A sociedade portuguesa perante os desafios da globalização, Vol. 5, Enteados de Galileu?: a semiperiferia no sistema mundial da ciência
In: A sociedade portuguesa perante os desafios da globalização Vol. 5
28 Ergebnisse
In: A sociedade portuguesa perante os desafios da globalização Vol. 5
In: Revista crítica de ciências sociais, Heft 95, S. 137-153
ISSN: 2182-7435
In: RCCS Annual Review: a selection from the Portuguese journal Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, Heft 1
ISSN: 1647-3175
In: Revista crítica de ciências sociais, Heft 87, S. 143-169
ISSN: 2182-7435
Article published in RCCS 80 (March 2008) ; Over the last three decades, the whole project of epistemology has been subjected to criticism and change. This process has been marked, successively, by the transfer of epistemic sovereignty to the "social" domain, by the rediscovery of ontology and by attention to constitutive normativity and the political implications of knowledge. Some have even suggested that epistemology should be abandoned altogether as a philosophical project. However, this process has been offset by a proposal for a new epistemology, rooted in the experiences of the global South. This article explores the possibilities of creating a space for dialogue between the various critiques ("naturalist," feminist, postcolonialist, epistemographic, epistopic, etc) of epistemology as a philosophical project, and Boaventura de Sousa Santos's proposal for an epistemology of the South, taking as a starting point a review of philosophical pragmatism as the most radical form of criticism of conventional epistemology.
In: Revista crítica de ciências sociais, Heft 80, S. 45-70
ISSN: 2182-7435
In: Revista crítica de ciências sociais, Heft 63, S. 189-198
ISSN: 2182-7435
In: Science, technology, & human values: ST&HV, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 242-245
ISSN: 1552-8251
In: Revista crítica de ciências sociais, Band 128, S. 183-188
ISSN: 2182-7435
During the last few decades we have witnessed a proliferation of exercises dealing with the public participation of citizens in various different dimensions of their societies, including issues of science and technology. On the one hand, these mechanisms provide more robust forms of public engagement with matters that were traditionally dealt with by experts; on the other hand, they raise concerns relating to their design, efficiency or potential for the empowerment of citizens. As part of the EC-funded project DEEPEN (Deepening Ethical Engagement and Participation in Emerging Nanotechnologies) a research team in Coimbra, Portugal, was put in charge of identifying the ethical and social "impacts" of emerging nanotechnologies, transforming the traditional focus groups through the incorporation of two methodological innovations: the Pedagogy of the Oppressed and the Theatre of the Oppressed. This article reflects on the outcomes and complexities of the introduction of these two methodologies. Since the participants had little or no information on nanotechnologies, we reflect on the politics of these focus groups by exploring how issues of intervention, subjectivity, representation and agency were interconnected during this exercise of public participation in Science and Technology, analyzing the role of social sciences in developing nanoethics.
In: Acta sociologica: journal of the Scandinavian Sociological Association, Band 48, Heft 3, S. 269-271
ISSN: 1502-3869
In: South European society & politics, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 46-76
ISSN: 1743-9612
The links, interrelations or interferences of environmental problems and health hazards have been the object of a growing body of literature cutting across disciplines. Different directions of research have expanded and deepened our understanding of the way health and sustainability are co-constructed, and of the role of technological innovation, public policy and citizen action in facilitating and promoting the emergence of strategies for sustainable development that consider health as one of its structuring axes. Episodes of collective mobilization over environmental problems and their connections to health problems display the relevance of this issue. Three main themes can be identified at the roots of these episodes: the health impacts of waste management procedures; the need for a reorientation of public policies – including health policies – in order to incorporate environmental concerns as a main structuring axis; and the need for health to be explicitly incorporated into strategies and policies of sustainable development. The notion of «sustainable health» is proposed as a way of articulating this need.
In: Revista crítica de ciências sociais, Heft 65, S. 129-150
ISSN: 2182-7435
In: Revista crítica de ciências sociais, Band 66, S. 03-04
ISSN: 2182-7435