The author argues that religious history is underestimated in its importance for World- and Global history. This book offers ten examples from a wide range of religious beliefs which show that developments in religion have far reaching consequences for general history.
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Der Band bietet einen Überblick über die politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen der Weltgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, von der Industrialisierung bis heute.Das 20. Jahrhundert setzt mit der Unfähigkeit der europäischen Mächte ein, das Ende der Expansionsmöglichkeiten in ferne Peripherien zu akzeptieren. Die imperialistischen Aggressionen, die Deutschland gegen Osteuropa, Japan gegen Ostasien richteten, scheitern 1945. Die Hegemonie der USA wird gefestigt. Der "Kalte Krieg" zwischen den Westmächten und dem Ostblock führt schließlich zu maßloser Hochrüstung und Gefährdung der gesamten Menschheit. Der Versuch, im Sozialismus ein rationaleres und mehr Gleichheit verwirklichendes Gegenmodell zum Kapitalismus zu entwickeln, scheitert als Diktatur einer Partei und endete 1990. Das 20. Jahrhundert ist durch vielfältige Emanzipationen, außerordentliche Erfindungen und eine schnelle Globalisierung, aber auch durch wachsende Ungleichheit, Genozide und Vertreibungen, unsichere und multiple Identitäten, Terrorismus und einen ungezügelten Verbrauch von Umwelt gekennzeichnet. Der Wiederaufstieg Indiens und Chinas sowie neue Hoffnung für Afrika und Lateinamerika bestimmen den Jahrtausendwechsel.
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The article aims to show connections between capitals and provinces in a more precise fashion than traditional regional history has done. It starts with an overview of methods in the "internal peripheries" approach. The Emsland, a region in Northwest Germany with heathlands and poor soils, serves as a case study. Until 1803 it was part of the Prince-Bishopric of Münster. The number of "Heuerlinge", a social group below the peasantry, increased from the 15th to the 18th century, which contri-buted to an overexploitation of natural resources by turning woodlands into heathlands. Economically the Emsland developed into a reservoir of cheap seasonal labour for the Netherlands, while politically the new border cut re-lations and the prince-bishop enforced Catholicism. During the short period when the Emsland was part of France labour costs and taxes rose. It was not before nineteenth-century industrialisation in Germany that these conditions changed. ; The article aims to show connections between capitals and provinces in a more precise fashion than traditional regional history has done. It starts with an overview of methods in the "internal peripheries" approach. The Emsland, a region in Northwest Germany with heathlands and poor soils, serves as a case study. Until 1803 it was part of the Prince-Bishopric of Münster. The number of "Heuerlinge", a social group below the peasantry, increased from the 15th to the 18th century, which contri-buted to an overexploitation of natural resources by turning woodlands into heathlands. Economically the Emsland developed into a reservoir of cheap seasonal labour for the Netherlands, while politically the new border cut re-lations and the prince-bishop enforced Catholicism. During the short period when the Emsland was part of France labour costs and taxes rose. It was not before nineteenth-century industrialisation in Germany that these conditions changed.