Compliance by Fire Alarm: Regulatory Oversight through Information Feedback Loops
In: Journal of Corporation Law, Forthcoming
25 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Corporation Law, Forthcoming
In: North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology, Band 21, Heft 1
Working paper
In: New York University Journal of Law and Business, Forthcoming
In: American Business Law Journal, Band 53, Heft 1
Working paper
This article describes the processes involving the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's (PTO's) implementation of administrative patent levers related to business methods. Administrative patent levers are conceptualized in this article as rules that represent a coordinated policy at the PTO to target a particular technology class, are often motivated by signals sent by actors within all three branches of government, and can be explained by positive political theory. This article presents an account where policymakers in all branches of government reacted strongly to the dangers posed by business method patents. The PTO's behavior is explained under the "fire-alarm" theory of regulatory change, whereby an administrative agency responds to external institutional pressures and actors. This conceptual analysis of administrative patent levers is then informed by a detailed analysis of business method rules that fall under this category of administrative policymaking at the PTO. A descriptive account is then offered that predicts how the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) would review the PTO's use of administrative patent levers. Ultimately, the CAFC's likely approach is undesirable because it fails to recognize that the PTO engages in policymaking. A normative solution is offered whereby the reviewing courts would apply a "hard look" review under Section 706(2)(A) of the Administrative Procedure Act. This standard would require that the PTO offer objective evidence that any administrative patent levers are warranted. This standard would also require that the PTO address any valid arguments or evidence against the implementation of such technology-specific and policy-oriented rules. Under this line of analysis, it is proposed that current business method administrative patent levers would fail to meet this standard of review.
In: Catholic University Law Review, Forthcoming
In: Territorios: revista de estudios regionales y urbanos, Heft 44
ISSN: 2215-7484
El presente artículo ofrece nueva categorización para el estudio del territorio a partir de una aproximación a la realidad colombiana. Se hace parte de la discusión que sostienen múltiples autores sobre una transdisciplina contemporánea: los estudios territoriales. La reflexión se sirve del mito de Procusto o Procustes, del cual se derivan enseñanzas importantes en torno al establecimiento de la uniformidad territorial por parte del Estado, en contraste con la escasa receptividad a la diferencia propia de la multiterritorialidad presente en la República de Colombia
A strong feeling of uncertainty and discomfort grasps a big group of population marginalized in economic, space, environmental, political, normative and cultural ways all over Colombia, Latin America and the "underdeveloped countries", countries that during decades have witnessed and taken part in the most important transformations of the urban planet without being able to attain the social benefits that their citizenship condition should allow them to. The article presents a particular vision of a universal phenomenon and looks out to manage the debate in the direction of one renewed denomination of itself. ; Un fuerte sentimiento de incertidumbre y desasosiego se apodera de grupos importantes de población marginada en Colombia, América Latina y el "mundo subdesarrollado", que durante décadas han presenciado y protagonizado parte de las más importantes transformaciones del planeta urbano sin poder acceder a los beneficios sociales, económicos, espaciales, ambientales, políticos, normativos y culturales que debiera conllevar su naturaleza de citadinos y ciudadanos. El artículo presenta una visión particular de un fenómeno universal y busca orientar el debate en dirección a una renovada denominación del mismo.
A strong feeling of uncertainty and discomfort grasps a big group of population marginalized in economic, space, environmental, political, normative and cultural ways all over Colombia, Latin America and the "underdeveloped countries", countries that during decades have witnessed and taken part in the most important transformations of the urban planet without being able to attain the social benefits that their citizenship condition should allow them to. The article presents a particular vision of a universal phenomenon and looks out to manage the debate in the direction of one renewed denomination of itself. ; Un fuerte sentimiento de incertidumbre y desasosiego se apodera de grupos importantes de población marginada en Colombia, América Latina y el "mundo subdesarrollado", que durante décadas han presenciado y protagonizado parte de las más importantes transformaciones del planeta urbano sin poder acceder a los beneficios sociales, económicos, espaciales, ambientales, políticos, normativos y culturales que debiera conllevar su naturaleza de citadinos y ciudadanos. El artículo presenta una visión particular de un fenómeno universal y busca orientar el debate en dirección a una renovada denominación del mismo.
No body refutes the fact that Santiago de Cali has shown for several decades, important problems in its development as an urban and regional center with singular relevance in the country's territorial organization. This essay pretends to provide important elements to an ongoing debate, about Government assisted housing without detaching it from a more complex issue, as is the creation of a city. ; Ya casi nadie discute que Santiago de Cali presenta, desde hace algunas décadas, problemas importantes en su desenvolvimiento como centro urbano y regional de singular relevancia en la organización territorial del país. El presente ensayo pretende aportar a un debate sin madurar, el cual, refiriéndose en concreto al tema de la producción de vivienda de interés social, no lo desliga de un asunto de mayor complejidad, como es la producción de ciudad.
No body refutes the fact that Santiago de Cali has shown for several decades, important problems in its development as an urban and regional center with singular relevance in the country's territorial organization. This essay pretends to provide important elements to an ongoing debate, about Government assisted housing without detaching it from a more complex issue, as is the creation of a city. ; Ya casi nadie discute que Santiago de Cali presenta, desde hace algunas décadas, problemas importantes en su desenvolvimiento como centro urbano y regional de singular relevancia en la organización territorial del país. El presente ensayo pretende aportar a un debate sin madurar, el cual, refiriéndose en concreto al tema de la producción de vivienda de interés social, no lo desliga de un asunto de mayor complejidad, como es la producción de ciudad.
In: Journal of business ethics: JBE, Band 119, Heft 2, S. 275-286
ISSN: 1573-0697
In: Journal of peace research, Band 57, Heft 4, S. 551-563
ISSN: 1460-3578
A bargaining framework and a measure of conflict polarization are developed from two elements: (i) hatred-based negative externalities experienced by the parties to the conflict, and (ii) penalties the parties impose on their delegated negotiators when concessions are made in the bargaining process. The framework establishes agreement and disagreement regions and it is shown that a necessary condition for a negotiated solution is the adoption of a dual policy that combines dissociative political and military strategies. This analytical approach is applied first to polarized conflicts generally and then to the specific case of the internal conflict in Colombia between that country's government and the FARC guerrilla group. The model provides a rationale for the complex dynamic of Colombia's current peace process, which has involved a preliminary agreement and its subsequent rejection in a national referendum. Our analysis highlights the successful dissociative political-military strategy followed by the negotiators that enabled them to reach the agreement and the negotiators' underestimation of the hatred levels that led the majority of the Colombian society represented in the referendum to vote the agreement down because they considered the concessions made by the government too generous to be acceptable.
World Affairs Online
Working paper