In: International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Band 5, Heft 6, S. 1560-1571
ISSN: 2455-8834
1302 Ergebnisse
In: International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Band 5, Heft 6, S. 1560-1571
ISSN: 2455-8834
Forests, like many other natural resources, provide a variety of ecosystem services such as watershed, habitats for plants and animals, carbon sequestration, landscape beauty, which are considered public goods. There is no cost to the public for these valuable ecosystem services. Ecosystem services users are free to enjoy their benefits and ecosystem services providers have no incentive to protect and maintain the continuous provision of ecosystem services. The market fails to value natural resources properly, and thus affects the sustainability of natural resources, particularly scarce resources. Contingent valuation method uses willingness to pay and willingness to accept as economic tools to address the market failures by providing financial incentives to sustain the provision of ecosystem services. Direct payments to households and individuals, which are contracted natural forests for protection, have been implemented in Vietnam since 1998. However, the payment of VND 100,000 (US$ 4.8) per hectare per year is insufficient to fully compensate opportunity costs of forest protection and management, and thus does not motivate the participation of the local households. On the other hand, the Vietnamese government is limited in its payments for natural forest protection by other competing priorities. Now is the time to involve the voice and options of not only the individuals who depend on the forest for their livelihoods, but also the general public in the forest management. A clear understanding of public awareness and perception regarding natural forest protection and the diversification of financial resources to support these protection programs are necessary to ensure the sustainability of natural forest resources. This study uses the contingent valuation method to evaluate the cost of natural forest protection, assess livelihoods of forest dependent households, and identify public perception regarding sustainable forest management in Vietnam. The study aims to determine the level of willingness to accept compensation by the local rural households that are contracted natural forests for protection, the willingness of local residents to pay for the protected forests, and the factors that influence the willingness to protect forests in a case study in Dinh Hoa district, Thai Nguyen province, northern Vietnam. The results showed that rural households in Dinh Hoa district are poor and mainly rely on agricultural activities for self-consumption, i.e., most agricultural and forest products are used for subsistence purposes. Forest products such as fuelwood, timber, bamboo, and palm tree products are important to local household; their contribution to the total household income (21%) is significant. The acceptance of compensation level varies between the households contracted different types of forest. On average, willingness to accept is estimated to be VND 398,000 (US$ 19) per hectare per year, yielding a five-year natural forest protection in Dinh Hoa project costs of VND 18.7 billion (US$ 891,162). The estimated amount of compensation is nearly four times higher than the current payment level of the government for forest protection. The area of forest land that households hold, demographic characteristics (ethnic group), distance from homestead to the forest boundary, and types of forest products collected are the major influencing factors to willingness to accept. The local residents are well aware of the importance of forests to their communities and perceive that the protection of natural forests is an efficient way to improve the quality of the environment. They are willing to pay VND 43,000 (US$ 2.1) per household as a one-time payment, which would raise a total fund of about VND 12.5 billion (US$ 593,810) for natural forests protection at a district scale. The willingness to pay is influenced by the level of payment, the public awareness of benefits provided by forests to communities, previous visits to the forest, and household income. The study proved that willingness to pay and willingness to accept can be used as a proxy to identify economic incentives for local farmers to restore forest land and understand the underlying factors that influence the willingness to protect forest. The payment level estimated by this study is an empirical suggestion to amend the current payment policy to meet the local households' expectations and to encourage the involvement of the locals in the forest management in the local context in the tropics. The findings of this study support an increase in payment level for the provincial Forest Protection and Development Fund, Payments for Forest Environmental Services, and the United Nations Program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation pilot projects which are currently being conducted in Vietnam.
Coastal area in Khanh Hoa Province belongs to Coastal South Central Region, where the Vietnam mainland juts out farthest into the west of the East Sea, and has a special relationship in space with the offshore Spratly islands, the geo-strategic Highlands and economic - political centre of Ho Chi Minh City. This coastal area is close to the sloping and deep continental shelf; possesses the diverse landforms and complex spatial structure with the systems of peninsula, islands, bays, lagoons and river mouths etc. that creates enormous potential for geo-natural position resources, of which highlights are the values of coastal bays and islands. In the geo-economic position resources, Khanh Hoa coastal area has great potential to build the base for exploiting offshore resources, establish large marine economic zones, and develop the economy of marine services, especially the port - navigation and coastal ecotourism. In the geo-political position resources, this is one of leading sites for defending and protecting the country from sea, and ensuring the sovereignty and national interests in the East Sea including the direct administration of Spratly island district. The detailed investigation and assessment of the position resources in this coastal area will be an important scientific basis for the sea and island development in Khanh Hoa province. ; Vùng bờ tỉnh Khánh Hòa nằm ở duyên hải Nam Trung Bộ, thuộc phần nhô ra xa nhất của đất liền Việt Nam ra vùng giữa bờ tây Biển Đông, có quan hệ đặc biệt về không gian với quần đảo xa bờ Trường Sa, vùng địa bàn chiến lược Tây Nguyên và trung tâm kinh tế - chính trị thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Đây là vùng bờ có thềm lục địa phía ngoài sâu và dốc; hình thể và cấu trúc không gian đa dạng và phức tạp với hệ thống các bán đảo, đảo, vũng vịnh, đầm và cửa sông . tạo ra tiềm năng to lớn về tài nguyên địa - tự nhiên, mà nổi bật là giá trị của hệ thống các vũng vịnh và đảo ven bờ. Về tài nguyên địa - kinh tế, vùng bờ Khánh Hòa có tiềm năng lớn xây dựng cơ sở hậu cần khai thác tài nguyên biển xa, xây dựng các cơ sở kinh tế biển lớn, phát triển kinh tế dịch vụ biển, đặc biệt là cảng - hàng hải và du lịch sinh thái biển. Về tài nguyên địa - chính trị, đây là một trong những vị trí có vai trò quan trọng trong việc phòng thủ và bảo vệ đất nước từ biển, đảm bảo chủ quyền và lợi ích quốc gia trên Biển Đông, trong đó có việc trực tiếp quản lý huyện đảo Trường Sa. Việc điều tra, đánh giá chi tiết tài nguyên vị thế vùng bờ sẽ là cơ sở khoa học quan trọng để phát triển biển đảo tỉnh Khánh Hòa.
we report six new records of snakes from thanh hoa province based on newly collected specimens from xuan lien nature reserve, comprising three species of colubridae (lycodon futsingensis, l. meridionalis and oreocryptophis porphyraceus), two species of natricidae (hebius boulengeri and parahelicops annamensis), and one species of elapidae (bungarus slowinskii). in addition, an updated list of 38 snake species from xuan lien nature reserve is also provided. the snake fauna of xuan lien nature reserve contains a number of species of conservation concern including six species listed in the governmental decree no. 32/2006/nd-cp (2006), eight species listed in the vietnam red data book (2007), and four species listed in the iucn red list (2016).
The effective management of state budget expenditure (SBEM) has made significant contributions to development of social-economical aspects of Vietnam over the past years. It has contributed to increase the production as well as the consumption in different economic sectors, exploiting the potential competence of the cities and provinces, boosting production and service, providing jobs, ensuring justice in social security, and, maintaining political and social stability throughout the countries. First issued in 1996 and amended in 2002, the Law on State Budget provides a quite comprehensive legal framework for budgeting and management of public expenditure. Especially, it has contributed to the significant improvements in the budget-related decision-making process as well as the supervisory effectiveness of elected bodies. The law has provided the National Assembly with more authority over the management of state budget. In more specific, National Assembly is now highly involved in the task of estimating budget as well as budget allocation to the provinces and provincial-level cities. In addition, the provincial People's Council has been given the authority to determine the allocation of revenues and expenditure to each government level within the province, and to district and commune-level governments. Interestingly, this research is conducted at the same time as Hoa Binh Province is assessing the effectiveness of budget expenditure management and its role in the public sector. Hence, this master's thesis aims to provide Hoa Binh Province with solutions based on systematic research and analysis, which, to improve the effectiveness of the province's budget expenditure management. The research has been both secondary (the use of secondary academic sources) and primary (interviewing both the personnel of budget expenditure management and relevant financial experts through survey questionnaires). The main findings of the thesis show that there is a need to improve the effectiveness of budget expenditure management of Hoa Binh Province. One of the conclusions suggests that effective management of socio-economic development is an indispensable activity to improve the transparency and accountability of effective budget expenditure management.
In: The Yale review, Band 110, Heft 2, S. 40-42
ISSN: 1467-9736
Six surveys were conducted and all vascular plants were collected in Pu Luong Nature Reserve, from January 2010 to January 2013. The paper reported 1.459 species, 678 genera and 181 families of the 6 divisions. In Pu Luong Nature Reserve there are 50 threatened species listed in the Red Book of Vietnam 2007 and 24 species in Decree 32/2006/ND-CP by Government. The number of useful plant species of the Pu Luong flora is categorized as follows: 705 species for medicinal plants, 188 species for timber plants, 161 species for edible and 57 species for other. The plant species in Pu Luong mainly comprise the tropical elements (68.40%) of them, the endemic elements with 23.65%. The Spectrum of Biology (SB) of the flora in Pu Luong is summarized as follows: SB = 83.62 Ph + 8.50 Ch + 2.88 Hm + 1.78 Cr + 3.22 Th.
In: European review of applied sociology, Band 17, Heft 28, S. 66-79
ISSN: 2286-2552
Researching solutions to improve human capital to support the Dao people to escape poverty sustainably in Thanh Hoa province is limited by the author to the following aspects: the current status of the human capital of Dao households; the main principle in poverty reduction is the need to give trust to the poor; classify poor household into three groups: household with elderly and sick people; household groups have working workers but lack skills and experience; groups of households that refuse to work and are lazy; support policies and efforts of the poor themselves to improve the capacity of sustainable poverty escape of Dao household today in Thanh Hoa province.
This research analyzes the impact of farmers' capability to access market information on the improvement of farmer household livelihood. For this purpose, a fieldwork was conducted in Nga Son district with specific objectives: (i) To describe the market information system in Nga Son, Thanh Hoa; (ii) To identify the farmers' capability of access, understanding and use of market information; (iii) To explore the influence of access and use of market information on the change of farmer household economic condition; and (iv) To determine farmer's advantages and disadvantages of access to market information in Nga Son. The results show that: (i) The system provides MI service has initially formed in Nga Son district, in which the extension station and staff play as key roles; (ii) The farmers' capability of access in the district still remain at average level and farmers are sluggish in access to market information service; (iii) The farmers' capability of access to market information closely related to their annual incomes; (iv) Factors that impact on the farmers' capability of access to market information including educational background, economic condition of household and effective supports and interventions of local government, of which the economic conditions of households is the main factor. Based on empirical results mentioned, our proposed suggestions are: (i) Strengthen the market information system; (ii) Improve the capability to access market information of farmers through training courses; and (iii) Increase public awareness and investment within refurbishing the transportation systems, restructuring the marketing system, promoting the development of cooperatives, enhancing the application of high technologies such as Internet, mobile phone, radio and newspaper to provide reliable market information services.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Vietnam is still complicated. Two groups in high risks are people who injection drug and female sex workers (FSW). According to 2011 sentinel surveillance, HIV prevalence among PWID still high at 13.4%. Vietnam is making effort to control the HIV prevalence among PWID by many programs such as: needles and syringes program, methadone program, condom use program. Just review from some literature: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2015): ―World Drug Report 2015‖. ―HIV/AIDS Estimates and Projections 2007– 2012,‖ Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control. Vietnam AIDS response progress report 2014. Jason Eligh, HIV/AID Advisor, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Hanoi, Vietnam, response to the "UN HIV and IDU Reference Group: Request to Fill Data Gaps— Vietnam," Reference Group to the UN on HIV and Injecting Drug Use, 2009. D28 Routine Program Report. VAAC, MoH 2013. Vietnam AIDS response progress report 2014. World drug report 2013. Ahmed T, Thanh NL, Huong PT, Stewart DE. Drug injecting and HIV risk among injecting drug users in Hai Phong, Vietnam: a qualitative analysis. 2015. By the effort of government, Vietnam has step by step decline the percentage of HIV prevalence among PWID, from 23.1% in 2006 decline to 10.28% in 2012. Furthermore, the programs are applying still successful until now. Vietnam has been successful to decline the percentage of HIV prevalence among PWID.
In: The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography: JUE, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 1-17
ISSN: 2369-8721
This study examines the Esplanade Underpass, an underground thoroughfare in Singapore that supports a range of public users and uses, despite not being a formally planned or officially designated public space. The Esplanade Underpass serves as an interesting case study as most public spaces in Singapore are zoned and governed by regulations of various kinds. The Esplanade Underpass, however, is minimally subject to these forms of surveillance and control. This research asks: What are the characteristics of the Esplanade Underpass that set it apart from the narrative of order and control often imposed upon public spaces in Singapore?" Through participant observation and interviews, the study investigates the users and uses of the Underpass. The study reveals how a range of users of the Underpass adapt the physical space for various uses, consequently establishing a series of informal social norms. Through varied habitual uses, the Underpass has been transformed from a place of transit into a meaningful public space which possesses a vibrant social life. The study highlights the nuances of social engagement that can work to make spaces "public" and offers a novel understanding of informally formed public space in Singapore.
Along with the development of the translation industry, the translation of two different languages still faces many difficulties. The difference in the grammatical structure and symbols of the two languages makes it difficult for translators to translate Vietnamese and vice versa. This study aims to investigate common errors in Vietnamese - English translation that English majors students at Ho Chi Minh University of food industry often make within in the process of translating Vietnamese sentence structures into English, this paper helps find solutions to enhance students' translation skills. The data have been collected from 96 English majors students of the Foreign Language Faculty, Ho Chi Minh University of food industry participated. Participants were asked to translate eleven short sentences from Vietnamese into English; the data was collected from the translation texts of these students using the same source text. The results revealed that common errors made by the students included grammatical errors, translate word to word, wrong form and article. Finally, the study suggests some solutions to assist these students overcome their difficulties also as improve their translating method in practicing translating Vietnamese - English speeches.