MUSES - Ocean Multi-Use Action Plan
Combining maritime uses, either through joint operations or joint installations, can reduce spatial pressures on European Seas and create new opportunities for socio-economic development, along with potential environmental benefits. 'Multi-use' implies a radical change from the concept of exclusive resource rights to an inclusive sharing of resources by one or more users. Thus multi-use often does not come naturally, but shall be motivated by clear drivers and added-values. This also implies that 'multi-use' solutions are not exclusively better than 'single-use' options. It is important to carefully consider local conditions when making a decision on whether to favour single – or multi-use in a given location. Further development of multi-use requires actions mainly from the users themselves, but also backed by research and legislation at all levels. Based on two years of systematic research, combined with extensive stakeholder involvement, within the framework of the Horizon 2020 funded MUSES project, the Action Plan details what actions are required and by whom in the coming years to turn the concept of Multi-Use in European sea basins into real life implementation.