This study presents the problems and relevant issues of social economy and social enterprises in legislation and practice. It provides a comparative assessment of the social economic policy example of the host country and the situation in Lithuania.
This study presents the problems and relevant issues of social economy and social enterprises in legislation and practice. It provides a comparative assessment of the social economic policy example of the host country and the situation in Lithuania.
This study presents the problems and relevant issues of social economy and social enterprises in legislation and practice. It provides a comparative assessment of the social economic policy example of the host country and the situation in Lithuania.
This study presents the problems and relevant issues of social economy and social enterprises in legislation and practice. It provides a comparative assessment of the social economic policy example of the host country and the situation in Lithuania.
Situacija darbo rinkoje straipsnyje vertinama Lietuvoje pandemijos metu išryškėjusios krizės poveikio sąlygomis. Publikacijoje išryškinama šalies darbo rinkos raidos cikliškumo problema, kadangi itin netolygi šalies ekonomikos raida kriziniais laikotarpiais ypač pablogina ieškančių darbo žmonių integracijos į darbo rinką galimybes. Nors esminis prioritetas teikiamas užimtumo ir nedarbo pokyčių analizei šalies mastu (makrolygiu) pandemijos krizės poveikio kontekste, tačiau gana daug dėmesio tyrime buvo skiriama ir situacijos darbo rinkoje vertinimui pagal atskiras socialines demografines gyventojų grupes. Atliekant situacijos darbo rinkoje stebėseną, buvo derinami Statistikos departamento ir Užimtumo tarnybos duomenys, taip pat ketvirtiniai (mėnesiniai) bei metiniai rodikliai. Vienas iš straipsnio prioritetų – gyventojų aktyvumo vertinimas ekonominės krizės metu. Tačiau publikacijos autoriai neapsiriboja dėl pandemijos krizės poveikio stebimų pasikeitimų susiformavusiais šalies darbo rinkoje stebimų pokyčių vertinimais. Straipsnyje taip pat analizuojama, kaip užimtumo pasikeitimai ekonominės krizės metu ir ankstesniais laikotarpiais lemia santykines išlaikomo amžiaus vyresnio žmonių ir užimtų (darbingo amžiaus) gyventojų kaitos proporcijas. Taip buvo įvertintas užimtumo svyravimų poveikis demografinės situacijos kaitai, kuri susijusi su vyresnio amžiaus (senų) žmonių ir ekonomiškai aktyvių žmonių santykio pokyčiais. Publikacijoje taip pat buvo įvertinta ir autorių skaičiuojamo darbo išteklių panaudojimo koeficiento dinamika, kuri glaudžiai susijusi su šalies gyventojų aktyvumo ir jų integracijos į darbo rinką galimybių pokyčiais.
Remiantis analizei sukauptais statistiniais duomenimis, šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos jaunimo išsilavinimo pokyčiai bei jų diferenciacija pagal lytį. Analizėje taikomas itin svarbus apibendrinamasis šalies 20–24 metų jaunimo, įgijusio vidutinį ar aukštesnį už vidutinį išsilavinimą, rodiklis, leidžiantis atskleisti skirtingų gyventojų grupių tolesnės integracijos galimybių skirtumus. Taip pat šiame tyrime svarbus yra miesto ir kaimo diferenciacijos pjūvis, prioritetą tiekiant kaimo jaunimui, kurio integracijos į darbo rinką galimybės itin nukenčia dėl išsilavinimo stokos ir tuo pačiu išauga nedarbo rizika. Straipsnyje detaliau analizuojamos šalies jaunų bedarbių struktūros dinamikos tendencijos pagal išsilavinimo lygį, lyginama, kokiu mastu ji keičiasi, atsižvelgiant į visų bedarbių, tarp kurių ypač daug vyresnių išsilavinusių žmonių, skaičių. Todėl į bedarbių struktūros kaitą pagal jų išsilavinimo lygį galima pažvelgti ir per kartų kaitos prizmę.
The study aims to evaluate population income differentiation in the regions of Lithuania. The important question is about the development opportunities of the middle class regarding regional differences. The assessment of territorial differentiation of income is based on the indicators of disposable labour income and wages. Formally, the priority must be given to the disposable income indicator, hence the assessment of wage differentiation and comparison of these two indicators using a comparative analysis method enable a better understanding of the social meaning behind the observed differences because business income influences regional disparities of income per capita. The study evaluates changes in the regional differences of wages and general structural disparities of wages in the country with the development possibilities of middle class formation. The research includes a local and geographical variation of disposable labour income and a comparison of relational indicators representing population well-being by regions.
The article investigates various demographic groups and their migration differences, and trends changing in Lithuania. The perspectives of various authors on the ongoing migration in Lithuania are discussed. The research draws attention to the differences in migration trends among men and women. The analysis includes significant components such as emigration and immigration that influence changes in population and demographics. One of the most important priorities of this publication is highlighting of differentiation in migration and its assessment by age groups. As the authors' conclusions show, attitudes of various age groups towards migration are different and rapidly changing. The research reveals the specific structural changes in emigrants' and immigrants' demographic groups. The study shows that socially these groups differ, however, only detailed sociological researches could identify real reasons for such differences. In addition, the article presents the new statistical indicators such as various migration statistical indicators calculated by the authors, which are relevant in demographic analysis. The authors have done the calculations of the average age of emigrants and immigrants, as well as the comparative analysis of these indicators and the assessment by the age of net migration (migration balance).
In the article is carried out the main labour market's assessment of indicators submitted by the Government of Lithuania's Republic in the 2014-2020 year employment increase programme. On the basis of these indicators analyzed the situation of labour market in the country and monitored deviation from predicted indicators (foreseen in Employment Programme) values, evaluated their possibilities for further improvement. One of the essentials priorities of this publication – the evaluation of target groups integration possibilities which are characterized by labour market policy indicators. Considering to the system of labour market indicators presented in the Employment Programme which mainly orientate to workplace change (creating), priority is given to employment indicators. The article analyzed the statistical data describing the results of labour market policy, additionally highlighted the indicators of target groups situation in the labour market.
The main labour market indicators presented in the Employment Enhancement Programme for 2014-20 are evaluated in the article. On the basis of these indicators the situation in the labour market are analyzed; changes from foreseen indicators values (presented in the Employment Enhancement Programme) are evaluated; recommendations for improving the situation are provided. One of the essentials priorities of this article – the evaluation of target groups integration opportunities characterized by labour market policy indicators. Considering/Acoording to the system of labour market indicators presented in the Employment Enhancement Programme which mainly oriented to workplace change (creation), priority is given to employment indicators. The article analyzed the statistical data characterizing the results of labour market policy as well as the additionally indicators describing the target groups situation in the labour market. ; Straipsnyje atliekamas Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 2014–2020 metų užimtumo didinimo programoje pateiktų pagrindinių darbo rinkos rodiklių vertinimas. Remiantis šiais rodikliais analizuojama situacija darbo rinkoje bei tendencijos šalyje, stebimi nukrypimai nuo prognozuotų rodiklių (numatytų užimtumo programos įgyvendinimo siekių) reikšmių, įvertinamos jų tobulinimo galimybės. Nepaisant bendrųjų situacijos darbo rinkoje rodiklių analizės svarbos, vienas iš esminių šios publikacijos prioritetų – užimtumo programoje išskirtų tikslinių grupių integracijos galimybių įvertinimas, kurios išreiškiamos remiantis darbo rinkos politikos rezultatus atspindinčiais rodikliais. Atsižvelgiant į užimtumo programoje pateiktų darbo rinkos rodiklių sistemą, kurie daugiausia orientuoti į darbo vietų kaitą (kūrimą), prioritetas teikiamas užimtumo rodikliams. Be tiesiogiai darbo rinkos politikos rezultatus atspindinčių statistinių duomenų, straipsnyje analizuojami ir papildomi tikslinių grupių situaciją darbo rinkoje atspindintys rodikliai.
In the article is carried out the main labour market's assessment of indicators submitted by the Government of Lithuania's Republic in the 2014-2020 year employment increase programme. On the basis of these indicators analyzed the situation of labour market in the country and monitored deviation from predicted indicators (foreseen in Employment Programme) values, evaluated their possibilities for further improvement. One of the essentials priorities of this publication – the evaluation of target groups integration possibilities which are characterized by labour market policy indicators. Considering to the system of labour market indicators presented in the Employment Programme which mainly orientate to workplace change (creating), priority is given to employment indicators. The article analyzed the statistical data describing the results of labour market policy, additionally highlighted the indicators of target groups situation in the labour market.
In the article is carried out the main labour market's assessment of indicators submitted by the Government of Lithuania's Republic in the 2014-2020 year employment increase programme. On the basis of these indicators analyzed the situation of labour market in the country and monitored deviation from predicted indicators (foreseen in Employment Programme) values, evaluated their possibilities for further improvement. One of the essentials priorities of this publication – the evaluation of target groups integration possibilities which are characterized by labour market policy indicators. Considering to the system of labour market indicators presented in the Employment Programme which mainly orientate to workplace change (creating), priority is given to employment indicators. The article analyzed the statistical data describing the results of labour market policy, additionally highlighted the indicators of target groups situation in the labour market.
In the article is carried out the main labour market's assessment of indicators submitted by the Government of Lithuania's Republic in the 2014-2020 year employment increase programme. On the basis of these indicators analyzed the situation of labour market in the country and monitored deviation from predicted indicators (foreseen in Employment Programme) values, evaluated their possibilities for further improvement. One of the essentials priorities of this publication – the evaluation of target groups integration possibilities which are characterized by labour market policy indicators. Considering to the system of labour market indicators presented in the Employment Programme which mainly orientate to workplace change (creating), priority is given to employment indicators. The article analyzed the statistical data describing the results of labour market policy, additionally highlighted the indicators of target groups situation in the labour market.