Teamworking Skills for Social Workers
In: The British journal of social work, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 412-413
ISSN: 1468-263X
3188 Ergebnisse
In: The British journal of social work, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 412-413
ISSN: 1468-263X
In: Computers and the Social Sciences, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 121-123
In: Wildlife Research, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 247
The nesting chronology of three captive and two wild pairs of Australian kestrels and the development of nine captive-bred and five wild-bred nestlings are presented. Clutch and brood sizes and dates when eggs and young were found in nests, collected from a number of sources, are discussed.
Breeding biology was similar to that of other species of kestrel. Wing length of nestlings gave the best estimate of age up to about 6 weeks, and the pulling of a rectrix was found to have potential as a method of sexing nestlings and first-year birds.
In: Wildlife Research, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 217
From measurement of 472 eggs of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) collected in Australia between 1885 and 1977 inclusive, shells were thinner by 10.4 to 38% after 1947-49 and corresponded with the introduction of DDT into Australia. Victoria seemed to have the greatest mean thinning.
In: Special care in dentistry: SCD, Band 7, Heft 6, S. 257-260
ISSN: 1754-4505
SummaryBasic hospital admitting procedures and surgical protocols have been provided to assist hospital trained dentists in treating patients in the operating room. It is understood that many qualified practitioners do not routinely use this treatment modality and a guideline to ensure proper patient routing would be helpful.
Chapter 1 -- Revisiting Nature and Nationalism. Right-Wing Ecology and the Politics of Identity in Germany -- Chapter 2. The Contemporary Far Right and Modern Environmentalism -- Chapter 3. Themes and Features of Right-Wing Ecology.-Chapter 4. On Rootedness: Precursors to Right-Wing Ecology -- Chapter 5. The Cunning of Nature: The Emergence of Right-Wing Ecology in the 1970s.-Chapter 6. German National Identity and the Mainstreaming of Right-Wing Ecology. –Chapter 7. Conclusion: Practical and Theoretical Implications of Right-Wing Ecology.
Cover -- BODY AND EARTH -- Title -- Dedication -- Copyright -- CONTENTS -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Entering the Text: Origins -- Stories of place in our time are often stories of migration. -- Anecdote: "Openings and Closings" -- Introduction -- Anecdote: "Hunting for Hope" -- Preparation: Body and Earth is a book to be done as well as to be read. -- Section I: Underlying Patterns and Perception -- DAY 1 Basic Concepts -- Anecdotes: "Connections" -- To do: Inner and outer awareness -- To do: Finding your place -- Performance text: Farmstories (1994) -- DAY 2 Attitudes -- Anecdotes: "Views" -- To do: Body map -- To do: Place story -- Performance text: Models-The Traveler -- DAY 3 Underlying Patterns: Body -- Anecdotes: "Heritage" -- To do: Pouring the fluid body -- To do: Vessel breath -- To do: Fish swish -- Performance text: Water -- DAY 4 Underlying Patterns: The Upright Stance -- Anecdotes: "Standing Up" -- To do: Postural alignment (Mountain Pose) -- To do: Spinal undulations (Standing) -- Performance text: Arriving -- DAY 5 Underlying Patterns: Earth -- Anecdotes: "Rhythm" -- To do: Bonding with gravity -- To do: Timeline -- To do: De-evolutionary sequence -- Performance text: Soil -- DAY 6 Underlying Patterns: A Bioregional Approach -- Anecdote: "Nature and Culture" -- To do: Place scan -- To do: Telling your place story -- Performance text: Edges -- DAY 7 Mind: Brain and Nervous System -- Anecdotes: "Changing Mind" -- To do: Patterns of mind -- To do: Lobes of the brain -- Performance text: Edges II -- DAY 8 Visceral Body -- Anecdotes: "Needs" -- To do: Pouring the gut body -- To do: The box -- To do: Inner observer -- Performance text: The Cardboard Box -- DAY 9 Perception -- Anecdotes: "Expectations" -- To do: Naming the sensory receptors -- To do: Seeing and being seen (the witness).
In: Consumption and public life
In: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology Ser v.Volume 59
In: Advances in Experimental Social Psychology Volume 59
Front Cover -- Advances in Experimental Social Psychology -- Copyright -- Contents -- Contributors -- Chapter One: Women and men, moms and dads: Leveraging social role change to promote gender equality -- 1. Social change, but also enduring gender inequalities -- 2. Identity construction and the social self -- 3. Cultural scripts and identity representation -- 3.1. The social role mom is more tightly connected to women than the role dad is to men -- 3.1.1. Implicit category associations -- 3.1.2. Overlap in trait content -- 3.2. The social roles of dad and professional are more congruent than mom and professional -- 3.2.1. Implicit category associations -- 3.2.2. Overlap in trait content -- 3.3. Moms as a category are perceived as having more essentialist properties than dads -- 3.4. Summary -- 4. Consequences of cultural scripts and conflicting identities -- 4.1. Consequences in the judgments of others -- 4.1.1. Women are expected to do it all -- 4.1.2. Women are expected to prioritize family, men to prioritize work -- 4.1.3. Essentialism differences predict greater judged difficulty of women succeeding as both a mother and a professional -- 4.2. Consequences for the self -- 4.2.1. Heightened expected role conflict for women -- 4.2.2. Women experience shifting identities, men experience stable identities -- 4.2.3. Behavioral responses to identity conflict -- 4.3. Broader consequences for women in science -- 4.4. Summary -- 5. Leveraging social role change to promote equality -- 5.1. Alter the strength of the tie between the parent role and the gender group -- 5.1.1. Decreasing the mother-father difference in essentialism -- 5.1.2. Increasing overlap in the trait content of the dad role and men -- 5.2. Changing the content of the social roles -- 5.3. Summary -- 6. Conclusions -- Funding -- References
In: The Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History Ser.
In: The Greenwood Press daily life through history series
In: Daily Life Ser.
Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction: "Maidenhood, Wifehood, and Motherhood" -- Timeline of Events -- Glossary -- 1. Domestic Life: "She Has Become a Woman" -- 1. Document: Emelyn Lincoln Coolidge, M.D., "The Young Mother in the Home: How One Mother with Five Children Regulates Her Day" (1907) -- 2. Document: Kathleen Norris, The Treasure (1914) -- 3. Document: Emma Duke, Infant Mortality (1915) -- 2. Economic Life: "Working . . . Since I Knowed What Work Was" -- 1. Document: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economics (1898) -- 2. Document: A Negro Nurse, "More Slavery at the South" (1912) -- 3. Intellectual Life: "The Ladies' Course" -- 1. Document: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "Solitude of Self: Address Delivered by Mrs. Stanton Before the Committee of the Judiciary of the United States Congress" (1892) -- 2. Document: G. Stanley Hall, "The Ideal School as Based on Child Study" (1901) -- 4. Material Life: "Life in a Cottage" -- 1. Document: W. O. Atwater and Charles D. Woods, Dietary Studies with Reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama (1897) -- 2. Document: Arthur Goss, Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895 (1899) -- 3. Document: Mrs. Burton Kingsland, The Book of Weddings (1907) -- 4. Document: "Home and Farm," The Herald and Presbyter (1919) -- 5. Political Life: "Shall I Fold some more Leaflets?" -- 1. Document: Frances Willard, Address Before the Second Biennial Convention of the World's Woman's Temperance Union (1893) -- 2. Document: L. Frank Baum, The Land of Oz (1904) -- 3. Document: Jane Addams, "The Modern City and the Municipal Franchise for Women" (1906) -- 4. Document: M., "Women Do Not Want the Vote Despite Cry of Suffragists" (1912) -- 5. Document: Emma Goldman, "Woman Suffrage" (1917).