53 Ergebnisse
The Hong Kong school curriculum: Development, issues and policies
The book introduces the reader to the components of the school curriculum and concepts used to analyse it. The second edition has been substantially revised to reflect changes in educational policy. (DÜI-Alb)
World Affairs Online
Religion and culture in Europe
In: Journal of citizenship and globalisation studies, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 24-38
ISSN: 2450-8632
Is religion simply a part of culture? Can religious diversity be managed as a subset of intercultural diversity? This article explores intercultural dialogue and its relationship to "religion' in the policies, documents and debates of the European Community. The argument is advanced that religious realities and concerns are misconstrued when religion is subsumed into culture. Religion needs to be historically and conceptually rethought and that for cultural and religious diversities to be skillfully managed in the interests of social solidarity and positive intercommunal relations both need to be addressed discretely and in tandem.1
1An earlier version of this paper appeared in Mansouri (2017), 145-170
Is Trump good for the Jews?
The President of the United States features strongly in the Jewish imaginary.8 American presidents appear in poems, plays and novels, and Jews scrutinise their every word and gesture for hidden prejudice or implicit stereotyping, that is, for the potential positive or negative impact on Jews. This interrogation, of course, is not limited to presidents but extends to all sentient life and situations. Jews feature strongly in the imaginary of the forty-fifth US President, Donald Trump, as evidenced by his frequent references, pro-active courting of Jewish lobbies and groups, and his attempts to politicise antisemitism along party lines. Jewish copy is equally obsessed by Trump, spurred on by the ways in which Jews feature as one of his most recurrent obsessions.
Religion and culture in Europe: law, policies and realities
In: Journal of citizenship and globalisation studies, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 24-38
ISSN: 2450-8632
AbstractIs religion simply a part of culture? Can religious diversity be managed as a subset of intercultural diversity? This article explores intercultural dialogue and its relationship to "religion' in the policies, documents and debates of the European Community. The argument is advanced that religious realities and concerns are misconstrued when religion is subsumed into culture. Religion needs to be historically and conceptually rethought and that for cultural and religious diversities to be skillfully managed in the interests of social solidarity and positive intercommunal relations both need to be addressed discretely and in tandem.
Limits of neuroscience
Examining the relationship between jealous behaviour and the amygdala may be quite informative about the function of the amygdala, but the amygdala may be less helpful in informing us about jealous behaviour. Claims about the potential practical relevance of the results also require that the magnitude of the effects inform the relevant discussion. The dogs used in the study probably share some very important personality characteristics; this too limits the practical implications of Cook et al.'s findings for dogs in general. It is nevertheless a testament to the skill of the experimenters, and the amazing bond between dogs and humans, that such research could be conducted at all.
Direct perception of animal mind
Kujala's (2017) target article is ostensibly focused on how everyday folk (fail to) make sense of canine emotions. However, the theories outlined in the article apply to making sense of all aspects of the mentality of both human and non-human animals. The target article neglects the fundamental arguments surrounding the problem of other minds. I explore the relevant arguments and briefly review approaches suggesting that our everyday-life sense that both human and non-human animals are thinking, feeling, emotional beings has a secure epistemological basis.
Oznog the great and powerful
In: Porn studies, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 411-419
ISSN: 2326-8751
Reading Nabokov Whole
In: Canadian Slavonic papers: an interdisciplinary journal devoted to Central and Eastern Europe, Band 46, Heft 3-4, S. 451-463
ISSN: 2375-2475
The Hong Kong school curriculum : development, issues and policies
Includes bibliographical references and index ; Written for students of education, this book gives a full account of the basic components of the curriculum -- the intentions, the content taught, the method of teaching and learning, and the assessment. Technical aspects on planning the curiculum, and the social and political influences on the curriculum are also included ; published_or_final_version ; List of Tables pix ; List of Figures pxi ; Preface pxiii ; Acknowledgements pxv ; References p165 ; Index p175 ; Ch. 1 What Is a Curriculum? p1 ; Ch. 2 What Are Our Intentions? p11 ; Ch. 3 What Should Be Learnt and Taught? p23 ; Ch. 4 What Methods of Teaching Are Recommended and Used? p35 ; Ch. 5 How Can Pupils' Learning Be Assessed? p47 ; Curriculum Change: External Forces p141 ; External Forces and Quantitative Expansion p142 ; Politics and the Curriculum p144 ; The Economy and the Curriculum p146 ; Social Factors and the Curriculum p148 ; Questions p150 ; Further Reading p151 ; Introduction p153 ; The School Curriculum: an Overview p154 ; Curriculum Development Policies p155 ; Ch. 6 How Can a Curriculum Be Planned? p61 ; The Goals of Reform p160 ; Ch. 7 How Can a Curriculum Be Organized? p73 ; Ch. 8 How Can We Evaluate the Curriculum? p91 ; Ch. 9 Who Makes Decisions About the Curriculum? p101 ; Ch. 10 Is the Intended Curriculum Implemented? p119 ; Ch. 11 What Are the Influences On the Curriculum? p141 ; Ch. 12 Priorities and Policies p153 ; Introduction p1 ; The Scope of Curriculum Studies p2 ; The Questions Addressed in the Study of Curriculum p3 ; Studying the Curriculum: Alternative Perspectives p6 ; Questions p8 ; Further Reading p9 ; Introduction p11 ; Aims p11 ; The Sources of Aims p12 ; Implications For Curriculum Developers p16 ; Goals p17 ; Objectives p18 ; Questions p21 ; Further Reading p22 ; Introduction p23 ; The Nature of Knowledge p23 ; A Selection From a Culture p25 ; Employment/Life Skills p25 ; Child-centred p26 ; Areas of Learning and Experience p26 ; Putting Them Together p28 ; Other Considerations p30 ; Criteria For Content Selection p31 ; Questions p33 ; Further Reading p33 ; Introduction p35 ; Curriculum and Pedagogy p35 ; Models of Teaching p39 ; Curriculum Policy and Teaching Methods p42 ; Questions p44 ; Further Reading p45 ; Introduction p47 ; Why Assess? p48 ; Who Uses Assessment? p49 ; The Impact and Limitations of Assessment p50 ; Influences On Examinations p52 ; What and How to Assess? p53 ; Developments in Assessment p55 ; Questions p58 ; Further Reading p59 ; Introduction p61 ; Planning With Reference to Outcomes p61 ; Criticisms of Objectives-based Planning p64 ; Alternative Approaches p65 ; Criticisms of Alternative Approaches p71 ; Questions p71 ; Further Reading p72 ; Introduction p73 ; Scope and Sequence p73 ; The Sequencing of Content p75 ; Integration p76 ; Analysing the Organization of the Curriculum p80 ; Curriculum Integration in a Primary School - a Case Study p81 ; The Core Curriculum p84 ; The Modular Curriculum p85 ; Questions p88 ; Further Reading p89 ; Introduction p91 ; An Evaluation Model p92 ; Evaluation By External Inspection p94 ; Self Evaluation By Schools p95 ; Evaluating Curriculum Materials p97 ; Evaluating Worksheets p98 ; Questions p99 ; Further Reading p100 ; Introduction p101 ; Education Policy Making p101 ; Curriculum Decision Making p105 ; Centralized or Decentralized Decision-making? p105 ; What Is to be Decided By Whom? p109 ; Priorities and Concerns p115 ; Questions p117 ; Further Reading p118 ; Introduction p119 ; Why Are Policies Not Implemented? p119 ; Pedagogy in Classrooms p125 ; The Case of TTRA/TOC p130 ; The Cross-Curricular Guidelines p134 ; Implications For the Future p139 ; Questions p140 ; Further Reading p140 ; Introduction p141
A Comfortable Level of Understanding? [Book Review]
In: The Journal of New Zealand Studies, Band 6, Heft 1
ISSN: 2324-3740
Review of: Far from the Promised Land? Being Jewish in New Zealand. Ann Beaglehole and Hal Levine. Pacific Press, Wellington, 1995, 146pp.
Books Reviews
In: Economic Analysis and Policy, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 238-240
Streamlining Your Shipping and Despatch
In: International journal of physical distribution and logistics management, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 42-44
ISSN: 0020-7527
Despatching efficiency is critical in transport‐dependent
operations. The article discusses the need first to define problems in
an operation in terms of specific needs and then the available
techniques and equipment that can be used to meet them. The solutions to
specific problems of site‐handling systems, varied loads, automation,
supplier selection, etc., must be co‐ordinated in an overall strategy to
improve cost performance and customer service.
Making Customer Satisfaction Your Biggest Profit Centre
In: Logistics information management, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 32-35
ISSN: 1758-7948
Companies that adopt a profit‐centre based approach to customer
service treat it as an element of total corporate philosophy, rather
than as a separate activity or a set of performance measures. Ten
reasons why companies should make such a commitment are presented.
The Context of Curriculum Development in Hong Kong: An Analysis of the Problems and Possibilities
In: The Asian journal of public administration, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 18-35