In: Nuestra bandera: revista de debate político y teórico, Band 4, Heft 230, S. 11-14
ISSN: 1133-567X
93 Ergebnisse
In: Nuestra bandera: revista de debate político y teórico, Band 4, Heft 230, S. 11-14
ISSN: 1133-567X
In: Nuestra bandera: revista de debate político y teórico, Band 4, Heft 230, S. 67-84
ISSN: 1133-567X
Spanish current legislation guarantees the right to the translation of all documents which are essential to ensure that a person who does not speak the language used by the court can exercise their right of defence, which include decisions on the deprivation of liberty, indictments and judgments. Whereas judgments have been extensively studied (Holl 2011; Orts Llopis 2017; among others), the Spanish indictment (escrito de acusación) as a genre has been clearly under-researched by Translation scholars. Following a methodology that combines textual approaches and legal comparative perspectives, the aim of this paper is to discuss the results of a multi-level textual analysis of the legal genre escrito de acusación based on an ad hoc corpus of authentic texts, vis-à-vis its translation into English. ; La legislación española vigente establece el derecho a la traducción de los documentos que resulten esenciales para garantizar el ejercicio del derecho a la defensa de todo encausado alófono, entre los que se encuentran las resoluciones que acuerden la prisión del investigado, el escrito de acusación y la sentencia. Mientras que la sentencia ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones (Holl 2011; Orts Llopis 2017; por citar algunos ejemplos), el escrito de acusación ha recibido escasa atención por parte de la Traductología. Siguiendo un modelo metodológico que combina los enfoques textuales con el estudio jurídico comparado, en esta contribución exponemos los resultados de un análisis pretraslativo multinivel del género escrito de acusación a partir de un corpus ad hoc de documentos reales como ejercicio previo a su traducción al inglés.
In Colombian educational institutions, phenomena such as aggression, intolerance, sale and consumption of drugs are being developed. These situations affect the enjoyment of the rights of minors, so the state is obliged to implement actions to minimize such risk factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze Colombian school coexistence policies in the context of Latin America in order to reveal the approaches and important aspects in the improvement of interpersonal relationships. The methodology was to review and analyze documents from sources such as laws, decrees, court rulings, ministerial guides, theses and articles that lead to the understanding of three aspects: the legal basis, the alternatives implemented and the dimensions not considered. According to the approaches of understanding around and within Latin America, it is found that Colombia is guided by the democratic vision which means to form for the exercise of the human rights from the values of the republic such as freedom, justice and dignity; according to this process the interaction between the student and the teacher goes further the actual classroom, the process enables a relationship with external administrative entities and the health organizations. The results of the policy highlight the need to address the role of families in the emergence of violence, since their influence on the management of the school conflict is evident, as well as to strengthen the capacities within educational institutions, especially at the levels of attention and follow-up to coexistence. ; En las instituciones educativas colombianas se gestan fenómenos como agresión, intolerancia, venta y consumo de drogas. Estas situaciones inciden en el disfrute de los derechos de los menores por lo que el Estado se encuentra en la obligación de desplegar acciones conducentes a minimizar los factores de riesgo. El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar las políticas de convivencia escolar colombianas en el contexto de América Latina, para develar los enfoques y aspectos importantes en la mejora de las relaciones interpersonales. La metodología fue revisión y análisis documental de fuentes, como leyes, decretos, sentencias de la corte constitucional, guías ministeriales, tesis y artículos que condujeran a la comprensión de tres aspectos: la fundamentación jurídica, las alternativas implantadas y las dimensiones no consideradas. Según los enfoques de comprensión para Latinoamérica, se encuentra que Colombia se orienta por la visión democrática, lo que significa formar para el ejercicio de los derechos humanos desde los valores de la república, tales como la libertad, la justicia y dignidad; en función de ello se desarrolla la pedagogía más allá de la interacción docente-estudiante que permitiera establecer un sistema articulado con entidades externas de tipo administrativo y de salud. Los resultados de la política resaltan la necesidad de tratar el papel de las familias en la aparición de la violencia, toda vez que su influencia en la gestión del conflicto escolar es evidente, así como, también, fortalecer las capacidades al interior de las instituciones educativas, en especial en los niveles de atención y seguimiento a la convivencia. ; Nas instituições educacionais colombianas, fenômenos como agressão, intolerância, venda e consumo de drogas se desenvolvem. Essas situações afetam o gozo dos direitos dos menores para os quais o Estado é obrigado a desenvolver ações que favoreçam a minimização dos fatores de risco. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as políticas de convivência escolar colombiana no contexto da América Latina para revelar as abordagens e aspectos importantes na melhoria das relações interpessoais. A metodologia consistiu na revisão e análise documental de fontes como leis, decretos, decisões judiciais, guias ministeriais, teses e artigos que conduzem à compreensão de três aspectos: o fundamento jurídico, as alternativas implementadas e as dimensões não consideradas. De acordo com as abordagens de entendimento para a América Latina, verifica-se que a Colômbia está orientada pela visão democrática, o que significa formar para o exercício dos direitos humanos a partir dos valores da república como liberdade, justiça e dignidade, com base neste desenvolvimento. Pedagógico para além da interação professor-aluno que permite estabelecer um sistema articulado com entidades externas administrativas e de saúde. Os resultados da política destacam a necessidade de abordar o papel das famílias no surgimento da violência, visto que sua influência na gestão do conflito escolar é evidente, bem como de fortalecer as capacidades dentro das instituições educacionais, especialmente nos níveis de atenção e acompanhamento da convivência.
This article studies the role that the search, rescue and redemption of the nomadic Indian captives play inside the relationships between Mexico and United States of America. In general terms, we suggest that the captives were an instrument used by both sides to communicate a political message when the Rio Bravo consolidated as an international border. Moreover it was useful to increase contacts among authorities' and people of both countries. It expresses a public and private convergence of interests in this matter. ; En este artículo se estudia la función que la búsqueda, rescate y redención de los cautivos de los indios nómadas desempeñó dentro de las relaciones entre México y los Estados Unidos. En líneas generales, proponemos que los cautivos se erigieron en un instrumento para trasmitir un mensaje de contenido político por parte de ambos países, una vez que el Río Bravo se consolidó como frontera internacional. Asimismo, sirvió para incrementar el contacto entre autoridades y personas de ambos países, manifestando una confluencia de los intereses públicos y privados en el fenómeno.
In: Serie Estudios jurídicos 156
In: Comunicación
In: Serie Comunicología latina 38
In: Multimedia
In: Serie Comunicología Latina 31
386 393 30 7 ; S ; Maximum likelihood principal component analysis (MLPCA) was originally proposed to incorporate measurement error variance information in principal component analysis (PCA) models. MLPCA can be used to fit PCA models in the presence of missing data, simply by assigning very large variances to the non-measured values. An assessment of maximum likelihood missing data imputation is performed in this paper, analysing the algorithm of MLPCA and adapting several methods for PCA model building with missing data to its maximum likelihood version. In this way, known data regression (KDR), KDR with principal component regression (PCR), KDR with partial least squares regression (PLS) and trimmed scores regression (TSR) methods are implemented within the MLPCA method to work as different imputation steps. Six data sets are analysed using several percentages of missing data, comparing the performance of the original algorithm, and its adapted regression-based methods, with other state-of-the-art methods. Research in this study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds from the European Union through grant DPI2011-28112-C04-02 and DPI2014-55276-C5-1R, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant ECO2013-43353-R. Folch Fortuny, A.; Arteaga Moreno, FJ.; Ferrer, A. (2016). Assessment of maximum likelihood PCA missing data imputation. Journal of Chemometrics. 30(7):386-393.
Maximum likelihood principal component analysis (MLPCA) was originally proposed to incorporate measurement error variance information in principal component analysis (PCA) models. MLPCA can be used to fit PCA models in the presence of missing data, simply by assigning very large variances to the non-measured values. An assessment of maximum likelihood missing data imputation is performed in this paper, analysing the algorithm of MLPCA and adapting several methods for PCA model building with missing data to its maximum likelihood version. In this way, known data regression (KDR), KDR with principal component regression (PCR), KDR with partial least squares regression (PLS) and trimmed scores regression (TSR) methods are implemented within the MLPCA method to work as different imputation steps. Six data sets are analysed using several percentages of missing data, comparing the performance of the original algorithm, and its adapted regression-based methods, with other state-of-the-art methods. ; Research in this study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds from the European Union through grant DPI2011-28112-C04-02 and DPI2014-55276-C5-1R, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant ECO2013-43353-R. ; Folch Fortuny, A.; Arteaga Moreno, FJ.; Ferrer, A. (2016). Assessment of maximum likelihood PCA missing data imputation. Journal of Chemometrics. 30(7):386-393. ; S ; 386 ; 393 ; 30 ; 7
[EN] Here we introduce a graphical user-friendly interface to deal with missing values called Missing Data Imputation (MDI) Toolbox. This MATLAB toolbox allows imputing missing values, following missing completely at random patterns, exploiting the relationships among variables. In this way, principal component anal- ysis (PCA) models are fitted iteratively to impute the missing data until convergence. Different methods, using PCA internally, are included in the toolbox: trimmed scores regression (TSR), known data regres- sion (KDR), KDR with principal component regression (KDR-PCR), KDR with partial least squares regression (KDR-PLS), projection to the model plane (PMP), iterative algorithm (IA), modified nonlinear iterative partial least squares regression algorithm (NIPALS) and data augmentation (DA). MDI Toolbox presents a general procedure to impute missing data, thus can be used to infer PCA models with missing data, to estimate the covariance structure of incomplete data matrices, or to impute the missing values as a preprocessing step of other methodologies. ; Research in this study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and FEDER funds from the European Union through grant DPI2011-28112-C04-02 and DPI2014-55276-C5-1 R, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grant ECO2013-43353-R. ; Folch Fortuny, A.; Arteaga Moreno, FJ.; Ferrer, A. (2016). Missing Data Imputation Toolbox for MATLAB. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 154:93-100. ; S ; 93 ; 100 ; 154
In: Grandes tratados Aranzadi 997
In: Estudios, 2004/211
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