Fluoride and Oral Health
In: O'Mullane , D M , Baez , R J , Jones , S , Lennon , M A , Petersen , P E , Rugg-Gunn , A J , Whelton , H & Whitford , G M 2016 , ' Fluoride and Oral Health ' , Community Dental Health , vol. 33 , pp. 69-99 . https://doi.org/10.1922/CDH_3707O'Mullane31
The discovery during the first half of the 20th century of the link between natural fl uoride, adjusted fl uoride levels in drinking water and reduced dental caries prevalence proved to be a stimulus for worldwide on-going research into the role of fl uoride in improving oral health. Epidemiological studies of fl uoridation programmes have confi rmed their safety and their effectiveness in controlling dental caries. Major advances in our knowledge of how fl uoride impacts the caries process have led to the development, assessment of effectiveness and promotion of other fl uoride vehicles including salt, milk, tablets, toothpaste, gels and varnishes. In 1993, the World Health Organization convened an Expert Committee to provide authoritative information on the role of fl uorides in the promotion of oral health throughout the world (WHO TRS 846, 1994). This present publication is a revision of the original 1994 document, again using the expertise of researchers from the extensive fi elds of knowledge required to successfully implement complex interventions such as the use of fl uorides to improve dental and oral health. Financial support for research into the development of these new fl uoride strategies has come from many sources including government health departments as well as international and national grant agencies. In addition, the unique role which industry has played in the development, formulation, assessment of effectiveness and promotion of the various fl uoride vehicles and strategies is noteworthy. This updated version of 'Fluoride and Oral Health' has adopted an evidence-based approach to its commentary on the different fl uoride vehicles and strategies and also to its recommendations. In this regard, full account is taken of the many recent systematic reviews published in peer reviewed literature.