ausencia de espacio público que facilite la vida en comunidad. En momentos en los que se reivindica el derecho a la ciudad, las acciones gubernamentales parecen ser insuficientes. Aparece entonces una reflexión para la academia sobre la posibilidad de empoderar a los habitantes de los barrios populares para intervenir de manera efectiva en la transformación de su realidad. Desde esa perspectiva se presenta una experiencia desarrollada en el barrio Caracolí, un asentamiento de origen informal en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, donde se articularon objetivos académicos y sociales mediante el mejoramiento de las condiciones físicas del único parque existente allí. Se exponen así los antecedentes teóricos, junto con resultados de investigaciones precedentes desarrolladas por las autoras, y el desarrollo de la actividad, para concluir sobre la necesidad de articular saberes en torno a la acción para la construcción de comunidad y de ciudad.
With the creation of the first American settlements, the institutions responsible for managing cities and ensuring the proper settlement of the legal, administrative and economic problems of its inhabitants are born. These institutions, which were created by the Spanish, were called councils. The place where they met regularly to session the councilwas called the Town Hall, Municipal house, government house or guildhall. This article provides a brief overview of the town halls of the colonial era that are still standing in the department of Cundinamarca. Its typology is described in terms of architectural and structural terms, by studying the specific case of the town hall of Cogua. Likewise it isstudied the response of the building to service loads and potential seismic events and it is proposed a reinforcement to improve its structural performance. ; Con la creación de las primeras poblaciones en América nacen las instituciones encargadas de administrar las ciudades y velar por la adecuada solución de los problemas judiciales, administrativos y económicos de sus pobladores. Estas instituciones, que fueron creadas por los españoles, recibieron el nombre de cabildo. El lugar dondese reunía periódicamente a sesionar el cabildo recibía el nombre de casa consistorial, casa municipal, casa de gobierno o casa de ayuntamiento. En este artículo se presenta un breve recuento de las casas consistoriales de la época colonial que aún están en pie en el departamento de Cundinamarca. Se describe su tipología desde el punto de vista arquitectónico y estructural, mediante el estudio de caso específico de la casa consistorial de Cogua. Igualmente se estudia la respuesta de la edificación ante cargas de servicio y posibles eventos sísmicos yse propone un reforzamiento que mejore su desempeño estructural. ; Com a criação dos primeiros povoados na América nascem as instituições encarregadas de administrar as cidades e vigiar a adequada solução dos problemas judiciais, administrativos e económicos dos povoadores. Estas instituições, que foram criadas pelos espanhóis, receberam o nome de cabildo. O local onde reunia-se periodicamente para o cabildo fazer sessões recebia o nome de casa consistorial, casa municipal, casa de governo ou casa de ayuntamiento (prefeitura). Neste artigo apresenta-se breve reconto das casas consistoriais da época colonial que ainda ficam de pé no departamento de Cundinamarca. Descreve-se sua tipologia desde o ponto de vista arquitetônico e estrutural, mediante estudo de caso específico da casa consistorial de Cogua. Igualmente estuda a resposta da edificação ante cargas de serviço e possíveis eventos sísmicos e propõe-se reforço para melhorar seu desempenho estrutural.
In this article the research group Reactor Historic Centre Urban Laboratory (FADU- UDELAR), analyzes the planning process taken ahead in the last two years with the Urban Development Department of Montevideo's city hall, around the renewal of empty buildings. The process demonstrated the sustainability of interventions based on associated management of the renewal processes with civil society groups and local government. The projects were organized around four main issues; Transformative Economies; Arts, culture and care; Ecology and Collaborative Housing. The results reached until now show how appropriate could be a pilot public programme as a way of renewing the urban strategies of intervention in central areas, as well as participatory models in urban management and the growing urban commons role into Right to the city challenges. ; En esta ponencia el grupo de investigación Laboratorio urbano Reactor Ciudad Vieja[1] (FADU-UdelaR), analiza el trabajo realizado durante dos años en convenio con el departamento de Desarrollo Urbano de la Intendencia de Montevideo, en torno a la expropiación y recuperación de inmuebles vacantes vacíos y degradados. El proceso demostró la factibilidad de las intervenciones de recuperación de inmuebles abandonados a partir de la gestión asociada de varios colectivos y la administración departamental, con un programa de usos cívicos basado en cuatro ejes: Economías Transformadoras; Arte, Cultura y Cuidados; Ecología; Formas Colaborativas de Habitar. Los resultados alcanzados dan cuenta de la pertinencia del desarrollo del programa piloto público como forma de renovar el repertorio de intervención urbana en áreas consolidadas, la discusión del papel de la participación en la gestión urbanística y la creciente estrategia de consolidar los bienes comunes urbanos para asegurar el Derecho a la Ciudad. [1] https://www.reactoruy.com ; Peer Reviewed
El libro cuenta los esfuerzos del grupo de derechos humanos de mujeres indígenas de Chiapas K'inal Antsetik por fortalecer el conocimiento y el respeto hacia los derechos humanos de mujeres en comunidades vía una combinación de discusiones entre la práctica del movimiento feminista indígena, documentos que garantizan los derechos de las mujeres y conversaciones colectivas de experiencias concretas. Esta historia reporta desde los primeros talleres en comunidades y regiones de Chiapas de 2011 a 2015, hasta el trabajo más reciente de K'inal, con diplomados que involucran a mujeres y organizaciones indígenas feministas de los estados del sureste de México. Además de describir la construcción a lo largo de varios años de una campaña de educación popular feminista multilingüe, ofrece historias de vida de varias de las participantes, que en conjunto representan un retrato de la situación de los derechos de la mujer indígena en el sureste.--back cover
The importance of soil age as an ecosystem driver across biomes remains largely unresolved. By combining a cross-biome global field survey, including data for 32 soil, plant, and microbial properties in 16 soil chronosequences, with a global meta-analysis, we show that soil age is a significant ecosystem driver, but only accounts for a relatively small proportion of the cross-biome variation in multiple ecosystem properties. Parent material, climate, vegetation and topography predict, collectively, 24 times more variation in ecosystem properties than soil age alone. Soil age is an important local-scale ecosystem driver; however, environmental context, rather than soil age, determines the rates and trajectories of ecosystem development in structure and function across biomes. Our work provides insights into the natural history of terrestrial ecosystems. We propose that, regardless of soil age, changes in the environmental context, such as those associated with global climatic and land-use changes, will have important long-term impacts on the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems across biomes. ; This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 702057 (CLIMIFUN). M.D.-B. is supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2018-025483-I), and by the BES Grant Agreement No. LRB17\1019 (MUSGONET). F.B. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry and FEDER funds for the project AGL2017–85755-R, the i-LINK+2018 (LINKA20069) from CSIC, and received funds from "Fundación Séneca" from Murcia Province (19896/GERM/15). S.R. was supported by the US Geological Survey Ecosystems Mission Area. C.P. acknowledges support from the Spanish State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (2013–2016), award ref. AGL201675762-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). A.G. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science (CGL2017-88124-R). F.A. is supported by FONDECYT 11180538 and S.A. by FONDECYT 1170995. We would like to thank Peter Vitousek for his comments on a previous draft of this paper. Moreover, we thank Matt Gebert, Jessica Henley, Fernando T. Maestre, Victoria Ochoa, and Beatriz Gozalo for their help with lab analyses, and Emilio Guirado for his advice with topographic analyses. We also want to thank Osvaldo Sala, Matthew A. Bowker, Peter Vitousek, Courtney Currier, Martin Kirchmair, Victor M. Peña-Ramírez, Lynn Riedel, Julie Larson, Katy Waechter, David Buckner, and Brian Anacker for their help with soil sampling, and to the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks for allowing us to conduct these samplings. We are also grateful to the Division of Forestry and Wildlife of the State of Hawai'i and Koke'e State Park for their logistical assistance and for allowing us access to the HA sites. The Arizona research sites were established with the support of an EPA‐STAR Graduate Fellowship (U‐916251), a Merriam‐Powell Center for Environmental Research Graduate Fellowship, an Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation of Arizona Scholarship, and McIntire‐Stennis appropriations to Northern Arizona University and the State of Arizona. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
The importance of soil age as an ecosystem driver across biomes remains largely unresolved. By combining a cross-biome global field survey, including data for 32 soil, plant, and microbial properties in 16 soil chronosequences, with a global meta-analysis, we show that soil age is a significant ecosystem driver, but only accounts for a relatively small proportion of the cross-biome variation in multiple ecosystem properties. Parent material, climate, vegetation and topography predict, collectively, 24 times more variation in ecosystem properties than soil age alone. Soil age is an important local-scale ecosystem driver; however, environmental context, rather than soil age, determines the rates and trajectories of ecosystem development in structure and function across biomes. Our work provides insights into the natural history of terrestrial ecosystems. We propose that, regardless of soil age, changes in the environmental context, such as those associated with global climatic and land-use changes, will have important long-term impacts on the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems across biomes. ; This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 702057 (CLIMIFUN). M.D.-B. is supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2018-025483-I), and by the BES Grant Agreement No. LRB17\1019 (MUSGONET). F.B. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry and FEDER funds for the project AGL2017–85755-R, the i-LINK+2018 (LINKA20069) from CSIC, and received funds from "Fundación Séneca" from Murcia Province (19896/GERM/15). S.R. was supported by the US Geological Survey Ecosystems Mission Area. C.P. acknowledges support from the Spanish State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (2013–2016), award ref. AGL201675762-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). A.G. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science (CGL2017-88124-R). F.A. is supported by FONDECYT 11180538 and S.A. by FONDECYT 1170995. We would like to thank Peter Vitousek for his comments on a previous draft of this paper. Moreover, we thank Matt Gebert, Jessica Henley, Fernando T. Maestre, Victoria Ochoa, and Beatriz Gozalo for their help with lab analyses, and Emilio Guirado for his advice with topographic analyses. We also want to thank Osvaldo Sala, Matthew A. Bowker, Peter Vitousek, Courtney Currier, Martin Kirchmair, Victor M. Peña-Ramírez, Lynn Riedel, Julie Larson, Katy Waechter, David Buckner, and Brian Anacker for their help with soil sampling, and to the City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks for allowing us to conduct these samplings. We are also grateful to the Division of Forestry and Wildlife of the State of Hawai'i and Koke'e State Park for their logistical assistance and for allowing us access to the HA sites. The Arizona research sites were established with the support of an EPA‐STAR Graduate Fellowship (U‐916251), a Merriam‐Powell Center for Environmental Research Graduate Fellowship, an Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation of Arizona Scholarship, and McIntire‐Stennis appropriations to Northern Arizona University and the State of Arizona. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.