Review on Prevalence of Waterborne Diseases in Nigeria
The problems associated with drinking water encountered in some parts of Nigeria have created a public Health concern. Governments that are unserious about provision of safe drinking water are liable to experience outbreak of waterborne diseases. Nigeria is one of the countries suffering from the crippling burden of water related diseases. The common diseases of drinking water in Nigeria include Cholera, Dracunculiasis, Hepatitis, Typhoid and Filariasis. In this research study, the profile of water related diseases in Nigeria from 2002-2008 was considered. This work was carried out with a view to assessing the successes recorded and problem encountered by governments: analyze the trend and spartial dimension of these diseases in Nigeria and to suggest necessary recommendations for proper management. Data were got from National Bureau of Statistics, Abuja (NBS). Microsoft excel was employed in analyzing the data. From the result obtained, it was revealed that typhoid ranked the highest, followed by cholera, hepatitis and dracucunliasis. Based on the problems facing Nigeria, it is strongly recommended that ministries of water resources and environment at both state and federal levels take the following steps: organize sensitization programmes addressing waterborne diseases, work closely with world health organization (WHO) and other health bodies to provide direct necessary support to Nigerian government and mitigate unsafe drinking water and waterborne diseases in Nigeria.