6 Ergebnisse
Cannabis Use among People Entering Drug Treatment in Europe: A Growing Phenomenon?
In: European addiction research, Band 23, Heft 3, S. 113-121
ISSN: 1421-9891
This paper explores European and national trends in specialised drug treatment entry for cannabis-related problems. The analysis is based on data for the years 2003-2014 from 22 European countries. Between 2003 and 2014, the overall number and proportion of primary cannabis-related first-time entrants increased significantly. A joinpoint regression analysis indicates that the overall increase of cannabis treatment entries is continuous, although country-related differences are observed. Possible explanations for the increase and different time trends are discussed including an increase in cannabis prevalence and cannabis-related problems, changes in risk perception, increases in cannabis potency, changes in referral practices and increased availability and accessibility of treatment services.
Hepatitis B virus infection in EU/EEA and United Kingdom prisons: a descriptive analysis
People in prison are disproportionately affected by viral hepatitis. To examine the current epidemiology of and responses targeting hepatitis B virus (HBV) in prisons across the European Union, European Economic Area and United Kingdom, we analysed HBV-specific data from the World Health Organization's Health in Prisons European Database and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control's hepatitis B prevalence database. Hepatitis B surface antigen seroprevalence ranged from 0% in a maximum-security prison in United Kingdom to 25.2% in two Bulgarian juvenile detention centres. Universal HBV screening on opt-out basis and vaccination were reported available in 31% and 85% of 25 countries, respectively. Disinfectants, condoms and lubricants were offered free of charge in all prisons in the country by 26%, 46% and 15% of 26 countries, respectively. In 38% of reporting countries, unsupervised partner visits with the possibility for sexual intercourse was available in all prisons. The findings are suggestive of high HBV prevalence amidst suboptimal coverage of interventions in prisons. A harmonised monitoring system and robust data at national and regional levels are needed to better understand the HBV situation in prisons within the framework of the European action plan and Global Health Sector Strategy on viral hepatitis.
Hepatitis C virus infection in EU/EEA and United Kingdom prisons: opportunities and challenges for action
BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission in the European Union, European Economic Area and United Kingdom is driven by injecting drug use (IDU), which contributes to the high burden of chronic infection among people in prisons. This study aimed to describe the context, epidemiology and response targeting HCV in prisons across the region. METHODS: We retrieved and collated HCV-related data from the World Health Organization's Health in Prisons European Database and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control's hepatitis C prevalence database. Prisons population data were obtained from the Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics on prison populations (SPACE I). RESULTS: There were 12 to 93,266 people in prisons, with rates of 31·5 to 234·9 per 100,000 population. Median age was between 31 and 40 years, with up to 72% foreign nationals. Average detention time ranged from one to 31 months. Ministries of Health had sole authority over prisons health, budget administration and funding in 27, 31 and 8% of 26 reporting countries, respectively. Seroprevalence of HCV antibodies ranged from 2·3% to 82·6% while viraemic infections ranged from 5·7% to 8·2%, where reported. Up to 25·8 and 44% reported current and ever IDU, respectively. Eight countries routinely offered HCV screening on an opt-out basis. Needle and syringe programmes were available in three countries. Among the nine countries with data, the annual number of those who had completed HCV treatment ranged between one and 1215 people in prisons. CONCLUSIONS: HCV burden in prisons remains high, amidst suboptimal levels of interventions. Systematic monitoring at both local and regional levels is warranted, to advance progress towards the elimination of HCV in the region.
New psichoactive substances in prison: results from an EMCDDA trendspotter study
In: Rapid communications
This report looks at the use of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in prison settings. This is a rapidly developing phenomenon, but empirical data are currently scarce and patchy. There is growing evidence that NPS are responsible for a large share of drug-related problems in some European prisons and appropriate responses are mostly lacking. This preliminary analysis is the outcome of a targeted rapid information assessment or 'trendspotter' study carried out by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) between August and December 2017. Trendspotter studies are based on a multi-method approach and expert opinion. They are intended to elaborate emerging issues and prompt discussion and, if required, more formal follow-up.
Impact of COVID-19 on drug markets, use, harms and drug services in Europe
In: Journal of geography, politics and society, Band 12, Heft 1
ISSN: 2451-2249
Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the way we live, with European countries having to introduce unprecedented measures to protect public health. As with all areas of life, drug consumption, related harms and drug markets have been impacted, as have the drug services established to respond to drug-related problems. Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction instigated three rapid assessment studies to identify the initial impact and implications of COVID-19 on drug markets, use, harms and drug services in the community and in prisons. Findings from these studies revealed that the pandemic and associated health prevention measures implemented by the countries impacted drug markets and use differently depending on the different periods and events throughout the pandemic, but also according to particular drugs or user characteristics. Most drug services remained operational throughout the pandemic in order to assure continuity of care. This was achieved by innovation and adaptation of their services, especially during the different lockdown periods. Thus, the results from these rapid assessments provide a glimpse into new developments in the drugs field across European countries emerging both during and in response to the pandemic, and which could have important implications for the future.