White Matter Changes Induced by Gait Training in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease
In: NICL-22-63
2 Ergebnisse
In: NICL-22-63
Background While spontaneous robotic arm control using motor imagery has been reported, most previous successful cases have used invasive approaches with advantages in spatial resolution. However, still many researchers continue to investigate methods for robotic arm control with noninvasive neural signal. Most of noninvasive control of robotic arm utilizes P300, steady state visually evoked potential, N2pc, and mental tasks differentiation. Even though these approaches demonstrated successful accuracy, they are limited in time efficiency and user intuition, and mostly require visual stimulation. Ultimately, velocity vector construction using electroencephalography activated by motion-related motor imagery can be considered as a substitution. In this study, a vision-aided brain–machine interface training system for robotic arm control is proposed and developed. Methods The proposed system uses a Microsoft Kinect to detect and estimates the 3D positions of the possible target objects. The predicted velocity vector for robot arm input is compensated using the artificial potential to follow an intended one among the possible targets. Two participants with cervical spinal cord injury trained with the system to explore its possible effects. Results In a situation with four possible targets, the proposed system significantly improved the distance error to the intended target compared to the unintended ones (p < 0.0001). Functional magnetic resonance imaging after five sessions of observation-based training with the developed system showed brain activation patterns with tendency of focusing to ipsilateral primary motor and sensory cortex, posterior parietal cortex, and contralateral cerebellum. However, shared control with blending parameter α less than 1 was not successful and success rate for touching an instructed target was less than the chance level (= 50%). Conclusions The pilot clinical study utilizing the training system suggested potential beneficial effects in characterizing the brain activation patterns. ; This study was supported by the grant (NRCTR-EX-16008) from the Translational Research Center for Rehabilitation Robots, Korea National Rehabilitation Center, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea, by the Brain Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (2016M3C7A1904984), and by the NRF of Korea grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (Grant 2017R1A2B2006163).