La decisione del Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) brasiliano dell'8 marzo 2021 che restituisce i diritti politici all'ex presidente brasiliano Luis Inácio Lula da Silva ha suscitato grande clamore in quel paese e nel resto del mondo. Il breve articolo illustra le sue motivazioni e le conseguenze su altri procedimenti in corso, nonchè i possibili effetti politici in vista delle elezioni presidenziali del 2022.
The second advisory opinion ex Protocol No. 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights, the first in criminal matters provided by the European Court of Human Rights on 29 May 2020 at the Armenian Constitutional Court's request, presents profiles of interest on a procedural and substantive level. Under the first profile, it pronounces on the admissibility requirements and further clarifies the functioning of the advisory mechanism, introducing novelties concerning the conformation of the opinion itself. From a substantive point of view, it first establishes the conditions of conventional compatibility for the use of the "legislation by reference" technique and, secondly, adds elements to compare two different versions of law according to the principle of non-retroactivity of the criminal law established by art. 7 ECHR.
The Inter-American system for the protection of human rights recognizes the importance of freedom of expression for democratic systems. The analysis of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) case law shows that it is probably the regional framework that provides the greatest scope and the broadest guarantees of protection to the right to freedom of thought and expression. Based on American Convention on Human Rights and on other relevant legislative instruments and, above all, in light of their prevailing interpretation by the aforementioned Court, this brief analysis is intended to clarify, with some comparative insights, the main features and the peculiarities of the regional system protection of the right to freedom of expression. In particular, it will consider the types of speech deserving special protection due to their importance for the exercise of other human rights or for the maintenance and the strengthening of democracy and, by contrast, the conditions according to which restrictions to freedom of expression are admitted by the Inter-American system.
This paper aims to analyze how the so-called 'new generation' European Union trade agreements can impact sustainable development policy of third countries, verifying whether such agreements are endowed with effective instruments that guarantee the implementation of the international commitments assumed with the aim to improve environmental and labour standards. In this sense, the presence of a specific dispute resolution instrument for the chapter on "Trade and Sustainable Development", distinct from the one provided for the commercial part, on one hand highlights the relevance of the differentiated treatment granted to such issues. On the other hand, it also denotes the fragility of a system based solely on cooperation, which does not provide for the direct imposition of any type of sanction. Given this scenario, the purpose of this study is to reflect on the limitations and potential of 'new generation' trade agreements concerning the promotion of sustainable development in third countries and the possible ways to overcome the challenges inherent in building an economical sustainable society.
The co-editors and the Editorial team present the second edition of the Latin American Journal of European Studies! The Latin American Journal of European Studies (LAJES) is a publication of the Latin American Center of European Studies, created from the BRIDGE Project of Jean Monnet Network with funding from the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission. It is open access, double-blind reviewed journal in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, published semesterly to create new knowledge, build bridges of dialogue, and exchange good practices between European Union and Latin America, always intending to promote economic and social development peace, and international security. In this volume, readers can explore contributions focusing on the editorial lines European Union Law and Policies and International Relations of the European Union with third countries and Latin America, as well as about themes concerning "Migration and Citizenship in the European Union and Latin America," the subject of the current Thematic Dossier and the II Jean Monnet Network Seminar – BRIDGE that took place on 9 November 2021 at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
The text is the editorial of the first issue of the Latin American Journal of European Studies (LAJES), publication of the Latin American Center of European Studies, created from the BRIDGE Project of Jean Monnet Network with funding from the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission. It is open access, double-blind reviewed publication in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, to create new knowledge, build bridges of dialogue, and exchange good practices between European Union and Latin America. According to its Editorial Policies, the Journal contains a specific Thematic Dossier, and the first issue topic is on EU-Latin America trade and investment relations. Beyond the Dossier, the Journal also has admitted to publication contributions focusing on the editorial lines European Union Law and Policies and International Relations of the European Union with third countries and Latin America.