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399 Ergebnisse
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- List of Tables -- List of Figures and Exhibits -- List of Abbreviations -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- 1. Introduction: The International Monetary System -- 2. Money in Economics of the Open Economy -- 2.1 Introduction: What is Money? -- 2.2 David Hume and the Quantity Theory of Money -- 2.3 Purchasing Power Parity Theory -- 2.4 The Monetarist Arithmetic -- 2.5 Balance of Payments Adjustment -- 2.6 The Absorption Model of the Balance of Trade -- 2.7 The Monetary Approach -- 2.8 Classical and Keynesian Models: A Comparison -- 2.9 Money in New Open Economy Models -- 2.10 Extension of OB-RO Model -- 2.11 The Steady State Again -- 2.12 Uncertainity and Stochastic Nature -- 2.13 Equilibrium Exchange Rate and Pass-through -- 2.14 More on Micro Structure of Exchange Rate -- 2.15 Stabilization Programme in Crisis Economies: Monetarist Approach and Polak Model -- 2.16 G-3 Exchange Rate Volatility -- 3. Money Growth, Inflation and Seigniorage -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Measurement of Seigniorage -- 3.3 Broader Definition of Seigniorage -- 3.4 Seigniorage and Exchange Rate -- 3.5 Dynamic Effects -- 3.6 Cost of Seigniorage -- 3.7 Conclusion -- 4. Multinational Corporations and Emerging Economies -- 4.1 Greenfield Investment and Merger and Acquisition: A Comparison -- 4.2 Technology Issue -- 4.3 Indian Case -- 4.4 Market Structure and Competition -- 4.5 Sequential Market Entry: A Case Study of Sony Corporation in the United States -- 5. International Financial System: A Historical Evolution -- 5.1 The Gold Standard -- 5.2 The Demise of Classical Gold Standard -- 5.3 The Bretton Woods International Monetary System -- 5.4 Multilateral Payments Mechanism -- 5.5 Resources of IMF -- 5.6 The Structure of Organization
In: Interkulturelle Bibliothek 73
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