Farmer-Agribusiness linkage in Andhra Pradesh, India: A case study of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) ; Not Available
Not Available ; The purpose of the study is to assess the farmer agribusiness linkage and the sensitivity and extent of linkage, the farmers linkages are various sectors like output and sevices and to promote technology penetration, improve productivity, enable improved access to inputs and services and increase farmer incomes, thereby strengthening their sustainable agriculture. The data was collected in three major maize growing districts of Andhra Pradesh state i.e. Karimnagar, Mahabubnagar and Guntur. Linkage synchronize the starting, stopping, rapidity and quality relevant performance of distinct business processes which take place within farmers. Farmer linkages are with various sectors like input sector which includes seed, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides are found to be strong. Better market rates are found to be encouraged for the farmers they are comfortable with the existing marketing arrangements if improvisation is there means it facilitates for better realization of prices. Government has been providing price support mechanism to encourage farmers to grow maize as it has ready use in starch and feed meal industries. Financial support is being sought from the traders where as banks are supposed to be a strong link. In the existing scenario, necessary action has to be initiated to safeguard the interest of farmers in obtaining the facility from financial institutes where in the farmer will be benefitted with crop insurance and the applicable loan waivers in case of adverse conditions. ; Not Available