The Politics of the Trash Heap
I propose to develop a new methodology on housing fabrication and community development and engagement in the region of northern Baja to be achieved through material sourcing and fabrication, localized infrastructure, and larger scale infrastructure throughout the border region of Mexico and California. This will be done at three scales: Macro-scale, studying ecologies, climate, and political landscapes; Meso-scale, studying infrastructure, resources, population density, and agriculture; Micro-scale, studying familial types, dwelling infrastructure and the cultural community. The Human dwelling will be the amalgamation of this border redevelopment, as refuse material from the US can be augmented to produce climactically appropriate materials for this region. The thesis speculates on these materials being processed in localized facilities to promote cross border comradery and bring financial stability to border settlements in Mexico. The uses for these materials will aid in the construction of necessary dwelling for families of workers on both sides of the newly formed border country. The development of these homes will be made more obtainable through a comprehensive kit of parts and a modular interchangeable system that allows for family growth/downsizing and mobility if climactic threat such as fires infringe on settlements.