Living in Milan: Housing Policies, Austerity and Urban Regeneration
In: Social science n. 3
6 Ergebnisse
In: Social science n. 3
In: Povertà e percorsi di innovazione sociale. Metodi e strumenti 1
La Legge Delrio 56/2014 e il risultato del referendum costituzionale (2016) hanno determinato un nuovo contesto istituzionale in Italia. L'intervento sulle Province e l'istituzione delle Città metropolitane dimostrano l'impegno del governo nel rivedere l'intera architettura del territorio. Oggi la Regione Lombardia considera strategica l'istituzione della Città metropolitana e la Provincia, alla quale vuole conferire un nuovo ruolo come area vasta, cioè come ente intermedio che 1) coordini le politiche comunali, 2) declini sul territorio le politiche regionali. Il contributo analizza innovazioni, ambizioni e conflitti istituzionali causati dai cambiamenti normativi degli ultimi anni. ; The Delrio Law (2014) and the result of the constitutional referendum (2016) created a new institutional context in Italy. The interventions by the government on the provinces and the institution of metropolitan cities are evidence of the government's commitment to revising the entire architecture of the territory. Today the Lombardy Region considers the establishment of a metropolitan city and of the Province to be strategic. Therefore the government wants to assign the Province a new role as "big area", as an intermediate authority that 1) coordinates the municipal policies 2) implements the regional policies on the territory. This paper analyses those institutional innovations, ambitions and conflicts that rose from the legislative changes carried out in recent years.
In: Geostoria del territorio
In the rich Western societies, the several crises at the beginning of this century focus on the worsening of old economic and social problems, which have taken on new importance in the cities undergoing a rapid transformation because of the globalization and the new structures of the labor market. These are issues that have called into question the traditional political systems, with significant effects on the evolution of democratic systems. These issues have been raised throughout the 20th century and today they are once again central to the structural transformations aforementioned and to the crisis of the welfare systems built in Europe during the so-called Golden Age. The theme of living in the peripheries reappears in a dramatic way; a problem exacerbated by the fact that today these areas are no longer just those outside the cities (shaped by the processes of the economic modernization of the 19th and 20th centuries) but they deeply characterize the urban fabric and are linked to the existential conditions of those who live there. The book combines historical and geographical perspectives, according to an interdisciplinary approach. It is possible to examine the policies adopted and to be adopted in these territories and the role that social forces and associative networks have played and can play in identifying adequate and durable responses to such complex problems. A long-term view and a more systemic analysis allow a reflection on the relationship between socio-economic development and the processes of construction of the living together in the different contexts of European cities. Social actors, in their various forms, have offered and are able to offer strategic contributions for the production of new development models, in which the quality of life in working-class peripheries and the processes of social inclusion will be once again a priority, as required by the urban agendas of this new millennium.
L'articolo si inserisce in un progetto di ricerca nazionale che esamina, per tutte le regioni e province italiane, la capacità di raggiungere le priorità della Politica di Coesione europea per il periodo 2014-2020. La prima parte del contributo presenta una rassegna della letteratura disponibile sul tema delle inner peripheries, con particolare attenzione alle metodologie utili per la loro identificazione. La seconda parte presenta un'analisi al livello nazionale, con un approfondimento per la Lombardia, e un indice di accessibilità multimodale selezionato per una valutazione preliminare del concetto di inner periphery. La terza parte dell'articolo discute una valutazione empirica di tale tipologia di territorio individuato nella regione Lombardia, utilizzando un insieme di indicatori forniti dal modello STEMA. La discussione sviluppata nelle tre sezioni ha lo scopo di esaminare i territori definiti come inner periphery in Lombardia sulla base degli indicatori resi disponibili dal progetto nazionale. ; Accessibility and Peripheries: An Empirical Investigation in the Lombardy Region. This paper is related to a national research project covering every Italian region and province with respect to their performances in the attainment of the priorities of the 2014-2020 EU Cohesion Policy. The first part of the paper presents a survey of the literature available on "inner peripheries", with specific regard to the methodologies useful for their identification. The second part will present an analysis at the national level, with a focus on the case of Lombardia, and the presentation of an index of multimodal accessibility, an indicator selected for a preliminary evaluation of the concept of "inner periphery". The third part of the paper will discuss an empirical assessment of the "inner peripheries" individuated in the Lombardia region, using a set of indicators provided by the STeMA model. The discussion developed in the three sections is intended to test the territories defined as "inner peripheries" in Lombardia according to the set of indicators made available by the national project.
We use the case of the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx in the Alps to discuss how to implement existing directives and recommendations, as well as how to integrate biological concepts, into practical conservation and wildlife management. Since 1995 the occurrence of lynx in the Alpine countries has been monitored and reported by the Status and Conservation of the Alpine Lynx Population expert group. Both the area of occupancy and the estimated number of individuals increased from 1995–1999 to 2000–2004. The estimated number of lynx is 120–150 across the Alps and the area of occupancy 27,800 km2, in six distinct sub-areas. In the highly fragmented Alpine habitat lynx populations expand slowly, even in situations of high local density and when suitable habitat is available. Thus, almost 40 years after the first reintroduction, < 20% of the Alps have been recolonized by lynx. In addition to biological and ecological factors, the persistent disagreements about the return of the lynx between conservationists and other land-users, including livestock breeders and hunters, and the political fragmentation of the Alps (with different regional priorities and large carnivore policies), has prevented the creation of a consensus regarding pan-Alpine conservation goals for the lynx and the implementation of conservation measures such as translocations and reintroductions. We discuss possible approaches in the light of new guidelines for population level management plans for large carnivores recently developed on behalf of the European Commission.