14 Ergebnisse
Diagnóstico y propuestas para una adecuada planificación de infraestructuras en España
La escasez de recursos públicos y la necesidad cada vez mayor de una asignación eficiente de éstos, ha provocado un creciente interés sobre las inversiones que mayor repercusión pueden tener sobre el desarrollo socioeconómico español. Concretamente, sobre la inversión en infraestructuras, diversos indicadores muestran que no ha sido homogénea durante los últimos años de modo que, en algunos casos, su dotación relativa se encuentra por encima de la media de los países más avanzados del mundo mientras que, en otros, claramente se encuentra por debajo. Son de diferente naturaleza los errores que se han sucediendo durante los últimos años ligados a la inversión en infraestructuras: desde una notable falta de planificación y compromiso político en el largo plazo, a una legislación que paulatinamente tiende a reducir las garantías mínimas para los inversores o las deficiencias en las estimaciones recogidas en los estudios técnicos. Con todo ello, en este artículo se proponen una serie de medidas encaminadas a garantizar una planificación de largo plazo y una inversión sostenida en infraestructuras basada en la justificación de su rentabilidad social. ; The lack of public funds and the ever-increasing need for a more efficient allocation of the same has led to a growing interest regarding those investments with greater repercussions for the socio-economic development of the country. In this regard, different indicators show that investment in infrastructure has not remained constant over recent years and in some instances, the relative funding for infrastructure has been well above the average of the most advanced countries in the world, while in others, it has clearly lagged behind. However, varying errors have befallen infrastructure investment over recent years, ranging from a clear lack of planning and long-term political commitment, to a legislation that has gradually tended to reduce the minimum guarantees for investors, or deficiencies in the estimates established by technical studies. Under this scenario, the article proposes a series of measures aimed at guaranteeing long-term planning and sustainable investment in infrastructure based on the justification of their social benefits.
El modelo "Transit Oriented Development (T.O.D.)": posibilidades de implementación en el Corredor Alicante-Benidorm
En este artículo se justifica la viabilidad de la implementación del modelo TOD en el Corredor Alicante-Benidorm en España. La oportunidad de la aplicación de este modelo radica en la proliferación del desarrollo de baja densidad residencial a lo largo de la Costa del Mediterráneo español, y en concreto, en la provincia de Alicante, con los conocidos problemas que ello conlleva y la necesidad de atajarlos. Para justificar esa viabilidadse realiza una comparativa con ámbitos espaciales de otras regiones europeas – Holanda y Alemania – desde un punto de vista tanto técnico (población, densidad, modelo territorial, red de transporte público, etc.) como administrativo (competencial, legislativo, etc.). Finalmente, se recogen algunos ejemplos concretos en el Área Metropolitana de Alicante donde podrían materializarse los principios del TOD. ; This article justifies the feasibility of implementing the TOD model in Alicante-Benidorm Corridor. The reason of the application of this model lies in the proliferation of urban sprawlalong the Spanish Mediterranean coast and, in particular, in Alicante Province, with the well-known problems that this development entails and the need to stop them. To justify that viability, a comparative analysis regarding other European regions– Netherlands and Germany– will be carried out from the point of view of both technical (population density, territorial model, public transport.) and administrative (powers, legislative.) factors. Finally, some concrete examples are collected in Alicante Metropolitan Area where TOD principles could be materialized. ; Peer Reviewed
El modelo "Transit Oriented Development (T.O.D.)" Posibilidades de implementación en el Corredor Alicante-Benidorm
En este artículo se justifica la viabilidad de la implementación del modelo TOD en el Corredor Alicante-Benidorm en España. La oportunidad de la aplicación de este modelo radica en la proliferación del desarrollo de baja densidad residencial a lo largo de la Costa del Mediterráneo español, y en concreto, en la provincia de Alicante, con los conocidos problemas que ello conlleva y la necesidad de atajarlos. Para justificar esa viabilidad se realiza una comparativa con ámbitos espaciales de otras regiones europeas – Holanda y Alemania – desde un punto de vista tanto técnico (población, densidad, modelo territorial, red de transporte público, etc.) como administrativo (competencial, legislativo, etc.). Finalmente, se recogen algunos ejemplos concretos en el Área Metropolitana de Alicante donde podrían materializarse los principios del TOD. ; This article justifies the feasibility of implementing the TOD model in Alicante-Benidorm Corridor. The reason of the application of this model lies in the proliferation of urban sprawlalong the Spanish Mediterranean coast and, in particular, in Alicante Province, with the well-known problems that this development entails and the need to stop them. To justify that viability, a comparative analysis regarding other European regions– Netherlands and Germany– will be carried out from the point of view of both technical (population density, territorial model, public transport.) and administrative (powers, legislative.) factors. Finally, some concrete examples are collected in Alicante Metropolitan Area where TOD principles could be materialized.
El modelo "Transit Oriented Development (T.O.D.)": posibilidades de implementación en el Corredor Alicante-Benidorm
En este artículo se justifica la viabilidad de la implementación del modelo TOD en el Corredor Alicante-Benidorm en España. La oportunidad de la aplicación de este modelo radica en la proliferación del desarrollo de baja densidad residencial a lo largo de la Costa del Mediterráneo español, y en concreto, en la provincia de Alicante, con los conocidos problemas que ello conlleva y la necesidad de atajarlos. Para justificar esa viabilidadse realiza una comparativa con ámbitos espaciales de otras regiones europeas – Holanda y Alemania – desde un punto de vista tanto técnico (población, densidad, modelo territorial, red de transporte público, etc.) como administrativo (competencial, legislativo, etc.). Finalmente, se recogen algunos ejemplos concretos en el Área Metropolitana de Alicante donde podrían materializarse los principios del TOD. ; This article justifies the feasibility of implementing the TOD model in Alicante-Benidorm Corridor. The reason of the application of this model lies in the proliferation of urban sprawlalong the Spanish Mediterranean coast and, in particular, in Alicante Province, with the well-known problems that this development entails and the need to stop them. To justify that viability, a comparative analysis regarding other European regions– Netherlands and Germany– will be carried out from the point of view of both technical (population density, territorial model, public transport.) and administrative (powers, legislative.) factors. Finally, some concrete examples are collected in Alicante Metropolitan Area where TOD principles could be materialized. ; Peer Reviewed
Costs of providing local public services and compact population in Spanish urbanised areas
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 58, S. 234-240
ISSN: 0264-8377
Reutilización de aguas y ocio: Campos de golf ; Reuse of Wastewater in Golf Courses
El espectacular aumento de campos de golf en el levante español durante las últimas décadas unido a la creciente preocupación sobre la sostenibilidad de los recursos hídricos ha suscitado un intenso debate sobre la relación entre los campos de golf y complejos inmobiliarios asociados y sus necesidades hídricas. Así, este artículo hará referencia a las tipologías emergentes de complejos urbanísticos ligados a campos de golf como punto de partida de análisis. A continuación, se hará un repaso a las necesidades de riego de un campo de golf y las posibilidades de reutilización, estimando el número de viviendas necesarias en el complejo urbanístico para que el campo de golf se pueda regar íntegramente con los efluentes depurados de las viviendas anexas al campo —2.000-3.000 viviendas—. El tema finalizará con un repaso a la legislación sobre el riego de campos de golf. ; The dramatic numerical increase of golf courses in the last decades in eastern Spain, along with the growing concern about the sustainability of water resources, has sparked an intense debate about the relationship between golf courses and real estate development over the demand for water. Thus, this article will focus on the emerging types of housing complexes linked to golf as a starting point for analysis. Next, we will consider the application of reused water for irrigating golf courses by estimating the number of homes in the real estate development complex —approximately 2.000 to 3.000— required to keep the sporting field watered with treated effluent from those private residences. Finally, the article provides an overview of legislation related to reused water and the irrigation of golf courses. ; El contenido de este artículo es fruto de la financiación de tres proyectos de investigación. El primero fue llevado a cabo desde el Departamento de Geografía Humana de la Universidad de Alicante gracias a un convenio con el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente en 2006. Este trabajo, titulado "Impacto territorial de los campos de golf y operaciones asociadas en el levante español" fue dirigido por José Ramón Navarro-Vera y Armando Ortuño-Padilla. El segundo fue parte del proyecto titulado "Procesos recientes de urbanización y gestión sostenible del agua: una exploración sobre las relaciones en la costa mediterránea de la Península Ibérica (1990-2008)", financiado por el CYCIT en 2009 (CSO2009-12772-03-03) y dirigido por María Hernández, miembro del Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad de Alicante. El tercero, titulado "Urbanización y metabolismo hídrico en la costa de Alicante: análisis de tendencias en el periodo 2000-2010" (CSO2012-36997-C02-02), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad en el marco de los Programas de Investigación no orientados. Además, Patricia Fernández-Aracil es beneficiaria de las ayudas para contratos destinados a la formación predoctoral, enmarcadas en el Programa Propio del Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación para el fomento de la I+D+i en la Universidad de Alicante.
Does the Implementation of Ride-Hailing Services Affect Urban Road Safety? The Experience of Madrid
In recent years, changes have occurred in consumption, ownership, and social relations, giving rise to new economic models in which technology enables new ways of connecting, creating, and sharing value. The nature of transport has transformed with the emergence of mobile applications, such as Uber and Cabify, which offer an alternative to the services traditionally provided by the taxi and chauffeur-driven hire vehicle (CDV) sectors. These services have developed within a context of market regulation of the taxi and CDV which are subject to considerable unjustified restrictions for entering and operating in the market, including the numerus clausus of licenses, the limited geographical scope of the license and, in the case of taxis, the regulation of prices as inflexible public rates. Bearing in mind the latest legislative changes affecting mostly the provision of the services of these platforms, this study analyzes whether the number of traffic accident victims has fallen since the introduction of these services in the city of Madrid using a Random Effects Negative Binominal model. The results show that the deployment of these platforms is associated with a reduction of 25% in the number of serious injuries and deaths. ; María Flor García is currently developing her doctoral thesis on sharing economy and mobility, and received an FPU grant from the University of Alicante: UAFPU2018-028.
Factors related to municipal costs of waste collection service in Spain
Actual cost of services of local entities (CESEL, in Spanish) is the name of a new official source of statistics in Spain, provided by Ministry of Finance and Civil Service, which intends to bring some transparency to a very obscure question: the real costs of local public services, in this case, the collection costs of municipal solid waste (MSW). The study analyzes the factors that determine solid waste collection costs in 2014, using a cross-sectional dataset of municipalities of the Spanish Mediterranean Arch and Madrid, with special reference to urban development. The results of the regression reveal a positive relation between waste collection costs and factors such as higher wages, coastal municipalities, tourist areas, population and separated collection; in contrast, the increase in urban population density contributes to lower costs of MSW collection, as well as indirect management of the service is cheaper than direct public delivery. ; This work was supported by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante (Patricia Fernández-Aracil has a scholarship for The Training of University Teachers from the University of Alicante) and by the University Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences of the University of Alicante.
Development strategies at station areas in southwestern China: The case of Mianyang city
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 68, S. 660-670
ISSN: 0264-8377
The impact of out-of-town shopping centres on town-centre retailers and employment: The case of the Region of Murcia
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 65, S. 277-286
ISSN: 0264-8377
Golf courses and land use patterns in the south-east of Spain
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 51, S. 206-214
ISSN: 0264-8377
[EN] This article provides an overview of the privatization of railway passengers market in Spain through a background to the most relevant cases studies in Europe, particularly the liberalization process in England. The English case study is a paradigmatic example to assess how the liberalization process was developed and its effect in the present. This assessment has been undertaken to analyse the railway franchise structure, ticketing measures, role of national and regional authorities, etc. and possible analogies to be adapted to the case of Spain. Firstly, this article reviews the origin of the privatization of the railway market in both Spain and England, describing every phase of the liberalization and the success of every stage. Secondly, a critical approach assessment exposes those market failures of the liberalization process in England that caused negative impacts on society. In addition, the role of the Government is analysed to measure their implication in order to solve that situation. Furthermore, the paper expounds a wide analysis of the rail ticketing in England, its effects on increased passenger number. Finally, this article proposes some measures to be followed on the privatization of passenger rail market in Spain, as well as some key concepts to guarantee its success as taken from the case studies that have been reviewed. ; Fernández Morote, G.; Ortuño Padilla, A.; Fernández Aracil, P. (2016). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LIBERALIZATION PROCESS OF PASSENGERS RAILWAY MARKET IN SPAIN AND ENGLAND. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 553-560. ; OCS ; 553 ; 560
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Construction of a New Desalination Plant and Enlargement of an Existing Desalination Plant in Águilas, Murcia, Spain
This paper illustrates the main results of work in progress for a project that has been funded by the European Commission. Under the supervision of CSIL (Centre for Industrial Studies), it reports the story of the construction of the new desalination plant in Águilas/enlargement of Águilas desalination plant, a project co-financed by the European Union during the programming period 2000–2006. More specifically, this is an ex-post evaluation assessing the long-term effects produced by the investment and aimed at understanding the mechanisms and determinants likely to have contributed to produce these effects. The analysis draws on an ex-post cost–benefit analysis and an extensive set of qualitative evidence, both secondary (official reports, press articles, books and research papers) and primary (site visits and interviews with key stakeholders and experts that were carried out in October and November 2018). The project is considered to be successful overall as it achieved its intended primary objectives. The cost of desalinated water produced by the new plant was €325,274 per cubic hectometer in 2017. When considering its impact on the served population, the final assessment is unambiguously positive, given the measurable effects on employment, diversification of traditional crops and boosting agriculture technology in the area. Besides these effects, interviews with local stakeholders have revealed that additional, complementary water-saving investments are planned on infrastructure for water storage and irrigation modernization as a consequence of this project implementation, assuring the sustainability of this investment for future generations in the Alto Guadalentín county.