Tätowieren als Erwerbsarbeit: Zum beruflichen Selbstverständnis von Tätowierer innen
In: Arbeit und Organisation, 18
3407 Ergebnisse
In: Arbeit und Organisation, 18
In: Human rights law review, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 603-608
ISSN: 1744-1021
In: Human rights law review, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 765-784
ISSN: 1744-1021
International audience ; La forêt méditerranéenne connaît de multiples usages, tant humains qu'écologiques. Ces derniers sont d'ailleurs de plus en plus reconnus et pris en compte dans les modes de gestion intégrée des territoires. La production énergétique est l'un de ces usages de la ressource bois. Il faut cependant garder à l'esprit que le bois-énergie est un moyen parmi d'autres pour remplir les objectifs fixés par l'Europe et le Grenelle de l'environnement. Cet usage doit s'insérer dans une politique énergétique globale du territoire, mais aussi dans une politique plus générale, plus large de développement durable de ce même territoire
La forêt méditerranéenne connaît de multiples usages, tant humains qu'écologiques. Ces derniers sont d'ailleurs de plus en plus reconnus et pris en compte dans les modes de gestion intégrée des territoires. La production énergétique est l'un de ces usages de la ressource bois. Il faut cependant garder à l'esprit que le bois-énergie est un moyen parmi d'autres pour remplir les objectifs fixés par l'Europe et le Grenelle de l'environnement. Cet usage doit s'insérer dans une politique énergétique globale du territoire, mais aussi dans une politique plus générale, plus large de développement durable de ce même territoire
In: Jewish social studies: history, culture and society, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 88
ISSN: 1527-2028
In: Human rights law review, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 557-601
ISSN: 1744-1021
Since 1976, 28 states have repealed or significantly amended their motorcycle helmet laws. The change in legislation was not based on an evaluation of the costs and benefits of such laws. This paper attempts such an assessment by comparing the cost of motorcycle helmets with the medical costs averted due to helmet use using data primarily based on motorcycle crashes in Colorado, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Nationwide, at least $61 million could be saved annually if all motorcyclists were to use helmets. Helmet law repeals have been observed to lead to a 40 to 50 per cent point reduction in helmet use. The associated additional medical care costs substantially exceed cost savings produced by reduced helmet use. It is estimated that helmet law repeals may produce annually between $16 and 18 million of unnecessary medical care expenditures. Several alternatives to increase motorcycle helmet use are briefly discussed. It is concluded that helmet laws are effective in encouraging helmet use among motorcyclists and will prevent unnecessary medical expenditures as well as unnecessary pain and suffering among injured motorcyclists.
In: Collection "Rebours"
In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions: ASSR, Band 72, Heft 1, S. 155-166
ISSN: 1777-5825
Culture and Identity : Who are 'we and us'? -- Opportunities at the Cultural Interface (Methodology) -- Decolonisation, a Framework for Research -- Mainstream Yarning -- Meaning of Common Language : Respect the Law, Respect Is Law -- Intercultural Decolonisation in Practice -- Knowledge Gained -- Healing and Hope -- Australian Culture : Under Construction.
In: Stilkes Rechtsbibliothek 44
In: Die Gesetze des Deutschen Reichs und der deutschen Länder mit systematischen Erläuterungen
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .›
In: Knowledge and its Histories
By pushing Descartes to more clearly explain the union of body and soul beyond the functioning of a 'strong' passion, namely sadness, Elisabeth wants Descartes to review his idea of the passions, and his understanding of the 'theory of the four humors'. This chapter aims at showing that Descartes turns away from Galen's theory of the humors, which he globally adopts in the 1633 Treatise of Man. With the shift in his conceptualization of the humors between this Treatise and the Treatise of the Passions (1649), Descartes analyzed more specifically the inner feelings, consciousness, and the passions, by considering that a man is not simply a body, but a psychophysical being, with a body and a soul.
Part 1: Democratic conditions -- Chapter one, Crisis and Opportunity -- Chapter two, Democracy Under Strain -- Chapter three, Enemies of Democracy: Populism and Scapegoating -- Chapter four, Essentials of Democracy: Liberalism and Pluralism.-Part 2: Journalism's Ethical Fundamentals -- Chapter five, Tolerance: History and Practice -- Chapter six, Journalistic Truth: Empirical and Contingent - Chapter seven, Free speech: Rights and Limitations -- Chapter eight, Impartiality: Attainable and Assessable.-Part 3: Press Development and Theory.-Chapter nine, Development of Professional Mass Media -- Chapter Ten,Development of Social Media -- Chapter eleven, Theories of the Press -- Chapter Twelve, A New Press Theory: Democratic Revival.-Part 4:Journalism and the Future of Democracy -- Chapter Thirteen, Conclusion.