26 Ergebnisse
Analisa Keseimbangan Pasar dan Reposisi Strategi Pemasaran Kayu Lapis
The economic crisis' turbulence blows down almost all of Indonesian export commodity, included plywood. Dissolution of JMB-Apkindo (Joint Marketing Body-Association of Indonesian wood based panel) as an implementation of Letter of Intent between Indonesian Government and International Monetary Fund caused reposition of the Indonesian plywood marketing. Impacts of the dissolution of JMB are weakening of the bargaining position of Indonesian plywood market and pushing down the international price of Indonesian plywood. The large scale of illegal logging that follows reformation's euphoria is another problem which influences supply-demand of timber products. A right strategy in the forestry sector policy especially in plywood marketing is needed to overcome the above problems.
Effectiveness Model of the Nature Tourism Based Community Forest Program Implementation in Bangka Tengah District
Nature tourism-based community forest (NTCF) is one form of community forest utilization in Bangka Tengah District. In its implementation, the effectiveness of this program is relatively different among community forest groups. This difference of effectiveness level could be influenced by various factors. Therefore, identification of these factors needs to be taken into consideration in making decisions to improve the effectiveness of the intended program. This study aims to identify the influencing factors and efforts to improve the effectiveness of NTCF implementation. The method used is the structural equation modeling and qualitative analysis. The results of the study showed that the factors that influence the effectiveness of the implementation are the attitude of the government, attitudes of community leaders, forestry extension human resources, attitudes of non-governmental organizations and the level of education of the community. For these reasons, the efforts should be conducted to achieve the effectiveness of the NTCF are to increase the support of community leaders, NGOs, and the government, increase the capacity of human resources for forestry instructors and provide education and training for the groups with relatively low levels of education. Keywords: community forest, natural tourism, structural equation modeling, utilization
Opsi Skema Pendanaan Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim di Sektor Kehutanan
Upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim di sektor kehutanan memerlukan dukungan pendanaan yang kuat. Salah satu skema pendanaan perubahan iklim yang ditetapkan dalam PP 46 tahun 2017 adalah skema imbal jasa lingkungan. Meskipun demikian, skema tersebut di tingkat tapak belum banyak dikembangkan. Tulisan ini menganalisis opsi-opsi kombinasi skema pendanaan jasa lingkungan dengan optimalisasi pemanfaatan kawasan hutan dalam rangka mendukung upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim di sektor kehutanan. Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur Provinsi Jambi dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian karena merupakan salah satu provinsi yang aktif dalam upaya penurunan emisi dari sektor kehutanan. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa pola pendanaan jasa lingkungan yang dapat diterapkan di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur dikelompokkan menjadi Payment of Environmental Services (PES), Liablity Rule (LR), dan Purchasing Development Right (PDR). Pola pendanaan PES efektif untuk mendukung upaya pengelolaan hutan sebagai penyimpan karbon, LR untuk kegiatan penyerapan karbon, sedangkan PDR potensial untuk mendukung kegiatan pengurangan emisi karbon. Funding Scheme Options for Climate Change Mitigation in Forestry SectorAbstractClimate change mitigation actions significantly require strong financial support. One of the climate change financing schemes stated on the government regulation no 46/2017 is transaction of environmental services. The implementation schemes in the site level however have not been clearly explored yet. This paper explores funding scheme options for various forest management purposes in order to support climate change mitigation actions in forestry sector. Tanjung Jabung Timur District that is actively reducing emission from forest is chosen as the research location. The research shows environmental service funding schemes that could be implemented in Tanjung Jabung Timur are including Payment of Environmental Services (PES), Liability Rule (LR), and Purchasing Development Right (PDR). PES is effective to encourage forest management purposed for carbon stock; LR is to support carbon sequestration activities, while PDR is potential to support forest management for reducing carbon emission.
Acceptability Model of The Use of Forest Area Policy in Bangka Belitung
The use of forest area (UFA) policy is a forest management policy by government to accommodate the needs for mining sector in forest area.This study aims to analyze the factors that become key drivers and influence the acceptance of UFA program and also build the agent-based modelsimulation of UFA policy. The method built in this research is using Structural Equation Modelling and Agent-Based Modelling approach. Based onthe results of confirmatory factor analysis, the factors that play a role in the acceptance of the program is the understanding and participation ofstakeholders related to UFA program and the availability of land allocation to be given license to borrow forest area. In addition, based on the ABMapproach, in order to anticipate the increased deforestation rate in available forest cover, it is necessary to accelerate and increase the rate ofmining reclamation activities by license holders.Keywords: agent-based modelling, structural equation modelling, the use of forest area
Community Forest Scheme: Measuring Impact in Livelihood Case Study Lombok Tengah Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province
Community forest (Hutan Kemasyarakatan/HKm) is one of the social forestry scheme policies stipulated by the Indonesian government to give partial rights to the community to be able to manage the state forest area. This scheme has implemented for more than ten years, and that includes areas in Lombok Tengah Regency. This research aims to analyze the impact of social forestry scheme policies on the economy of communities around forests and conducted in May–August 2019. By the HKm scheme, the community can manage up to 0.5 ha forest area per person and expected to increase livelihood benefits as well as improve conservation outcomes such as decreasing illegal logging and planting more trees. Based on the study conducted, the community has experienced an increase in livelihoods as well as improvements in environmental conditions. Indicator used in measuring community welfare is per capita income, which noted in the study area is IDR3,609,603 annually and inequality (Gini coefficient), which noted less than 0.4 or in the 'low' category. This study shows that the Gini coefficient in the research location is high (0.530). When compared, the income gap in the group of respondents who got the HKm program was better than the group of respondents who did not. The Gini coefficient data shows that the HKm program quite succeeds in target to increase livelihood benefits. The HKm program expected to improve the level of income inequality (Gini coefficient) from 0.483 (HKm) compared to 0.566 (non-HKm). These findings are important messages to further the HKm scheme policies.
Commercialization of Medicinal Plants in Java Island, Indonesia
The benefit and transaction cost flow which people earn economically and socially from wild medicinal plant harvesting are addressed in this study. The objectives of this study are three aspects: defining how many users are involved in utilization of medicinal plant raw materials (MPRM), how users describing their perception and motivation and describing benefit and transaction cost which influence users to harvest the plants. Results showed that utilization of medicinal plants in Java is still widely used as commercial products then medical services. There are 41 stakeholders who involved in this study and the highest motivation and perception in production and industrial clusters are economic interest. But stakeholder's perception and motivation in traditional healthcare cluster is social interest. The different motivation and perception in both clusters causing stakeholder who are work in traditional healthcare lack of market information, but they are important if the government will improve the traditional medicine. Recommendation of this study is that medicinal plants need further research and product development which can help to expand the medicinal plant culture area in the natural forest. By this reason, government should develop good political will to increase the medicinal plant resources for public healthcare.
The Potential of Land Abandonment in Bogor Regency for Community Forest Enterprises
The abandoned land and indicated abandoned land are considered critical land or land that is less productive. Those lands covered about 13,000 ha of Bogor Regency area, with the critical land area of around 93,467.51 ha (32%). To reduce the area of critical land and increase land productivity in Bogor can be done by optimizing the abandoned land for private forest use. This study aimed to analyze the potential and opportunities for private forest use in abandoned land. The method used was an investigative approach with quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. This study showed that in terms of land characteristics and biophysical conditions, the abandoned land could be developed for private forest business, especially to cultivate forest business, such as sengon (Albizia chinensis), kayu afrika (Maesopsis eminii), jabon (Neolamarckia cadamba), mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni), and kayu manis (Cinnamomum verum). The majority of respondents (65%) were willing to do partnerships in private forests. However, several factors are needed to support this business, i.e., regulations in the form of incentives and disincentives from local governments, investors, facilitators, and market access.
Enhancing the Role of the District Government in Decentralized Forest Management
Following the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 on the Regional Government, which superseded Law Number 22 of 1999 and Law Number 32 of 2004, now the local government has no longer holds an authority to manage state forest areas, except "grand forest park" (Taman Hutan Raya) located in their respective administrative areas. The management of production forests and protected forests (located at state forest areas) is the authority and responsibility of the provincial government, while the management of conservation forests is the authority of the central government. The success of forest management and management program activities is determined, among others, by government and local government policies and their implementation at the site level. By considering ntthe complexity of forest management, the context of decentralization, and available resources as well as constrained authority, this study aims to identify the level of importance, priorities, and main roles of district governments in forest management by applying the analytic network process (ANP) method. This study suggests that the district government could play a significant role in building social capital, which serves as a first step in developing collaborative forest management by promoting the optimization of multipurpose forests to preserve forests.
Hegemony means as a victory for the dominant group that is controlled by the mechanism of consensus (consent). This article attempts to understand the dynamics of state and community relationships regarding the political dynamics of the mastery of forest resources from the feudalism era to the post-colonial era. This research was carried out by using the qualitative analytic approach with literature research method. The results of the study showed that during colonial era, the state hegemony over forests was mainly to maintain its domain against the forest, and it correlates with the use of alliance between the colonial state and local rulers. In the perspective of Gramscian, the existing national political law over the forest is much influenced by the Indonesian organic intellectuals who inherited the ideology of Domainverklaring. The present social forestry program is not actually a counter-hegemonic (victory) of society over state hegemony in forest areas that has been taken place since colonial times, but rather to reinforce state hegemony over forests. To avoid it from triggering a humanitarian crisis, the solution then will depend on the country's ability to uphold justice in forest resources management. ; Hegemoni bermakna sebagai kemenangan kelompok dominan terhadap kelompok lemah yang dikendalikan oleh mekanisme konsensus (persetujuan). Artikel ini berusaha memahami dinamika hubungan negara dan masyarakat dalam penguasaan sumber daya hutan dari masa zaman feodalisme hingga saat ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif analitik dengan memanfaatkan metode kepustakaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan pada masa kolonialisme negara lebih mengedepankan dominasi untuk mempertahankan domainnya terhadap hutan, yang berarti penggunaan aparatus koersif untuk penegakkan hegemoni. Di dalam prespektif Gramscian, domain hutan oleh negara yang ada saat ini tidak lepas dari pengaruh intelektual organik rimbawan Indonesia pada masa pembentukan hukum kehutanan dengan meneruskan ideologi Domainverklaring sebagai ideologi ...
In forest management unit (FMU) operationalization, stakeholders are skeptical on the legitimacy of FMU policy, happening along their interaction. This interaction could encourage or inhibit the FMU policy adoption. This study goals is to analyze the FMU operationalization process and its influencing factors. Operationalization process is analyzed by analysis of qualitative descriptive based on stage of implementation and confirmation. Stakeholders interaction are analyzed by IDS method i.e. interaction between discourse/narrative, actors/networks and politics/interest. The results showed that FMU policy hasn't been fully recognized by stakeholders. Factors that affect the FMU policy operationalization are the clarity and adequacy of FMU authority, legitimacy of FMU policy and managements rights, the stakeholders support related to legality (regional policy) and action, and psychological barriers and trusts. Indicative strategies to overcome obstacles of the FMU operationalization are to establish and maintain the trust of stakeholders to support FMU operationalization bycommitment to a common goal in the FMU establishment, activity allocation suitable to the adopter needs, and participatory planning. ; Dalam operasionalisasi KPH terdapat keraguan stakeholders terhadap legitimasi kebijakan KPH. Keraguan ini diperoleh dari interaksi stakeholders dalam operasionalisasi KPH. Hasil interaksi ini dapat mendukung atau menghambat adopsi kebijakan KPH. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses operasionalisasi KPH dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya. Proses operasionalisasi dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan tahap implementasi dan konfirmasi. Interaksi stakeholders dianalisis dengan metode IDS yaitu interaksi antara discourse/narrative, actors/networks dan politics/interest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan KPH belum sepenuhnya diakui oleh stakeholders sehingga berimplikasi terhadap operasionalisasi di lapangan. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi operasionalisasi ...
This study aimed to find the role and relationships among stakeholders in the policy implementation. Descriptive qualitative approach with indepth interview method, document and literature review and unstructured observations used in this study. Stakeholder analysis has been done by identifying the interests and influence of stakeholders, also an analysis of the rights, responsibility, revenues and relationship (4R's) of stakeholders. The study results showed that there are nineteen stakeholders related to the policy implementation of the use of forest area. Ministry of Forestry is the main stakeholders while the leasehold of forest area license's holder become stakeholders' key in the policy implementation of the use of forest area. The role of both become a main factor of the successful implementation of policy. There is a good balance between the rights, responsibility and revenues for each stakeholder. While the relationships among stakeholders existed in various levels, from collaboration to conflict. Ministry of Forestry is expected to allocate deconcentration budget to implement the use of forest area policy. The regional government is also expected to prepare adequate human resources to conduct monitoring and evaluation activities such the leasehold of the forest area license. ; Studi ini bertujuan mengetahui peranan dan hubungan antara para pihak dalam implementasi kebijakan penggunaan kawasan hutan (PKH). Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode indepth interview, document and literature review dan observasi tak terstruktur digunakan dalam studi ini. Analisis para pihak dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi kepentingan dan pengaruh para pihak serta analisis terhadap rights, responsibility, revenues dan relationship (4R's) para pihak. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 19 pihak yang terkait dengan implementasi kebijakan PKH. Kementerian Kehutanan menjadi pihak utama sedangkan pemegang izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan (IPPKH) menjadi pihak kunci dalam implementasi kebijakan PKH. Peranan keduanya ...
The regime complex for tropical rainforest transformation: Analysing the relevance of multiple global and regional land use regimes in Indonesia
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 47, S. 408-425
ISSN: 0264-8377
Policy Adoption of Forest Management Unit: A Knowledge Diffusion Analysis
Within the policy adoption process of Forest Management Unit (FMU) concept, there has been disagreement of stakeholders on FMUs concept. This disagreement is caused by the exchange of knowledge, information, and perception among stakeholders involved. The results of these interactions could speed up, slow down, and prevent the adoption process of FMU policy. The study objective was analyzing process of knowledge diffusion of FMUs development policy and stakeholders interaction in PFMU Batutegi and PFMU Kotaagung Utara, Indonesia. Adoption process was analyzed by the logical diffusion technique based on knowledge time of FMUs concept received and its interaction space. Social interaction among stakeholders was analyzed using method developed by International Development Studies analysis, i.e. interaction among discourse/narrative, actors/networks and politics/interests. The results showed that knowledge diffusion of FMUs concept in both PFMU tends to cascade diffusion. Factors was affecting of it process were network, role of opinion leaders, willingness to know, and understand on FMUs concept. Indicative strategy is needed as anticipating and overcoming an obstacle in its internalization process, i.e. harmonization of legislative and executive relationship, building an opinion the importance of FMU, and optimalizing network for bureaucratic problems.
Commmunity Plantation Forest is Indonesian government policy which needed participation and responsibility from local community to manage production forest sustainability. Studies on capacity of community as prominent agent are needed. The objectives of this study are: (1) to assess the physical capital, human capital and social capital of communities and to identify their participation in HTR program; (2) to analyze the correlation between physical capital and human capital with elements of social capital, and between social capital with their participation in HTR; and (3) to develop implementation strategy of HTR. Analysis of data used descriptive method, Spearman rank correlation, SWOT and QSPM. Necessary information for this study came from a survey of 81 households from Taman Bandung, Seko Besar and Lamban Sigatal villages in Sarolangun Regency, Jambi. The results showed that physical capital, human capital and social capital are included in medium category. No correlation between physical capital and social capital, but there are correlation between social capital and human capital and participation. The study also showed that selected strategy in HTR implementation are: (1) accommodate exiting community models in forest land as community motivation; (2) optimize local government support to accelerate license process, assistance, and intensive socialization about HTR; and (3) use timber scarcity issues and PT Samhutani as market opportunity issues to stimulating community to plant timber. ; Hutan Tanaman Rakyat (HTR) merupakan kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia yang membutuhkan partisipasi dan tanggungjawab dari masyarakat lokal untuk mengelola hutan produksi secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian terhadap kapasitas masyarakat sebagai pemeran utama dalam kebijakan ini sangat dibutuhkan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah: (1) mengukur modal fisik, modal manusia dan modal sosial yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat dan mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam program HTR; (2) menganalisis hubungan antara modal fisik ...