Measuring underemployment among military spouses
In: Rand Corporation monograph series : MG 918-OSD
33 Ergebnisse
In: Rand Corporation monograph series : MG 918-OSD
In: Rand Corporation monograph series
In: Social service review: SSR, Band 83, Heft 2, S. 293-295
ISSN: 1537-5404
In: International migration review: IMR, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 524-525
ISSN: 1747-7379, 0197-9183
In: International migration review: IMR, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 524-525
ISSN: 0197-9183
In: Armed forces & society, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 687-689
ISSN: 1556-0848
In: Strangers at the GatesNew Immigrants in Urban America, S. 186-222
This report uses a mixed methods approach to identify how racial disparities in the Department of the Air Force military justice system can arise, at what stages of the system the disparities occur, and what factors can explain the disparities.
In: Rand Corporation technical report series
The relative lack of minorities in certain military career fields has a significant impact on the diversity of the senior leadership. The relationship between career field choice, race/ethnicity, and membership in the senior officer corps appears to stem, at least in part, from racial and ethnic differences in the occupational preferences of officer cadets. The authors urge a full-scale study to learn the reasons behind these preferences
In: Rand Corporation monograph series
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is in the middle of a five-year hiring plan to increase the number of sworn officers in the department by 1,000 and achieve a force strength of more than 10,000 officers for the first time in its history. Thus far, working together with the City of Los Angeles Personnel Department's Public Safety Bureau (PSB), the LAPD is on track to achieve this ambitious goal. However, the personnel department and the LAPD have been operating close to the margin, often meeting their hiring quota at the very end of the month. In addition, the LAPD is under consent decrees that stipulate greater diversity in hiring its officers. This book assists the LAPD in achieving its recruiting and diversity goals by offering ways to improve productivity and efficiency in the recruiting process. It begins by identifying potential untapped local recruiting markets. It also provides a model of viable candidates that the LAPD and the personnel department can use to target its recruitment and to prioritize applicants while still maintaining its diversity hiring goal. Finally, it recommends ways to improve productivity of the PSB Background Investigation Division
In: Rand Corporation monograph series
In: Armed forces & society: official journal of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society : an interdisciplinary journal, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 687-689
ISSN: 0095-327X
In: Sociologický časopis: Czech sociological review, Band 31, Heft 2, S. 117-136
ISSN: 2336-128X
In: Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 117-137
Pierre Bourdieu's concept of various forms of capital are employed in a study of patterns of individual mobility in the postcommunist Czech Republic, drawing on secondary empirical data from a longitudinal study conducted by P. Mateju, M. Tucek, & L. Rezler (1991) in which 2,891 eighth-grade student questionnaires & 2,709 parent interviews were completed in 1989 & again in 1992. It is found that the former nomenklatura class has retained its social position due to its conversion of human & social capital into economic capital. However, a change from pre- to postcommunist society is detected in the increase of education as a facilitator of upward mobility. Finally, while cultural capital does not appear to significantly influence stratification, a strong relationship is found between social capital & upward mobility.