Forecasting Energy Consumption of Turkey by Arima Model
In: Journal of Asian scientific research, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 52-60
ISSN: 2223-1331
784 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Asian scientific research, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 52-60
ISSN: 2223-1331
In: Fiscaoeconomia: FSECON : international journal of political economics, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 2492-2515
ISSN: 2564-7504
Teknolojinin gelişmesi ve dünyanın küreselleşmesi ile günümüzde firmalarda maddi varlıklara verilen değerin yanında bilgiyi temsil eden ve firmaya sürdürülebilirlik ve rekabet avantajı sunan maddi olmayan varlık entelektüel sermaye de dikkatleri üstüne çekmiştir. Firmaların sürdürülebilir olması için kârlılığın maksimize edilmesi ve temettü politikasının da işlevsel olması önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, katma değerli entelektüel katsayı (VAIC) ile hesaplanan entelektüel sermayenin, entelektüel sermaye unsurlarının, firma performans ölçütü olarak aktif kârlılık oranı (ROA), firma büyüklüğü, hisse senedi mevcut fiyatı ve kaldıraç oranının firmaların temettü politikası üzerine etkisi olup olmadığı iki farklı Panel veri modellemesi ile araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Model hem temettü dağıtımı hem de likidite açısından öne çıkan hisse senetlerini kapsayan BIST 25 Temettü endeksinde yer alan ve imalat sektöründe faaliyet gösteren 11 firmanın 2019-2021 dönemine ait verileri kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Verinin modele uyduğu en uygun model seçimi bilgi kriterleri vasıtasıyla, modellerin analizi ise Panel veri modellemesi ile yapılmıştır. Model 1'de entelektüel sermayenin temettü dağıtım oranına etkisi olmadığı, Model 2' de müşteri sermayesinin temettü dağıtım oranına etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılırken her iki modelde firma performansı, firma büyüklüğü, hisse senedi mevcut fiyatı, kaldıraç oranı değişkenleri için benzer bulgular elde edilmiştir. Verinin modele uyumu en iyi Model 2'de sağlanmıştır.
In: Journal of common market studies: JCMS, Band 62, Heft 3, S. 914-915
ISSN: 1468-5965
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, S. 309-330
National and international energy policies have very important role in regional and global power equilibrium and its importance is increasing. In this respect, diversification of energy resources and their transportations routes, efficient use of local resources and the use of existing energy resources with various technological and strategic practices in the most efficient way possible are necessary in order to improve energy security and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources. Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources stand out as an important issues especially regarding energy supply security, reducing foreign energy dependency, economic development, maintaining the balance between environment and sustainability as well as making important gains in all these issues. Thus, Improving energy efficiency saves money, reduces carbon emissions and decreases country's dependence on foreign energy supplies. Energy security—the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price—can also profit from improved energy efficiency by decreasing the reliance on imported fossil fuels. Possible improvements in energy efficiency are examined in six main categories: (1) buildings, (2) industry, (3) transportation, (4) electricity generation and distribution, (5) appliances and equipment, and (6) lighting
In: Journal of Education and Human Development June 2022, Band 11, Heft 2
Working paper
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 25, Heft 30, S. 30517-30546
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: Progress in nuclear energy: the international review journal covering all aspects of nuclear energy, Band 100, S. 71-81
ISSN: 0149-1970
This paper examines (i) whether the government interventions in the forms of border protection and as price support have weakened the integrations of domestic cotton markets of China, Brazil and Turkey with the world cotton market and (ii) how a weak cointegration of a domestic market with international market affects the world cotton trade. We address the first question by estimating price and exchange rates transmission elasticities using an error correction model and the second question by conducting a partial equilibrium model. Results indicate that the estimated elasticities are significantly smaller than unitary, which suggests that the cointegration is weak and the law of one price (LOP) does not hold. Furthermore, when cointegration is weak, exchange rate movements have lower impact on exports, imports and prices than they do in the case of strong cointegration.
In: Journal of social sciences: interdisciplinary reflection of contemporary society, Band 47, Heft 1, S. 41-48
ISSN: 2456-6756
In: The European journal of development research: journal of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
ISSN: 0957-8811
World Affairs Online
In: International journal of sustainable development & world ecology, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 122-131
ISSN: 1745-2627
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 22, Heft 20, S. 15459-15468
ISSN: 1614-7499
In: The European journal of development research, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 184-212
ISSN: 1743-9728