7 Ergebnisse
Between authoritarian governance and urban citizenship: Tree-felling protests in Hanoi
In: Urban studies, Band 56, Heft 5, S. 977-991
ISSN: 1360-063X
Little is known about how claims for urban citizenship in transitional states influence urban governance. Advancing the literature, this article draws on empirical research about a tree-felling dispute in Hanoi. It argues that social media are transforming how citizens project power over city officials. Interviews showed how a combination of street protests and criticism on social media disrupted state expectations about how citizens should behave. This opened political space that enabled citizens to voice their concerns. Although officials reacted emotionally to moral coercion, they refused to engage with deliberative claims for urban citizenship and the right to participate in governance. The article concludes that social media provide a space where urban citizenship can evolve, disseminate and eventually influence the state.
Cultural-Religious Dimensions of the 'Ritual Issue' in Pre-Colonial Vietnamese and Western Interactions
In: Manusya: journal of humanities, Band 27, Heft 1, S. 1-23
ISSN: 2665-9077
Through a meticulous examination of edicts issued by both imperial courts and Christian missionaries, this article posits that the 'ritual issue' – i.e., the divergence in ritualistic practices and values between Christianity and indigenous religions – constituted a principal obstacle to the proliferation of Christianity in Vietnam between the 17th and 19th centuries. Notably, the paper identifies a substantive transformation in the perception of the 'ritual issue.' During the 17th and 18th centuries under the Trịnh-Nguyễn lords, the issue was predominantly approached through a cultural-religious lens. However, in the 19th century under the Nguyễn dynasty, the issue acquired a cultural-political character. The imperial court posited that the adoption of Christianity would undermine its rule, which was predicated on Confucian ethical-political norms. The paper argues that the prohibition of Christianity would have been an inevitable policy under the Nguyễn dynasty, even in the absence of the association between missionary activity and colonialism.
Fatty acid composition and oil content during coriander fruit development
Coriander contains petroselinic acid, an isomer fatty acid of oleic acid. Coriander seed oil has been proposed as novel food ingredient in the European Union. Field experiments were performed at Auch (France) during two seasons (2010 and 2011). From flowering to maturity, fruits were harvested weekly and oil content and fatty acid (FA) compositions were determined. Fruits presented 2% more oil in 2010 than in 2011. Petroselinic acid (PA) contents was higher in 2011 than in 2010. Oil accumulation began earlier after flowering (2 DAF) in 2011. A first step in accumulation was identified between two and 21 DAF characterized by high SFA and PUFA, which decreased 21 DAF. Subsequently, PA increased to its highest concentration (30–55 DAF) and SFA and PUFA reached their lowest. These results suggest that higher concentrations of PA can be achieved by collecting fruits before full maturity.
Fatty acid composition and oil content during coriander fruit development
Coriander contains petroselinic acid, an isomer fatty acid of oleic acid. Coriander seed oil has been proposed as novel food ingredient in the European Union. Field experiments were performed at Auch (France) during two seasons (2010 and 2011). From flowering to maturity, fruits were harvested weekly and oil content and fatty acid (FA) compositions were determined. Fruits presented 2% more oil in 2010 than in 2011. Petroselinic acid (PA) contents was higher in 2011 than in 2010. Oil accumulation began earlier after flowering (2 DAF) in 2011. A first step in accumulation was identified between two and 21 DAF characterized by high SFA and PUFA, which decreased 21 DAF. Subsequently, PA increased to its highest concentration (30–55 DAF) and SFA and PUFA reached their lowest. These results suggest that higher concentrations of PA can be achieved by collecting fruits before full maturity.
Superhigh Rate and Large Capacity Li-Ion Storage of Orthorhombic Hydrated Sodium Molybdate with Oxygen-Vacancy Defects
In: CEJ-D-22-01714
Primary biosorption mechanism of lead (II) and cadmium (II) cations from aqueous solution by pomelo (Citrus maxima) fruit peels
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 28, Heft 45, S. 63504-63515
ISSN: 1614-7499