Providing incentives for fishermen through rights-based co-management systems. An impact-assessment on Basque fisheries
In: Marine policy, Band 70, S. 128-136
ISSN: 0308-597X
9 Ergebnisse
In: Marine policy, Band 70, S. 128-136
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Marine policy: the international journal of ocean affairs, Band 70, S. 128-136
ISSN: 0308-597X
[EN] This paper analyses the activity of the Basque fleet during the mackerel fishing season and presents an economic analysis of the equilibrium of this fishery. It seeks to determine whether its economic structure represents an internal factor explaining the fishermen's behaviour. The inverse demand function and the average cost function are therefore estimated. Moreover, the analysis conducted here also takes into account the institutional dimension by factoring in current fishery regulation measures. Conclusions are drawn as to whether the incentives provided by the management measures and the strategy of fishermen are optimal on the basis of the estimated economic functions. ; [ES] Este trabajo analiza la actividad de la flota vasca durante la costera del verdel y presenta un análisis económico del equilibrio de esta pesquería. Se pretende determinar si su estructura económica representa un factor interno que explica el comportamiento de los pescadores. Así, se estiman la función inversa de demanda y la función de costes medios. Además, el análisis también considera la dimensión institucional, incorporando las actuales medidas de regulación de la pesquería. Se concluye analizando si los incentivos generados por las medidas de gestión y la estrategia de los pescadores son óptimos en base a las funciones económicas estimadas. ; The authors acknowledge funding from project ECO2013-40935 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. The second author gratefully acknowledges funding from the FP 7-KBBE-2011-5 Socioec project and funding from the Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Basque Government. ; García-Enríquez, J.; Murillas-Maza, A.; Arteche, J. (2016). Economic structure of fishing activity: an analysis of mackerel fishery management in the Basque Country. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 16(1):81-109. ; SWORD ; 81 ; 109 ; 16 ; 1
Abstract Despite the important role of ecosystem services, their study and associated monetary value is limited mostly to terrestrial, estuarine and coastal systems, with few studies undertaken in open marine waters and deep water systems. In addition, human activities are degrading marine ecosystems and the services they provide. To reverse this situation, various legislations have been implemented worldwide. Within this context, conservation activities (i.e. protection, prevention and restoration) are strongly encouraged. Hence, this Chapter: (i) reviews the marine goods and services provided by marine ecosystems; (ii) reviews conservation activities (as a means to maintain and improve goods and services), paying special attention to the effects of restoration on ecosystem services; and (iii) determines the gaps to be covered and the ways to move forward, in relation to conservation of marine goods and services.
Recent additions to marine environmental legislation are usually designed to fill gaps in protection and management, build on existing practices or correct deficiencies in previous instruments. Article 13 of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires Member States to develop a Programme of Measures (PoM) by 2015, to meet the objective of Good Environmental Status (GES) for their waters by 2020. This review explores key maritime-related policies with the aim to identify the opportunities and threats that they pose for the achievement of GES. It specifically examines how Member States have relied on and will integrate existing legislation and policies to implement their PoM and the potential opportunities and difficulties associated with this. Using case studies of three Member States, other external impediments to achieving GES are discussed including uses and users of the marine environment who are not governed by the MSFD, and gives recommendations for overcoming barriers.
In: Marine policy, Band 129, S. 104533
ISSN: 0308-597X
Fisheries policy is increasingly influenced by civil society organizations. The newest example of this is the formulation of the landing obligation, a regulation that should reduce the contested practice of discarding unwanted fish. In this paper the implementation process of the landing obligation in four European countries is compared. From this comparison it becomes clear that fishers are working on diminishing discards. However it also shows that for the legitimacy, and the effectiveness of policy it is not only vital to increase the influence of civil society actors, but also the participation of resource users. Their views, knowledge, and cooperation are vital for a successful implementation of the regulation. Otherwise, resistance become too high, and regulation becomes more symbolic than a tool for change.
In: Marine policy, Band 136, S. 104889
ISSN: 0308-597X
Marine aquaculture is the most promising industry for ensuring future provision of seafood. Yet, the worldwide growth and expansion of this industry have been slower than expected, calling for the identification of environmentally suitable sites while accounting for all factors that could constrain or benefit its establishment. Here, we determine the main obstacles and risks hindering the growth and expansion of marine aquaculture, as well as the needs and recommendations to overcome such constraints. Our analysis is based on results obtained from a consultation process held in 16 study sites located around the world with the participation of 614 stakeholders representing the research community, aquaculture industry, government, conservation groups, and education and fishermen associations. A high level of commonality exists in the main issues hindering aquaculture growth and expansion in coastal, off-the-coast and offshore aquaculture with most being attributed to interactions with other maritime activities, including conflicts with other users and administrative procedures, including licensing. Critical needs for improved management and expansion of the aquaculture industry are related to planning andmanagement of developments and technological advances, with economic and market needs featuring to a lesser extent. Key procedures recommended to assist further aquaculture growth are th standardisation and simplification of regulatory frameworks, improvement of governance, and the adoption of participatory processes to facilitate meaningful and productive stakeholder engagement. We strongly recommend stakeholder participation to enhance insights on the full environmental and human dimensions of marine management and for implementation of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning.