4 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Comparative Analysis of Collective Administration of Performance in Australia and Nigeria
In: (2015) Ife Journal of International and Comparative Law (IJCL) Part 1&2, pp. 254-269.
I Will Kill You and Nothing Will Happen: Extra-Judicial Killings in Nigeria and Public Interest Litigation
Public interest litigation is a mechanism of intervention in a matter that concerns the public. It could be about human rights, government policy, or some other issue that could present a challenge to public life. Public interest litigation is important because it presents hope to the powerless and offers justice where there might not previously have been the opportunity. The aim of public interest litigation is to recognise injustice and give a voice to the concerns of members of society who might not have the means to articulate them. In Nigeria there is a high tendency for people of low socioeconomic status to experience police brutality, or even become victims of extra-judicial killing. In this article, it was argued that although public interest litigation is a good strategy to engage the injustice of extra-judicial killings, the recurrence shows that the solution lies more in addressing a systemic problem. ; Dorcas A. Odunaike: ; Dorcas Odunaike is a PhD and Head of the Department of Private and Commercial Law at the Babcock University School of Law & Security Studies, Nigeria. ; Olalekan Moyosore Lalude is a PhD Candidate at the Babcock University School of Law & Security Studies, Nigeria. ; Temitope Omotola Odusanya is a PhD and member of Gender Parity Initiative, Nigeria. ; Dorcas A. Odunaike - Babcock University School of Law and Security Studies, Nigeria ; Olalekan Moyosore Lalude - Babcock University School of Law and Security Studies, Nigeria ; Temitope Omotola Odusanya - Gender Parity Initiative, Nigeria ; Adebayo B., The Fatal Shooting of a Nigerian Man Brings more Demands to Shut Down a Controversial Police Unit, ; Adegbite I., Human Rights Protection and the Question of Good Governance in Nigeria, "Journal of Humanities" 2018, vol. 4. ; Aderinto A.J., The Nigeria Police and Crime Control in Lagos Metropolis, "Afr. J. Psychol. 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