In Control: Dangerous Relationships and How They End in Murder
Cover -- Half-title Page -- Dedication Page -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Contents -- Prologue: The Homicide Timeline -- Why won't she get in the ambulance? -- Introduction: The 'crime of passion' myth -- Vincent -- 'I just snapped' -- Solidarity -- Three questions -- Stage One: A history of control or stalking -- Karl -- Employing violence -- Blame -- Personality disorder and psychopathy -- Repeating patterns -- The power of history -- A domestic abuse register -- Making a history visible: reporting abuse and control -- Stage Two: The commitment whirlwind -- Love -- Astrid -- When there is no grand passion -- Speed and commitment -- Who is a victim? -- Stage Three: Living with control -- The jealousy code -- The loyalty code -- Sada -- Fear -- Victim strategies - Lara -- Simone -- Routine and ritual -- The web of control -- Sexual abuse -- Stage Four: Trigger -- Separation -- Devin -- Crossing the line -- Stage Five: Escalation -- Stalking -- Ruby -- Stage Six: A change in thinking -- 'I couldn't have hurt her, because I loved her...' -- The calm before the storm -- Stage Seven: Planning -- Edith and Walter -- Stage Eight: Homicide and/or suicide -- Recognising homicide and suicides -- After homicide -- Ben Butler -- Domestic Homicide Reviews -- Epilogue: A Final Word -- A Note on the Author -- A Note on the Type -- Copyright Page.