Introduction -- Knowledge, Skills and Competences (KSC) in the knowledge-based economy -- A review of the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI) -- Methodology and empirical strategy- Creative and digital skills in Italian cultural and creative industries -- Conclusions.
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Digital transformation has profoundly affected organizations and value chains in cultural production at the global level. The volume focuses on this change by looking at the knowledge, skills, and competencies (KSC) of the labor force in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in Italy. The contribution of the research is twofold. On the one hand, the book offers a detailed map of the KSC of creative and cultural professions and workers, on the other hand, it identifies relevant gaps between supply and demand across different cultural sub-sectors and typologies of workers. The study adopts an original methodology that implements a Natural Language Processing (NLP) approach to the analysis of education, experiences, and accomplishments contained in CVs. The result of the mapping exercise based on the algorithm shows how managerial and digital skills are increasingly crucial in the CCI in combination with creative skills. The Italian labor market in these industries seems characterized not only by a growing symbiosis between creative, digital, and managerial KSC but also by a convergence of CCI sub-sectors, whose boundaries get increasingly blurred and permeable. Finally, comparing the supply and demand of KSC, the book provides managers, practitioners, policymakers, and educational institutions with a comprehensive overview of the new KSC needed in CCI.
Data la complessit dell'ambiente urbano e delle sue trasformazioni, i processi di rigenerazione urbana sono oggetto di studio multidisciplinare da parte di diversi studiosi, tra cui pianificatori, geografi, economisti e sociologi. A partire dagli anni 2000, una questione che emerge dal confronto tra le varie discipline quella della città creativa, in cui le arti e le industrie culturali si diffondono come attività trainanti, influenzano le modalità di produzione e il consumo degli individui, e modificano le forme e l'uso degli spazi costruiti. Rigenerazione urbana e città creativa sono spesso affrontate in modo congiunto, senza argomentare in modo univoco cause ed effetti, interdipendenze reciproche, concentrandosi forse in modo eccessivo sul concetto piuttosto vago di classe creativa. Questo capitolo affronterà in modo sintetico quattro temi ricorrenti ma tutt'altro che risolti nelle politiche urbane e culturali: formazione di distretti culturali, costruzione di edifici iconici, moltiplicazione di eventi e festival, e interventi di arte pubblica. Molte città in tutto il mondo hanno investito su uno o pi di questi piani con risultati talvolta contradditori. Si presentano di seguito le criticità emerse pi chiaramente dalla implementazione di tali strategie.
This article contributes to the literature on the association between class position and cultural tastes by analyzing a unique historical data set and asking whether there were significant class differences in the consumption of music in the 19th century. Archival data from a publisher in Milan are used to analyze the characteristics of customers who purchased sheet music between 1814 and 1823. To avoid contemporary depictions of cultural hierarchies (e.g. 'highbrow', 'lowbrow' and 'omnivorous' tastes), we offer a new method for considering both the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of music consumption. Considering both the aggregate level of music consumption and the evolution of individual patterns over time, we find little evidence that musical tastes were aligned with class position. This finding calls for more research on the origins of the strong link between social structure and cultural preferences in general, or between class position and musical tastes in particular, which we witness today.
Abstract The paper investigates whether the penetration of advanced manufacturing technologies can be better explained at the regional or national level. If regional effects prevail, policy actions would focus on local investments, while if country effects make regional covariates redundant, they should be redirected to more structural reform of the national systems of innovation. In this respect, the contribution is 2-fold. First, data on acquisitions of industrial robots in the five largest European economies are rescaled at regional levels to draw a clear picture of winners and losers in the robotics race after the 2008 financial crisis. Second, we explain differential of growth rates in robot adoption with (1) traditional measures of industrial variety, (2) an unsupervised machine learning approach classifying a region's industry profile (3) usual determinants of innovation and, thereafter test the robustness of the results when country effects are added. As the main result, we highlight a process of regional convergence in which country-fixed effects hold greater explanatory power, although related variety and the number of skilled people are statistically significant regional explanatory factors. We do not discover a specific industry mix associated with the rise of adoption, but we highlight the one associated with its decline.
1. Introduction -- 2. Digital Technologies and Industrial Transformations -- 3. Participation in Global Supply Chains and the Offshorability of Italian Jobs -- 4. Digital Manufacturing and the Transformation of the Automotive Industry -- 5. The Way Ahead Towards Advanced Automation of Italian Manufacturing Regions.
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AbstractBuilding upon the companion paper in this issue, this essay analyses five case studies that can be taken as prototypes of the system‐wide cultural district culture‐led developmental model. The research targets five cities in Europe and the U.S.: Valencia, Austin, Newcastle/Gateshead, Linz, and Denver. Each presents specific characteristics but also some deep, structural common traits. The case studies are compared and their future viability is evaluated in terms of the factors presented in the companion piece.