Entrevista a José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
In: Leviatán: revista de hechos e ideas, Heft 82, S. 5-24
ISSN: 0210-6337
12 Ergebnisse
In: Leviatán: revista de hechos e ideas, Heft 82, S. 5-24
ISSN: 0210-6337
In: Leviatán: revista de hechos e ideas, Heft 73, S. 5-40
ISSN: 0210-6337
In: Leviatán: revista de hechos e ideas, Heft 64, S. 5-30
ISSN: 0210-6337
This article analyses the link between human capital and regional economic growth in the European Union. Using various indicators of human capital calculated from census microdata, we conclude that the recent economic performance of European regions is associated with an increase in overeducation. In fact, measures of educational mismatch seem to be more strongly connected to regional economic performance than do other traditional measures of human capital stock.
Este trabajo ofrece elementos de reflexión sobre la reforma de las políticas activas en España. La descentralización de las políticas activas entre distintos niveles de gobierno dificulta la coordinación y plantea problemas de riesgo moral que se acentúan por la falta de medios de los servicios públicos de empleo y el escaso número de evaluaciones rigurosas. Se propone, por tanto, dotar de más recursos a los servicios públicos de empleo, aunar esfuerzos entre las distintas administraciones para mejorar la información estadística existente y fomentar la cultura de evaluación de las políticas realizadas para conseguir una mayor eficiencia y una mayor participación y complicidad de los desempleados.
The paper analyses the link between human capital and regional economic growth in the European Union. Using different indicators of human capital calculated from census microdata, we conclude that the recent economic performance of European regions is associated to an increase in overeducation. In fact, measures of educational mismatch seem to have a stronger connection to regional economic performance than other traditional measures of human capital stocks.
This study expands existing research by considering both exports and tourism as potential influencing factors for economic growth. While trade of goods has been proven as a means of growth for countries, inbound tourism as non-traditional exports, has been scarcely examined in the literature. Using data for Italy and Spain over the period 1954-2000 and 1964-2000 respectively, both exports of goods and tourism exports are included in the same model. Standard cointegration and Granger causality techniques are applied. The main results reveal the significance of both exports and tourism towards longterm growth with some peculiarities for each country.
In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Band 31, Heft 6, S. 1000-1015
ISSN: 1539-6924
In the past few years, the field of dam safety has approached risk informed methodologies throughout the world and several methodologies and programs are appearing to aid in the systematization of the calculations. The most common way of implementing these calculations is through the use of event trees, computing event probabilities, and incremental consequences. This methodology is flexible enough for several situations, but its generalization to the case of systems of several dams is complex and its implementation in a completely general calculation methodology presents some problems. Retaining the event tree framework, a new methodology is proposed to calculate incremental risks. The main advantage of this proposed methodology is the ease with which it can be applied to systems of several dams: with a single risk model that describes the complete system and with a single calculation the incremental risks of the system can be obtained, being able to allocate the risk of each dam and of each failure mode. The article shows how both methodologies are equivalent and also applies them to a case study.
In: Wasserwirtschaft: Hydrologie, Wasserbau, Boden, Ökologie ; Organ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall, Band 102, Heft 9, S. 15-19
ISSN: 2192-8762
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FIS2011-29803-C02-01 and FIS2011-29803-C02-02) and by the Regional Government of Valencia, Spain, under projects PROMETEO/2011/021, ISIC/2012/013, and ACOMP/2013/075.
Next academic year 2010/2011 next degrees will begin in the University of Alicante. In particular, in the Polytechnic High School will start 7 new degrees adequate to the "Real Decreto 1393/2007". Recently Spanish government has described the new legislation to organize the new university degrees according the European Higher Education Area. The recommendations and the laws can bee seen in the official Spanish Government publication named "BOE". One of the main instructions is that the basic subjects must be studied in the first half of the degree with a minimum of 6 ECTS. Taking into account this fact the mobility of the students from one degree to other will be easier. In the University of Alicante Physic subject is an important basic area in Engineering and Architecture degrees. In this sense, in this work we present the project to obtain a common physic subject for each degree. In this project have been participated some of the lectures of the physic of Polytechnic High School in University of Alicante. ; This work was supported by the Office of Strategical Planning & Quality of University of Alicante and by the 'Vicerrectorado de Tecnología e Innovación Educativa' of the University of Alicante, Spain (GITE-09006-UA).