ABSTRACT: Knowledge management is a fundamental tool in order to obtain competitive advantages in organizations. In this paper, we present an interesting study about how enterprises in a developing country like Chile manage their knowledge by using variables linked with three interesting concepts related to knowledge: innovation, learning, and knowledge sharing. From this information, six clusters of enterprises and two special cases with different behaviors in knowledge management and different results are identified. From this information, some conclusions are extracted: (1) clusters 4 and 5 are the best in knowledge management (best results) and, thus, other enterprises should replicate their behaviors; (2) the Government of Chile should promote more knowledge management in order to improve the country's performance; (3) chemical industry is highlighted like one of the most important one related to knowledge; and finally, (4) enterprises with a high investment in knowledge are also enterprises with high results. These results are very interesting in order to understand the knowledge activity in a developing country like Chile. ; The authors thank to Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project ECO2010-15455) for partial support of this work.
RESUMEN: La innovación está relacionada con el crecimiento de las economías y de las empresas, y en un entorno cambiante como el actual, se presenta como una herramienta fundamental para conseguir ventajas competitivas. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la relación existente entre la capacidad de innovación de las empresas y la obtención de información de las mismas a través de la cooperación con competidores, proveedores, Universidades y otras instituciones públicas (Triple Hélice). En primer lugar se desarrolla una revisión bibliográfica de los conceptos relacionados para posteriormente, a través del método de ecuaciones estructurales, dar respuesta y aceptar la hipótesis propuesta que pone de manifiesto la relación existente entre los resultados de innovación de las empresas y la información obtenida de la Triple Hélice. La investigación se realiza con una muestra de empresas españolas, encuestadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), durante los años 2008-2010. ; ABSTRACT: Innovation is related to the growth of economies and companies, and in a changing environment, like the present, it is introduced as a fundamental means for competitive advantage. This study aims at analyzing the relation between the companies' capacity for innovation and obtaining the same information by means of cooperation with competitors, suppliers, universities and public institutions (Triple Helix). First, we developed a literature review on related concepts and, then, by using the structural equation method, we elaborated a model to respond to and accept the hypothesis proposed, which highlights the relation between the innovative performance of companies and the information obtai-ned from the Triple Helix. The survey was conducted with a sample of Spanish companies researched by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) from 2008 to 2010.
RESUMEN. La innovación está relacionada con el crecimiento de las economías y de las empresas, y en un entorno cambiante como el actual, se presenta como una herramienta fundamental para conseguir ventajas competitivas. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la relación existente entre la capacidad de innovación de las empresas y la obtención de información de las mismas a través de la cooperación con competidores, proveedores, Universidades y otras instituciones públicas (Triple Hélice). En primer lugar se desarrolla una revisión bibliográfica de los conceptos relacionados para posteriormente, a través del método de ecuaciones estructurales, dar respuesta y aceptar la hipótesis propuesta que pone de manifiesto la relación existente entre los resultados de innovación de las empresas y la información obtenida de la Triple Hélice. La investigación se realiza con una muestra de empresas españolas, encuestadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), durante los años 2008-2010. ; RESUMO. A inovação está relacionada ao crescimento das economias e das empresas, e em um ambiente em mudança como o presente, é apresentado como uma ferramenta fundamental para a vantagem competitiva. Esta pesquisa visa analisar a relação entre a capacidade de inovação das empresas e a obtenção da mesma informação por meio da cooperação com concorrentes, fornecedores, universidades e outras instituições públicas (Hélice Tríplice). Primeiro, nós desenvolvemos uma revisão da literatura sobre conceitos relacionados e, em seguida, por meio do método de equações estruturais, um modelo para responder e aceitar a hipótese proposta que destaca a relação entre o desempenho inovador das empresas e informações obtidas a partir da Hélice Tríplice. A pesquisa é realizada com uma amostra de empresas espanholas pesquisadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), durante os anos 2008-2010. ; ABSTRACT. Innovation is related to the growth of economies and companies, and in a changing environment, like the present, it is introduced as a fundamental means for competitive advantage. This study aims at analyzing the relation between the companies' capacity for innovation and obtaining the same information by means of cooperation with competitors, suppliers, universities and public institutions (Triple Helix). First, we developed a literature review on related concepts and, then, by using the structural equation method, we elaborated a model to respond to and accept the hypothesis proposed, which highlights the relation between the innovative performance of companies and the information obtained from the Triple Helix. The survey was conducted with a sample of Spanish companies researched by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) from 2008 to 2010.
RESUMEN. Objeto: Integrar las distintas aportaciones realizadas en el campo de la gestión del conocimiento y que se encuentran dispersas en varias publicaciones de temática multidisciplinar. Diseño/metodología: Revisión bibliográfica de las principales publicaciones sobre el tema y los libros que abordan la gestión del conocimiento. Se ha realizado un análisis de más de 100 referencias de las cuales un 72 por ciento se encuentran indexadas en la base de datos Social Science Citation Index. Aportaciones y resultados: Se obtiene en un mismo artículo un marco teórico sobre la gestión del conocimiento que puede ayudar a investigadores interesados en el área. Además se identifica una nueva línea de investigación que hace referencia a la gestión del conocimiento de organizaciones en el sentido más amplio, incluyendo gobiernos y otras entidades públicas. Implicaciones prácticas: Supone un punto de partida y reflexión para todos los investigadores de este tema que, con una sola lectura, pueden hacerse una composición de la situación de la gestión del conocimiento. Implicaciones sociales: En la actualidad nos encontramos inmersos en la sociedad del conocimiento; los rápidos cambios y la elevada incertidumbre ha hecho del conocimiento un activo fundamental para el desarrollo de los países, por lo que esta investigación permite profundizar en este tema de completa actualidad e interés. ; ABSTRACT. Purpose: The aim is to offer a complete vision of knowledge management analyzing the past and present, and identifying new lines of research in the area. Design/methodology: We have realized an exhaustive bibliographic review of more than 100 references. Around 72 per cent of them are indexed in the Social Science Citation Index. Findings and originality/value: We expose the more relevant characteristics of knowledge management and moreover, we identify new lines of research related to regions and territories. This is an interesting novelty in the area and it can be a base of new knowledge in the future. Practical implications: This research is interesting for some people. On one hand, researchers interested in the topic find in the paper a new way for their researches. On the other hand, it could be interesting for Governments keen on improve their situation using knowledge management. Social implications: At present time in the knowledge society changes and the high uncertainty have converted knowledge in an essential tool in countries development. In this way, this research focuses on a current and interesting topic for the society. Originality/value: We present an updated bibliographic review identifying new lines of research related to the application of knowledge management in territorial management. At present time, this potential line had not been identified.
RESUMEN: En la sociedad actual, el conocimiento se ha convertido en un activo muy valioso fuente de ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo aunque en el caso de las empresas esta importancia ha sido muy analizada en las últimas décadas, no se han realizado hasta el momento grandes esfuerzos en el análisis de la gestión del conocimiento en países, lo que ha motivado el presente estudio donde identificamos los factores críticos de este proceso en países a partir de un análisis factorial exploratorio: (1) Potencial de creación de conocimiento, (2) Productividad TIC, (3) Internacionalización del conocimiento, (4) Resultados de investigación y (5) Autopista de la educación. Posteriormente se propone un análisis comparativo de las principales variables relacionadas con la inversión y el resultado de conocimiento que permite conocer cómo los principales grupos de países del mundo (G-20, Unión Europea y APEC, entre otros) gestionan este activo. ; ABSTRACT: At present society, knowledge is a fundamental asset in order to obtain competitive advantages. However, although this asset is considered as essential in enterprises, there are not some studies about knowledge management in countries. In this scenario, we propose an interesting analysis about how countries manage their knowledge identifying five critical factors in this process: (1) Knowledge creation potential, (2) ICT Productivity, (3) Knowledge internationalization, (4) Research results and (5) Education motorway. After we propose a comparative analysis between countries using variables linked to knowledge investment and result, with the aim of know how the principal groups of countries (G-20, European Union and APEC, between others) manage their assets.
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new approach to knowledge management and shows a relationship between human development and knowledge management in different countries. This study demonstrates the idea that the growth of countries depends on how each one manages their knowledge; investing in research and development, improving their production function and obtaining a welfare state which allows people to develop better their human capabilities. Our study includes an analysis of different organizations of countries: European Union, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), G-20, Cairns, Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Mercosur, BRIC and Next-11 (N-11). We identified five factors in the study using a rotated component matrix, which explained more than the 69.85% of the data: (1) knowledge creation potential; (2) ICT productivity; (3) knowledge internationalization; (4) research results and (5) education motorway. This paper provides an interesting focus on knowledge management and human development and our results show important links between countries which manage their knowledge correctly and efficiently and their level of human development. In consequence, countries that correctly manage their knowledge present a high human development level.