285 Ergebnisse
Nuclear power plant life management and longer-term operation
In: Nuclear development
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Requirements and supply considerations, through the long-term
In: OECD Publications 40. 329
The security of energy supply and the contribution of nuclear energy
In: Nuclear development
Considering timescales in the post-closure safety of geological disposal of radioactive waste
In: Radioactive waste management
A key challenge in the development of safety cases for the deep geological disposal of radioactive waste is handling the long time frame over which the radioactive waste remains hazardous. The intrinsic hazard of the waste decreases with time, but some hazard remains for extremely long periods. This report reviews the current status and ongoing discussions of this issue, addressing such issues as ethical principles, the evolution of the hazard over time, uncertainties in the evolution of the disposal system (and how these uncertainties themselves evolve), the stability and predictability of the geological environment, repository planning and implementation including regulatory requirements, siting decisions, repository design, the development and presentation of safety cases and the planning of pre- and post-closure institutional controls such as monitoring requirements.--Publisher's description
Strategic and policy issues raised by the transition from thermal to fast nuclear systems
In: Nuclear development
The renewed interest in nuclear energy triggered by concerns about global climate change and security of supply could lead to substantial growth in nuclear electricity generation and expanded interest in fast neutron reactors with closed fuel cycles. Moving from the current fleet of thermal neutron reactors to fast neutron systems will require many decades and extensive RD&D efforts. This book identifies and analyzes key strategic and policy issues raised by such a transition, and provides guidance to decision makers on the best approaches for implementing transition scenarios.--Publisher's description