Superando la violencia colectiva y construyendo cultura de paz
In: Ciencia 325
In: Serie política
23 Ergebnisse
In: Ciencia 325
In: Serie política
In: Deusto Journal of Human Rights, Heft 8, S. 185-190
ISSN: 2603-6002
The book is part of the Psychology in Latin America series of the American Psychological Association (APA) edited by Judith Gibbons and Patricio Cumsille. The book presents a series of chapters written by Latin American researchers from Argentina, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador and Peru on different topics relevant to political psychology in Latin America. The problem of human rights violations and how to confront them, socio-political conflicts and the building of a culture of democracy and peace are transversal axes of the chapters of this book.
In: Deusto Journal of Human Rights, Heft 8, S. 11-16
ISSN: 2603-6002
This monograph aims to disseminate the results of various research studies carried out in the field of social and community psychology. The studies focus on efforts to build a culture of peace in post-conflict contexts and societies that have suffered collective and socio-political violence, with multiple and persistent human rights violations. Six studies on the psychosocial effects of transitional justice rituals from Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Basque country, Chile, and Ecuador compose this issue. This issue presents a series of results regarding the effects of reparation rituals and Truth Commissions, combining different methods and analysis strategies, including general population surveys, newspaper and social media content analysis, community intervention assessments and qualitative documentary analysis. Finally, two review books were included. First, a Peace Psychology Book that explores the implications and difficulties faced by societies that have experienced large-scale collective violence. Second, the problem of human rights violations and how to confront them, socio-political conflicts and the building of a culture of democracy and peace in Latin America are transversal axes of the chapters of this second book.
This article reviews the definition of corruption and its individual, macro and micro-social correlates. In an experimental field study with a representative Peruvian sample (N = 1254), participants were informed of a highly effective legal management of corruption control (95% of cases were tried and punished) versus a control of low efficacy (only 5% were tried and punished). The induced information on the effectiveness in the control and sanction of corruption led to a greater perception of collective efficacy in dealing with deviation and a better balance of socio-emotional climate in the high-efficacy group. The most effective experimental induction interacted with interest in politics and produced a greater perception of efficacy in the control of corruption and a better balance of socio-emotional climate in people of high interest. Additionally, it is observed that the identification with Peru increased only in people who previously trusted the justice system (judicial power) and who were informed of a high efficiency of corruption control. The results are discussed within the framework of the group dynamics of control of deviance and group identity and the importance of the institutional context and the level of interest in politics. ; Este artículo revisa la definición de corrupción y sus correlatos individuales, macro y micro sociales. En un estudio de campo experimental con una muestra representativa peruana (N= 1,254), se informó a los participantes de una gestión jurídica del control de la corrupción de alta eficacia (un 95% de los casos fueron juzgados y sancionados) versus un control de baja eficacia (solo un 5% fue juzgado y sancionado). La información inducida sobre la eficacia en el control y sanción de la corrupción provocó una mayor percepción de eficacia colectiva para tratar la desviación y una mejor balanza de clima socioemocional en el grupo de alta eficacia. La inducción experimental de mayor eficacia interactuó con el interés en la política y produjo mayor percepción de eficacia en el control de corrupción y mejor balanza de clima socioemocional en las personas de alto interés. Adicionalmente, se observa que la identificación con el Perú aumentó solo en las personas que confiaban previamente en el sistema de justicia (poder judicial) y que fueron informadas de una alta eficacia de control de la corrupción. Se discuten los resultados en el marco de la dinámica grupal de control de la desviación e identidad grupal y la importancia del contexto institucional y del nivel de interés en la política.
This article reviews the definition of corruption and its individual, macro and micro-social correlates. In an experimental field study with a representative Peruvian sample (N = 1254), participants were informed of a highly effective legal management of corruption control (95% of cases were tried and punished) versus a control of low efficacy (only 5% were triedand punished). The induced information on the effectiveness in the control and sanction of corruption led to a greater perception of collective efficacy in dealing with deviation and a better balance of socio-emotional climate in the high-efficacy group. The most effective experimental induction interacted with interest in politics and produced a greater percep-tion of efficacy in the control of corruption and a better balance of socio-emotional climate in people of high interest. Additionally, it is observed that the identification with Peru increased only in people who previously trusted the justice system (judicial power) and who were informed of a high efficiency of corruption control. The results are discussed within the framework of the group dynamics of control of deviance and group identity and the importance of the institutional context and the level of interest in politics. ; Este artículo revisa la definición de corrupción y sus correlatos individuales, macro y micro sociales. En un estudio de campo experimental con una muestra representativa peruana (N= 1,254), se informó a los participantes de una gestión jurídica del control de la corrupción de alta eficacia (un 95% de los casos fueron juzgados y sancionados) versus un control de baja eficacia (solo un 5% fue juzgado y sancionado). La información inducida sobre la eficacia en el control y sanción de la corrupción provocó una mayor percepción de eficacia colectiva para tratar la desviación y una mejor balanza de clima socioemocional en el grupo de alta eficacia. La inducción experimental de mayor eficacia interactuó con el interés en la política y produjo mayor percepción de eficacia en el control de corrupción y mejor balanza de clima socioemocional en las personas de alto interés. Adicionalmente, se observa que la identificación con el Perú aumentó solo en las personas que confiaban previamente en el sistema de justicia (poder judicial) y que fueron informadas de una alta eficacia de control de la corrupción. Se discuten los resultados en el marco de la dinámica grupal de control de la desviación e identidad grupal y la importancia del contexto institucional y del nivel de interés en la política. ; Cet article passe en revue la définition de la corruption et ses corrélats individuels, macro et microsociaux. Dans une étude de terrain expérimentale avec un échantillon péruvien représentatif (N = 1253), les participants ont été informés de la gestion juridique efficace (95% des cas ont été jugés) par rapport à inefficace (seulement 5% ont été jugés). La perception de l'efficacité du groupe induit a provoqué une plus grande perception de l'efficacité collective pour traiter la déviation et un meilleur climat émotionnel. L'induction expérimentale plus efficace a interagi avec l'intérêt pour la politique et a produit une plus grande perception de l'efficacité dans le contrôle de la corruption et un meilleur climat chez les personnes de grand intérêt. De plus, il est observé que l'identification avec le Pérou n'a augmenté que chez les personnes qui avaient auparavant confiance en la justice et qui étaient informées de l'efficacité élevée du contrôle des écarts. Les résultats sont discutés dans le cadre de la dynamique de groupe du contrôle de la déviation et de l'identité du groupe et de l'importance du contexte institutionnel et du niveau d'intérêt pour la politique. ; Este artigo analisa a definição de corrupção e os seus correlatos individuais, macro e microssociais. Num estudo de campo experimental, com uma amostra peruana representativa (N = 1254), os participantes foram informados que existia uma gestão legal eficaz no controlo da corrupção (95% dos casos foram julgados e punidos) versus ineficaz (apenas 5% foram julgados e punidos). A informação sobre a eficácia no controlo e punição da corrupção induziu maior percepção de eficácia coletiva no controlo do desvio e melhor clima emocional. A indução experimental mais efetiva interagiu com o interesse na política e produziu uma maior percepção de eficácia no controlo da corrupção e melhor clima na condição de eficácia elevada. Além disso, observa-se que a identificação com o Peru aumentou apenas em pessoas que confiavam previamente na justiça e que foram informadas sobre eficácia elevada no controlo de desvio. Os resultados são discutidos no âmbito da dinâmica de grupo de controle de desvio e identidade de grupo e a importância do contexto institucional e o nível de interesse em política.
In: Palgrave Handbook of Research in Historical Culture and Education, S. 491-510
In: Social science research: a quarterly journal of social science methodology and quantitative research, Band 51, S. 189-204
ISSN: 1096-0317
In: International journal of intercultural relations: IJIR ; official publ. of SIETAR, the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, Band 41, S. 112-124
ISSN: 1873-7552
In: Journal of prevention & intervention in the community, Band 49, Heft 4, S. 385-396
ISSN: 1540-7330
The study set out to integrate collective action models and emphasize the role of emotions. Whereas the importance of anger is indisputable, relatively little attention has been paid to the role of positive emotions, such as hope, in collective action research. Hence, the aim of the study was to explore the role of hope and anger as drivers of participation and involvement in collective mobilizations. A cross-sectional field study (N = 638) conducted right after the emergence of the 15-M socio-political protest movement in Spain assessed the emotions and beliefs of both demonstrators and those who took no part in the active mobilization. We hypothesized that anger and hope would sequentially mediate the relationship between collective action frames and participation in collective action. Furthermore, to test this premise, we ran two alternative sequential mediation models based on the social identity model of collective action (SIMCA) and the encapsulated model of social identity in collective action (EMSICA), but with emotions as mediators between collective action frames and intensity of participation. Both models fit the data well, suggesting the importance of considering multiple causal pathways, and showing that anger and hope sequentially mediate the relation between these frames and involvement in collective action. The results support the crucial role of hope in mobilizing individuals to take part in collective action. ; peerReviewed ; publishedVersion
The study set out to integrate collective action models and emphasize the role of emotions. Whereas the importance of anger is indisputable, relatively little attention has been paid to the role of positive emotions, such as hope, in collective action research. Hence, the aim of the study was to explore the role of hope and anger as drivers of participation and involvement in collective mobilizations. A cross-sectional field study (N = 638) conducted right after the emergence of the 15-M socio-political protest movement in Spain assessed the emotions and beliefs of both demonstrators and those who took no part in the active mobilization. We hypothesized that anger and hope would sequentially mediate the relationship between collective action frames and participation in collective action. Furthermore, to test this premise, we ran two alternative sequential mediation models based on the social identity model of collective action (SIMCA) and the encapsulated model of social identity in collective action (EMSICA), but with emotions as mediators between collective action frames and intensity of participation. Both models fit the data well, suggesting the importance of considering multiple causal pathways, and showing that anger and hope sequentially mediate the relation between these frames and involvement in collective action. The results support the crucial role of hope in mobilizing individuals to take part in collective action.
In: Sage open, Band 13, Heft 3
ISSN: 2158-2440
A recent line of research in the field of humor has proposed the existence of two morally based comic styles. One of them, corrective humor (or satire), seeks to ridicule and mock to establish justice. In contrast, benevolent humor attempts to correct deviances using humor in a friendly manner understanding human imperfections. Considering their focus on correcting what is perceived as morally wrong, in this study we seek to examine how these styles can affect the evaluation that is made of politicians after being exposed to humor that attacks them. To achieve this, we conducted an experiment in which three groups had to evaluate two politicians after being exposed to different stimuli (memes that ridiculed them, images with the same content without its humorous content, or no exposure; total n = 160). Our results demonstrate that it is corrective humor and not benevolent humor that influences the evaluation and that it does so positively; people with higher scores in corrective humor have a better evaluation of politicians after seeing memes with anti-politician content. We discuss possible explanations for this finding and implications for political psychology and humor studies.
This article examines the effects of participation in transitional justice rituals. Truth Commissions and trials have instrumental goals of distributive justice, and serve as rituals given their marked symbolic character, helping to achieve reconciliation and the reconstruction of social norms. Evidence suggests that participation in trials increases negative emotion and negative emotional climate. However participants in such rituals have evidenced increased empowerment, despite conditions of limited justice and reparation. Moreover, participation in Gacaca or popular trials in Rwanda, decreases shame in victims, and decreases negative stereotypes and increases individualization of out-groups. Finally, a collective analysis of 16 Latin America nations found that trials and a successful Truth Commission reinforces respect for human rights. ; El análisis de las experiencias de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación en Sudáfrica, los juicios populares o Gacaca en Ruanda y los rituales de los procesos de transición a la democracia concluye que la participación en comisiones y juicios implica un coste emocional para los participantes (aumenta la emocionalidad negativa y los síntomas) y aumenta el clima emocional negativo en la sociedad, pero también aumenta la sensación de control y eficacia de los participantes, disminuye algunas emociones negativas en los sobrevivientes como la vergüenza, y aumenta los estereotipos positivos y una visión más diferenciada del exogrupo. En países de América Latina donde se han desarrollado procesos y comisiones de verdad más eficaces, se constató una mejora del respeto a los derechos humanos.
In: Magallania: anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, serie ciencias humanas, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 159-169
ISSN: 0718-2244