Superparamagnetism-induced mesoscopic electron focusing in topological insulators
et al. ; Recently it has been shown that surface magnetic doping of topological insulators induces backscattering of Dirac states which are usually protected by time-reversal symmetry [Sessi, Nat. Commun. 5, 5349 (2014)10.1038/ncomms6349]. Here we report on quasiparticle interference measurements where, by improved Fermi level tuning, strongly focused interference patterns on surface Mn-doped Bi2Te3 could be directly observed by means of scanning tunneling microscopy at 4 K. Ab initio and model calculations reveal that their mesoscopic coherence relies on two prerequisites: (i) a hexagonal Fermi surface with large parallel segments (nesting) and (ii) magnetic dopants which couple to a high-spin state. Indeed, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism shows superparamagnetism even at very dilute Mn concentrations. Our findings provide evidence of strongly anisotropic Dirac-fermion-mediated interactions and demonstrate how spin information can be transmitted over long distances, allowing the design of experiments and devices based on coherent quantum effects in topological insulators. ; This work was performed within the DFG-funded SPP 1666 (Projects No. BO 1468/21-1 and No. MA 4637/3-1). P.R., N.H.L., P.M., and S.B. acknowledge financial support from the VITI project of the Helmholtz Association as well as computational support from the JARA-HPC Supercomputing Centre at RWTH Aachen. M.B. acknowledges supported through SFB 1170 "ToCoTronics" (Project No. A02). The work was partially supported by the Italian Government (MIUR Progetto Premiale "Materiali e disposivi magnetici e superconduttivi per sensoristica e ICT"). M.A.V., S.G., and A.M. acknowledge support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Grant No. MAT2013-46593-C6-5-P), the Severo Ochoa Program (MINECO, Grant No. SEV-2013-0295), and Agencia de Gestio d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (Grant No. 2014 SGR715). ; Peer Reviewed