Financial and technological innovations (Intelligent enterprise (IE) of the world fuel and energy complex
The scientific reflection of the authors is caused by the paradoxically conflict situation in the world's fuel and energy complex and the unresolved nature of a number of methodological and applied issues of the functioning of financial instruments. The authors proceed from the assumption that conflicts grow not so much by the scarcity of natural resource reserves, labour, and the transition to non-traditional energy sources, energy-saving technologies, or the search for rent by a number of financial institutions. One of the main reasons is the primacy of economic interests in solving the problems of environmental protection. The lack of readiness of institutes for new risks of geological and technological nature, the need to change the functions and spheres of influence of international organizations operating in the financial and energy spheres also lead to stressful and conflictual situations. An important role in the study of the problem is the sectoral aspect of the resource problem of contemporary international life, which is both a traditional and a contemporary dimension of economic paradox (the paradoxes of Smith, Jevons). The paradoxes of economic development allow us to determine the direction of synergy between the factors of production and the forms of ownership of natural resources, the possible points of bifurcation and the growth of natural rent into a political one. The authors used the model of research of "product chains" and laid the foundation for global value networks in the form of analysis of the processes of transformation of raw materials into the product of demand, as well as global value added networks in the form of analysis of factors of the organization of global industries. Theoretical substantiation and practical tools for the analysis of added value chains and various types of fuel and energy complex management are offered. The authors consider competition in the paradigm of microeconomic theory as a certain property of the market in the context of the theory of market ...