10 Ergebnisse
Contextual influences on chronic illness: A multi-level analysis in the twin cities of Ramallah and Al Bireh in the occupied Palestinian Territory
The features of the urban environment can support human health as well as harm it, but less is known about such influences in the context of middle eastern countries. The association between green space and the political classifications of the urban environment and the risk of chronic illness was investigated in a novel setting, the twin cities of Ramallah and Albireh in the occupied Palestinian territory. We used a generalised multi-level regression analysis to link the 2017 census data with Geographic Information System data. We modelled individuals at level one (n = 54693) and areas of residence at level two (n = 228), adjusting for individual demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The proportions of 'mixed' trees in residential areas had a significant inverse association with the risk of chronic illness. On the political dimension, only living in a refugee camp had a significant positive association with chronic illness; however, this was largely explained and rendered non-significant when green space variables were entered into the models. Our ability to differentiate between several types of green space was important, as findings demonstrated that not all types were associated with reduced risk of chronic illness. Our results from a middle eastern setting add to the largely Western existing evidence, that trees in urban settings are important and beneficial to human health. Researchers and policymakers should pay more attention to the health consequences of refugee camps but also the role of trees in benefiting individuals' health in such a disadvantaged context.
Contextual influences on chronic illness: a multi-level analysis in the twin cities of Ramallah and Al Bireh in the occupied Palestinian Territory
The features of the urban environment can support human health as well as harm it, but less is known about such influences in the context of middle eastern countries. The association between green space and the political classifications of the urban environment and the risk of chronic illness was investigated in a novel setting, the twin cities of Ramallah and Albireh in the occupied Palestinian territory. We used a generalised multi-level regression analysis to link the 2017 census data with Geographic Information System data. We modelled individuals at level one (n = 54693) and areas of residence at level two (n = 228), adjusting for individual demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The proportions of 'mixed' trees in residential areas had a significant inverse association with the risk of chronic illness. On the political dimension, only living in a refugee camp had a significant positive association with chronic illness; however, this was largely explained and rendered non-significant when green space variables were entered into the models. Our ability to differentiate between several types of green space was important, as findings demonstrated that not all types were associated with reduced risk of chronic illness. Our results from a middle eastern setting add to the largely Western existing evidence, that trees in urban settings are important and beneficial to human health. Researchers and policymakers should pay more attention to the health consequences of refugee camps but also the role of trees in benefiting individuals' health in such a disadvantaged context.
Effects of new motorway infrastructure on active travel in the local population: a retrospective repeat cross-sectional study in Glasgow, Scotland
BACKGROUND: Promoting active travel is an important part of increasing population physical activity, which has both physical and mental health benefits. A key benefit described by the then Scottish Government of the five-mile M74 motorway extension, which opened during June 2011 in the south of Glasgow, was that the forecast reduction in motor traffic on local streets would make these streets safer for walking and cycling, thus increasing active travel by the local population. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of new motorway infrastructure on the proportion of journey stages made actively (cycling or on foot) by individuals travelling in and out of the local area. METHODS: Data for the periods 2009-10 and 2012-13 were extracted from the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) travel diaries, which record each journey stage made during the previous day by a representative sample of the Scottish population aged 16 and over. Each individual journey stage was assigned to one of the following study areas surrounding existing and new transport infrastructure: (1) an area surrounding the new M74 motorway extension (n = 435 (2009-10), 543 (2012-13)), (2) a comparator area surrounding an existing motorway (n = 477 (2009-10), 560 (2012-13)), and (3) a control area containing no comparable motorway infrastructure (n = 541 (2009-10), 593 (2012-13)). Multivariable, multi-level regression analysis was performed to determine any between-area differences in change in active travel over time, which might indicate an intervention effect. Reference populations were defined using two alternative definitions, (1) Glasgow City and (2) Glasgow and surrounding local authorities. RESULTS: The results showed an increase in the proportion of journey stages using active travel in all study areas compared to both reference populations. However, there were no significant between-area differences to suggest an effect attributable the M74 motorway extension. CONCLUSIONS: There was no clear evidence that the M74 motorway extension either increased or decreased active travel in the local area. The anticipation by policy makers that reduced motorised traffic on local streets might increase journeys walked or cycled appears to have been unfounded. ; This study was funded by the NIHR Public Health Research programme (project number 11/3005/07: see and DO is funded by the MRC Medical Research Council (MC_UP_12015/6). ; This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from BioMed Central via
Neighbourhood natural space and the narrowing of socioeconomic inequality in children's social, emotional, and behavioural wellbeing
In: Wellbeing, space and society, Band 2, S. 100051
ISSN: 2666-5581
Inequalities in neighbourhood features within children's 20-minute neighbourhoods and variation in time spent locally, measured using GPS
In: Wellbeing, space and society, Band 5, S. 100174
ISSN: 2666-5581
Trends and inequalities in distance to and use of nearest natural space in the context of the 20-min neighbourhood: A 4-wave national repeat cross-sectional study, 2013 to 2019
The 20-min neighbourhood is a policy priority for governments worldwide; a key feature of this policy is providing access to natural space (NS) within 800 m of home. The study aims were to (1) examine the association between distance to nearest NS and frequent use over time and (2) examine whether frequent use and changes in use were patterned by income and housing tenure over time. Bi-annual Scottish Household Survey data were obtained for 2013 to 2019 (n:42128 aged 16+). Adults were asked the walking distance to their nearest NS, the frequency of visits to this space and their housing tenure, as well as age, sex and income. We examined the association between distance from home of nearest NS, housing tenure, and the likelihood of frequent NS use (visited once a week or more). Two-way interaction terms were further applied to explore variation in the association between tenure and frequent NS use over time. We found that 87% of respondents lived within 10 min walk of a NS, meeting the policy specification for a 20-min neighbourhood. Greater proximity to NS was associated with increased use; individuals living a 6-10 min walk and over 10 min walk were respectively 53% and 78% less likely to report frequent NS use than those living within a 5 min walk. Housing tenure was an important predictor of frequent NS use; private renters and homeowners were more likely to report frequent NS use than social renters. Our findings provide evidence that proximity to NS is a strong predictor of frequent use. Our study provides important evidence that time-based access measures alone do not consider deep-rooted socioeconomic variation in use of NS. Policy makers should ensure a nuanced lens is applied to operationalising and monitoring the 20-min neighbourhood to safeguard against exacerbating existing inequalities.
Trends and inequalities in distance to and use of nearest natural space in the context of the 20-minute neighbourhood: a 4-wave national repeat cross-sectional study, 2013 to 2019
The 20-min neighbourhood is a policy priority for governments worldwide; a key feature of this policy is providing access to natural space (NS) within 800 m of home. The study aims were to (1) examine the association between distance to nearest NS and frequent use over time and (2) examine whether frequent use and changes in use were patterned by income and housing tenure over time. Bi-annual Scottish Household Survey data were obtained for 2013 to 2019 (n:42128 aged 16+). Adults were asked the walking distance to their nearest NS, the frequency of visits to this space and their housing tenure, as well as age, sex and income. We examined the association between distance from home of nearest NS, housing tenure, and the likelihood of frequent NS use (visited once a week or more). Two-way interaction terms were further applied to explore variation in the association between tenure and frequent NS use over time. We found that 87% of respondents lived within 10 min walk of a NS, meeting the policy specification for a 20-min neighbourhood. Greater proximity to NS was associated with increased use; individuals living a 6–10 min walk and over 10 min walk were respectively 53% and 78% less likely to report frequent NS use than those living within a 5 min walk. Housing tenure was an important predictor of frequent NS use; private renters and homeowners were more likely to report frequent NS use than social renters. Our findings provide evidence that proximity to NS is a strong predictor of frequent use. Our study provides important evidence that time-based access measures alone do not consider deep-rooted socioeconomic variation in use of NS. Policy makers should ensure a nuanced lens is applied to operationalising and monitoring the 20-min neighbourhood to safeguard against exacerbating existing inequalities.
Effects of new motorway infrastructure on active travel in the local population: a retrospective repeat cross-sectional study in Glasgow, Scotland
Background: Promoting active travel is an important part of increasing population physical activity, which has both physical and mental health benefits. A key benefit described by the then Scottish Government of the five-mile M74 motorway extension, which opened during June 2011 in the south of Glasgow, was that the forecast reduction in motor traffic on local streets would make these streets safer for walking and cycling, thus increasing active travel by the local population. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of new motorway infrastructure on the proportion of journey stages made actively (cycling or on foot) by individuals travelling in and out of the local area. Methods: Data for the periods 2009–10 and 2012–13 were extracted from the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) travel diaries, which record each journey stage made during the previous day by a representative sample of the Scottish population aged 16 and over. Each individual journey stage was assigned to one of the following study areas surrounding existing and new transport infrastructure: (1) an area surrounding the new M74 motorway extension (n = 435 (2009–10), 543 (2012–13)), (2) a comparator area surrounding an existing motorway (n = 477 (2009–10), 560 (2012–13)), and (3) a control area containing no comparable motorway infrastructure (n = 541 (2009–10), 593 (2012–13)). Multivariable, multi-level regression analysis was performed to determine any between-area differences in change in active travel over time, which might indicate an intervention effect. Reference populations were defined using two alternative definitions, (1) Glasgow City and (2) Glasgow and surrounding local authorities. Results: The results showed an increase in the proportion of journey stages using active travel in all study areas compared to both reference populations. However, there were no significant between-area differences to suggest an effect attributable the M74 motorway extension. Conclusions: There was no clear evidence that the M74 motorway extension either increased or decreased active travel in the local area. The anticipation by policy makers that reduced motorised traffic on local streets might increase journeys walked or cycled appears to have been unfounded.
Individual, social and area level factors associated with older people's walking: Analysis of an UK household panel study (Understanding Society)
In: Social science & medicine, Band 358, S. 117083
ISSN: 1873-5347