Dimitrie Dan's life path
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Heft 1, S. 30-41
ISSN: 2411-6181
The article is dedicated to Dimitrii Dan (1856–1927), a well-known Bucovina priest, historian, ethnographer, folklorist, paleographer, collector of ancient historical documents and museum organizer, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. The purpose of scientific research is to study the life path of D. Dan on the basis of available historical sources. Such a study is relevant, since a full biography of the academician is not available in the Ukrainian scientific circulation. Its coverage in the most detailed form represents a scientific novelty. The method of the papper based on the study of archival documents, books and articles of D. Dan, memoir literature, periodicals and correspondence. Conclusions. Dimitrii Dan's life path is a synthesis of love for family and friends, for God and research. Great diligence, inquisitiveness and fruitfulness are characteristic of this path. How priest D. Dan took care of church affairs, explained the theological questions needed by clergymen, gave examples from the past of exploits of authoritative representatives of the clergy. As an ethnographer, he familiarized the reader with ethnogenesis, settlement, culture and daily life, inter-ethnic relations of ethnic groups of Bukovyna: Ruthenians (Ukrainians), Armenians, Jews, Lipovans, Gypsies. Folklore publications of Bukovyna and beyond eagerly awaited his collected songs, beliefs, proverbs, poems, legends, etc. His historical works, devoted to villages, monasteries, churches, personalities, were based on a various source base consisting of authentic historical documents, excellent knowledge of archeography and paleography. With his characteristic enthusiasm, he engaged in the protection of monuments and the organization of museums. D. Dan was always a patriot of his people, he cared about the development of the Romanian language, culture and history. As a member of the National Council, he took part in the General Unification Congress of Bukovyna, which took place in 1918 in Chernivtsi. His fruitful activity was noted by the church leadership, the community, the governments of Austria-Hungary and Romania. For his scientific activity, D. Dan received the title of corresponding member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences. Streets in Radivtsi and Suceava were named in his honor. Today, his work has again gained relevance in the scientific circles of Romania and Ukraine