Mexican Migration to the United States: Perspectives from Both Sides of the Border
Intro -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction. Policies, Dynamics, and Consequences of Mexican Migration to the United States (Harriett D. Romo) -- Part 1. Mexico-US Migration Legal Frameworks and Their Implications -- 1. Evolving Migration Responses in Mexico and the United States: Diverging Paths? (Francisco Alba) -- 2. An Economic Perspective on US Immigration Policy vis-à-vis Mexico (Pia M. Orrenius, Jason Saving, and Madeline Zavodny) -- 3. Mexican Migration Dynamics: An Uncertain Future (Jorge Durand) -- 4. Public Insecurity and International Emigration in Northern Mexico: Analysis at a Municipal Level (Liliana Meza González and Michael Feil) -- 5. Explaining Unauthorized Mexican Migration and Assessing Its Implications for the Incorporation of Mexican Americans (Frank D. Bean, Susan K. Brown, and James D. Bachmeier) -- Part 2. Incorporation into Receiving Communities in the United States -- 6. "Ni de aquí, ni de allá": Undocumented Immigrant Youth and the Challenges of Identity Formation amid Conflicting Contexts (Roberto G. Gonzales, Joanna B. Perez, and Ariel G. Ruiz) -- 7. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Student Success in Higher Education (Kandy Mink Salas, Henoc Preciado, and Raquel Torres) -- 8. Who Has the Right to Health Care and Why? Immigration, Health-Care Policy, and Incorporation (Milena Andrea Melo and K. Jill Fleuriet) -- 9. The Role of Elite Mexican Women Immigrants in Maintaining Language and Mexican Identity (Harriett D. Romo and Olivia Mogollon-Lopez) -- Part 3. Return Migration and Reincorporation -- 10. Mexican Social Policy and Return Migration (Agustín Escobar Latapí) -- 11. Students We Share Are Also in Puebla, Mexico: Preliminary Findings from a 2009-2010 Survey (Víctor Zúñiga, Edmund T. Hamann, and Juan Sánchez García) -- Epilogue: Continuing Immigration Developments (Janeth Martinez).