62 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
Beyond Darfur: Sudan's slide toward civil war
In: Foreign affairs
ISSN: 0015-7120
World Affairs Online
Modell USA: Entwicklungshilfe ist Interessenpolitik
In: Der Überblick: Zeitschrift für ökumenische Begegnung und internationale Zusammenarbeit ; Quartalsschrift des Kirchlichen Entwicklungsdienstes, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 14-21
ISSN: 0343-0553
World Affairs Online
USAID in the post-911 world
In: Foreign service journal, Band 83, Heft 6, S. 19-24
ISSN: 0146-3543
Discusses reforms in the United States Agency for International Development designed to realign policy and operations for the post-9/11 period. Focus is on the intellectual rational for foreign assistance programs, organizational changes already undertaken in USAID over the past five years, and changes remaining to be implemented during the remainder of the Bush presidency.
FOCUS ON THE FUTURE OF USAID: USAID IN THE POST-9/11 WORLD: Reforms are realigning the agency's policies and operations to match today's strategic and developmental challenges
In: Foreign service journal, Band 83, Heft 6, S. 19-24
ISSN: 0146-3543
In: Harvard international review, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 88
ISSN: 0739-1854
HIV/AIDS and Development: The U.S. Response: An Interview with USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios
In: The Fletcher forum of world affairs, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 25-33
ISSN: 1046-1868
What has USAID done to combat HIV/AIDS? Natsios examines the pressures that drove him to change USAID policies on the use of antiretroviral medications in Africa, discusses the global nature of the disease, & highlights the relationship between the War on Terror & the epidemic. Adapted from the source document.
COVER: FOCUS ON HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION: THE POLITICS OF SAVING LIVES: Humanitarian intervention is a growth industry for the U.S. Here's how it looks fromn the trenches
In: Foreign service journal, Band 75, Heft 12, S. 16-23
ISSN: 0146-3543
NGOs and the Humanitarian Impulse: Some Have It Right
In: Ethics & international affairs, Band 11, S. 133-136
ISSN: 1747-7093
In a response to Pasic and Weiss, Natsios supports the authors' critique of the unintended political consequences of relief interventions but takes issue with their portrayal of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Natsios asserts that the authors misrepresent the doctrine of the ICRC in associating it with a mission of "restorative" rescue, one that is purely custodial in nature and blind to political problems. While the ICRC does support political reform, it maintains that relief should not be contingent upon or advance reform efforts. In conclusion, Natsios argues for case-by-case decisions on the objectives of each intervention, based on an approach that falls in between restorative rescue and revolutionary intervention in Pasic and Weiss' framework.
Humanitarian relief interventions in Somalia: The economics of chaos
In: International peacekeeping, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 68-91
ISSN: 1353-3312
World Affairs Online
Establishing the North American Disease Defense Shield (NADDS) at the Panama-Colombia Border
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the devastating impact infectious diseases can have on human health, social orders, economies, and political systems. Throughout human history, pandemics have remade governments and economies. The extensive reach of infectious disease, combined with global vulnerability to rapidly spread due to globalization, makes it vital that the U.S. learns lessons from COVID-19 and previous pandemics in order to reduce the damage that can be caused by future outbreaks. ; The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the devastating impact infectious diseases can have on human health, social orders, economies, and political systems. Throughout human history, pandemics have remade governments and economies. The extensive reach of infectious disease, combined with global vulnerability to rapidly spread due to globalization, makes it vital that the U.S. learns lessons from COVID-19 and previous pandemics in order to reduce the damage that can be caused by future outbreaks.
Heading off the coming food revolutions: The best way to break the link between food price increases and absolute poverty is through long-term development programs
In: Foreign service journal, Band 89, Heft 3, S. 26-30
ISSN: 0146-3543
Beyond Darfur - While the crisis in Darfur simmers, the larger problem of Sudan's survival as a state is becoming increasingly urgent. Old tensions between the Arabs of the Nile River valley, who have held power for a century, and marginalized groups on the country's periphery are turning into a nat...
In: Foreign affairs, Band 87, Heft 3, S. 77-93
ISSN: 0015-7120