In this paper I present an empirical analysis of spatial patterns in land markets in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, between 2000 and 2003. It is well known that land markets reflect a variety of spatial factors that collectively influence market value, yet it is empirically difficult to sort out the relative contribution of overall and localized, the spatial and aspatial determinants of sales prices. Some of the classical assumptions about urban form that feed into hedonic analyses of land markets are explored. Then, three analyses are presented: simple visualization of single-family residential sales prices with regard to factors likely to influence land value, univariate and bivariate measures of spatial autocorrelation, and, finally, spatial econometric hedonic modeling.
AbstractDiverse scholars recognize that urban and rural areas have becomes increasingly blurred in function and form. Amenity‐rich areas have experienced high levels of population and employment growth in North America. At the same time, rural populations have had to adjust to economic restructuring by trying to capture benefits from amenity‐led development and/or commuting to urban areas for employment. We use the concept of urban‐rural space to review dynamic processes that are altering rural areas, integrating them with larger urban places, and creating both challenges and opportunities for rural areas that were formerly dependent on agriculture, mining, and other forms of primary activities. To examine trends in urban‐rural places, we present the case of southeast Ohio, an area of the Appalachian foothills undergoing increasing urban influence from the growing state capital, Columbus. The dynamics of this area yield insights that may be informative to policy making in other rural areas undergoing similar transitions in the modern economy.Resumen. Una serie de expertos opinan que el concepto de áreas urbanas y rurales es cada vez más difuso en cuanto a su forma y función. Las áreas de Norteamérica con una abundancia de servicios han experimentado niveles de crecimiento de la población y el empleo elevados. Al mismo tiempo, las poblaciones rurales han tenido que someterse a una reestructuración económica a fin de atraer los beneficios derivados de un desarrollo basado en los servicios y/o desplazarse a diario a las áreas urbanas en busca de empleo. El concepto de áreas urbano‐rurales se emplea aquí en una revisión de los procesos dinámicos que están cambiando las zonas rurales, integrándolas dentro de espacios urbanos más grandes y creando retos y oportunidades para unas áreas rurales que hasta hace poco dependían de la agricultura, la minería y otras actividades primarias. A fin de examinar las tendencias de las áreas urbano‐rurales, presentamos el caso del sudeste de Ohio, un área del piedemonte de los Apalaches que está experimentando una influencia urbana cada vez mayor debido a la expansión de Columbus, la capital del estado. Las dinámicas de esta zona aportan información que podría ser de ayuda en la formulación de políticas en otras áreas rurales que estén experimentando transiciones similares dentro de la economía moderna.graphic
Land‐use and ‐cover change is a topic of increasing concern as interest in forest and agricultural land preservation grows. Urban and residential land use is quickly replacing extractive land use in southern Indiana. The interaction between land quality and urban growth pressures is also causing secondary forest growth and forest clearing to occur jointly in a complex spatial pattern. It is argued that similar processes fuel the abandonment of agricultural land leading to private forest regrowth, changes in topography and land quality, and declining real farm product prices. However, the impact of urban growth and development on forests depends more strongly on changes in both the residential housing and labor markets. Using location quotient analysis of aggregate employment patterns, and the relationship between regional labor market changes, the extent of private forest cover was examined from 1967 to 1998. Then an econometric model of land‐use shares in forty southern Indiana counties was developed based on the net benefits to agriculture, forestland, and urban uses. To test the need to control explicitly for changes in residential demand and regional economic structure, a series of nested models was estimated. Some evidence was found that changing agricultural profitability is leading to private forest regrowth. It was also uncovered that the ratio of urban to forest land uses is better explained by incorporating measures of residential land value and industrial concentration than simply considering population density alone.
Exploring virtual land trade (VLT) embodied in the global agricultural trade enables us to uncover potential risks to economy, environment, and food security within the trade structure. Using the bilateral trade data for the periods of 1988–1990, 1998–2000, 2008–2010, and 2018–2020, we created halfcircle diagrams depicting how virtual land of cereals is traded between countries of different income levels. The diagrams show that the global trend of virtual land in cereal products was being exported from high-income to low-income countries. Initially, a few wealthy countries dominated exports, and in later periods, middle-income countries joined major exporters. There has been a significant increase in the number of countries participating in VLT. Halfcircle diagrams are a useful tool for visualizing overall trends of VLT in relation to a potential driver.
Nous étudions d'intéressantes variations dans les taux de location touristique du comté de Hocking (Ohio, États-Unis). L'industrie des chalets avec jacuzzi est née dans les années 1970 et s'est rapidement développée depuis 1990. Nous mettons en œuvre une régression hédonique sur une base de données de 503 chalets, appartenant à 143 entreprises, pour expliquer la variation dans les taux de location et dans les revenus générés. Cette analyse est complétée par une analyse exploratoire spatiale. Nous estimons l'impact relatif lié à la proximité d'aménités environnementales, d'infrastructures et de commerces. Les taux de locations sont corrélés aux différentes caractéristiques individuelles des chalets privés. Le revenu moyen est plus élevé lorsqu'il offre un meilleur accès. En revanche, la proximité des mines représente une désaménité significative qui est cependant compensée par une plus grande couverture forestière.
The increasing global interconnectivity influencing land system changebringswith it newchallengesforland-system science.We evaluate whether recentland-system science (LSS) research into telecoupling provides a basis to set normative goals or priorities for addressing sustainability in coupled human-natural systems. We summarize the challenges for sustainability in an increasingly telecoupled world, particularly the coordination of multisited, multiscalar networks of public and private sector actors. Transnational flows of capital, commodities, energy, people, and waste often span multiple territorial jurisdictions. Thus, effective governance of such systems requires attention to collective decision-making and negotiation among governments, firms, land users, consumers, financial actors, and others
The increasing global interconnectivity influencing land system changebringswith it newchallengesforland-system science.We evaluate whether recentland-system science (LSS) research into telecoupling provides a basis to set normative goals or priorities for addressing sustainability in coupled human-natural systems. We summarize the challenges for sustainability in an increasingly telecoupled world, particularly the coordination of multisited, multiscalar networks of public and private sector actors. Transnational flows of capital, commodities, energy, people, and waste often span multiple territorial jurisdictions. Thus, effective governance of such systems requires attention to collective decision-making and negotiation among governments, firms, land users, consumers, financial actors, and others