93 Ergebnisse
Acceptance Speech for World Marxian Economics Award (III)
In: World review of political economy: journal of the World Association for Political Economy, Band 7, Heft 4
ISSN: 2042-8928
Roles of Social Research in Policy Development:: Sociological Issues Surrounding Government Statistics
In: Shakaigaku hyōron: Japanese sociological review, Band 66, Heft 2, S. 278-294
ISSN: 1884-2755
"Good Manner of Dying" as a Normative Concept: "Autocide,""Granny Dumping" and Discussions on Euthanasia/Death with Dignity in Japan
In: International journal of Japanese sociology, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 49-63
ISSN: 1475-6781
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to clarify the two characteristics of the way the issue of euthanasia/death with dignity has been discussed in Japan, compared with the situation in Europe and the USA. The two characteristics are: (i) that the concept of "euthanasia" is sharply distinguished from that of "death with dignity" in Japan in that the former only refers to the killing of a patient by administration of a lethal drug while the latter refers to letting a patient die by withholding or withdrawing life‐prolonging medical treatments; and (ii) that the view that it is sinful to commit suicide is not as common in Japan as it is in the West. In order to clarify these characteristics, I examine the nature of suicide and murder in relation to the issue of euthanasia and death with dignity while briefly reviewing the history of the debates in Japan in order to see how the characteristic understanding of "death with dignity" has generated. I also clarify, by giving examples, the structure of those narratives with regards to the "good manner of dying," which excludes from society the elderly and people with incurable diseases and ones with motor and intellectual disabilities. In the end, I describe how biopolitics functions in the current Japanese situation.
Rede de saúde do trabalhador para o estado de São Paulo
In: São Paulo em perspectiva: publication of the Fundação SEADE, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 86-97
O artigo reúne documentos do Ministério da Saúde e contribuições dos membros da Comissão Intra-Setorial de Saúde do Trabalhador, criada para integrar e harmonizar o trabalho dos diversos setores da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo que lidam com a questão saúde e trabalho. Esta comissão elaborou o Plano de Ações de Saúde do Trabalhador para o Estado de São Paulo (triênio 2002-2003-2004) que estabeleceu, como principal prioridade, a concepção de um modelo para a área de saúde do trabalhador sob a perspectiva de rede de referências técnicas em assistência, vigilância e formação/capacitação.
A Criticism of Public Opinion Polls Conducted by Japanese Local Governments
In: Shakaigaku hyōron: Japanese sociological review, Band 53, Heft 4, S. 471-484
ISSN: 1884-2755
When Science Meets Religion
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 45, Heft 12, S. 1902-1904
ISSN: 1552-3381
When Science Meets Religion
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 45, Heft 12, S. 1902-1904
ISSN: 0002-7642
TF REPORTS: AFRICA: Female Circumcision
In: Toward freedom: a progressive perspective on world events ; TF, Band 47, Heft 6, S. 21
ISSN: 1063-4134
A Human Capital Approach to Entrepreneurial Capacity
In: Economica, Band 63, Heft 250, S. 273
Les defis de la région d'Asie-Pacifique vers le XXIe siècle: L'APEC après la conference au sommet d'Osaka
In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union Européenne, Heft 395, S. 84-89
ISSN: 0035-2616
World Affairs Online
Le problème de l'appropriation de Takeshima (Tokdo) : un conflit territorial irrésolu entre le Japon et la Corée du Sud, thèse japonaise
In: Annuaire français de droit international, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 296-307