El presente artículo se refiere al proceso de construcción histórica del espacio de lo público. El texto analiza la intervención en éste de las instituciones y organizaciones gubernamentales, así como de la sociedad civil. También se hace referencia al proceso de centralización político-administrativa imperante en la formación y desarrollo del Estado moderno. El artículo finaliza con un planteamiento de las tendencias del espacio público como ámbito de corresponsabilidad entre lo público-gubernamental y la acción de la sociedad civil en los asuntos de interés públicos.
Employing the dialectical method Marx developed in his critique of political economy, this work seeks to advance beyond an understanding of the proliferation of chronic kidney disease of nontraditional etiology (CKDnT) in Guanacaste, Costa Rica as a purely epidemiological development and towards its understanding as a concrete manifestation of capitalist accumulation. This research aims to display the form determinations of a material process such as CKDnT through a critical, descriptive analysis of the production and reproduction of the temporary migrant labor force at the El Viejo, Taboga and CATSA mills. This is contextualized through an analysis of the transformations suffered by Costa Rica's national sphere of accumulation between 1970–2022. We conclude that, despite expanding the minimum scale of production–a condition necessary to displace small capitals in the sector and thus the brutalized forms of exploitation that they promote–the sugarcane sector still requires a seasonally exploited and overall degraded workforce: a need that posits the conditions for CKDnT proliferation.
In order to carry out a first approach to the dynamics of political mobilization associated with the arrival and consolidation of digital platforms in national contexts, this article seeks to characterize the field of protest against lean platforms, in terms of the repertoires, demands and modalities of collective action, this from the construction of a database for the case of Costa Rica under the methodology of Protest Event Analysis (PEA) and Political Claims Analysis (PCA). The results of the descriptive statistical analysis allow us to observe that the contentious dynamics has gone from being totally dominated by the traditional taxi driver sector, to showing the entry of new actors such as platform workers and some civil society groups that have come to complicate the panorama of action for the Costa Rican government in terms of regulation and, therefore, to incorporate new demands and decision arenas within the political-social field.
Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY). ; There is increasing evidence supporting the strong potential of twin walls in ferroic materials as distinct, spatially tunable, functional elements in future electronic devices. Here, we report an increase of about one order of magnitude in conductivity and more robust magnetic interactions at (100)-type twin walls in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films. The nature and microscopic origin of such distinctive behavior is investigated by combining conductive, magnetic, and force modulation scanning force microscopies with transmission electron microscopy techniques. Our analyses indicate that the observed behavior is due to a severe compressive strained state within an ∼1nm slab of material centered at the twin walls, promoting stronger Mn 3d-O2p orbital overlapping leading to a broader bandwidth and enhanced magnetic interactions. ; This research was sponsored by the Spanish MINECO (Grants No. MAT2011- 29081-C02, No. MAT2012-33207, and No. MAT2013-47869-C4-1-P) projects. We also acknowledge financial aid from the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 501). N.B. and F.S. also acknowledge funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 312483-ESTEEM2 (Integrated Infrastructure Initiative I3) for providing access to aberration corrected electron microscopes at CEMES (Toulouse) and LPS (Orsay). R.G. and N.B. thank the Spanish MINECO for financial support through the FPI program. F.S. acknowledges support from the Labex (Excellence Laboratory) NEXT through a visiting scientist fellowship at CEMES (Toulouse, France). ; Peer Reviewed
[Background] The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a relevant species in European aquaculture. The small turbot genome provides a source for genomics strategies to use in order to understand the genetic basis of productive traits, particularly those related to sex, growth and pathogen resistance. Genetic maps represent essential genomic screening tools allowing to localize quantitative trait loci (QTL) and to identify candidate genes through comparative mapping. This information is the backbone to develop marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs in aquaculture. Expressed sequenced tag (EST) resources have largely increased in turbot, thus supplying numerous type I markers suitable for extending the previous linkage map, which was mostly based on anonymous loci. The aim of this study was to construct a higher-resolution turbot genetic map using EST-linked markers, which will turn out to be useful for comparative mapping studies. [Results] A consensus gene-enriched genetic map of the turbot was constructed using 463 SNP and microsatellite markers in nine reference families. This map contains 438 markers, 180 EST-linked, clustered at 24 linkage groups. Linkage and comparative genomics evidences suggested additional linkage group fusions toward the consolidation of turbot map according to karyotype information. The linkage map showed a total length of 1402.7 cM with low average intermarker distance (3.7 cM; ~2 Mb). A global 1.6:1 female-to-male recombination frequency (RF) ratio was observed, although largely variable among linkage groups and chromosome regions. Comparative sequence analysis revealed large macrosyntenic patterns against model teleost genomes, significant hits decreasing from stickleback (54%) to zebrafish (20%). Comparative mapping supported particular chromosome rearrangements within Acanthopterygii and aided to assign unallocated markers to specific turbot linkage groups. [Conclusions] The new gene-enriched high-resolution turbot map represents a useful genomic tool for QTL identification, positional cloning strategies, and future genome assembling. This map showed large synteny conservation against model teleost genomes. Comparative genomics and data mining from landmarks will provide straightforward access to candidate genes, which will be the basis for genetic breeding programs and evolutionary studies in this species. ; This study was supported by the projects: Consolider Ingenio Aquagenomics (CSD200700002), Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (AGL2009-13273), and Xunta de Galicia local Government (09MMA011261PR). We are indebted to Lucía Insua, María Portela, Susana Sánchez, María López, Mónica Otero and Sonia Gómez for technical assistance. B.G. Pardo was supported by an Isidro Parga Pondal research fellowship from Xunta de Galicia (Spain).
Abstract Climate variability is a key factor in driving malaria outbreaks. As shown in previous studies, climate-driven malaria modeling provides a better understanding of malaria transmission dynamics, generating malaria-related parameters validated as a reliable benchmark to assess the impact of climate on malaria. In this framework, the present study uses climate observations and reanalysis products to evaluate the predictability of malaria incidence in West Africa. Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are shown as a skillful predictor of malaria incidence, which is derived from climate-driven simulations with the Liverpool Malaria Model (LMM). Using the SST-based Statistical Seasonal Forecast model (S4CAST) tool, we find robust modes of anomalous SST variability associated with skillful predictability of malaria incidence Accordingly, significant SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins are related to a significant response of malaria incidence over West Africa. For the Mediterranean Sea, warm SST anomalies are responsible for increased surface air temperatures and precipitation over West Africa, resulting in higher malaria incidence; conversely, cold SST anomalies are responsible for decreased surface air temperatures and precipitation over West Africa, resulting in lower malaria incidence.. Our results put forward the key role of SST variability as a source of predictability of malaria incidence, being of paramount interest to decision-makers who plan public health measures against malaria in West Africa. Accordingly, SST anomalies could be used operationally to forecast malaria risk over West Africa for early warning systems.