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59 Ergebnisse
In: Bildung und Erziehung Jg. 47, H. 3
In: Bildung und Erziehung Jg. 46, H. 4
In: Studien und Dokumentationen zur vergleichenden Bildungsforschung 8
In: Political Crossroads, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 53-73
In: Kulturen und Konflikte im Vergleich. Festschrift für Theodor Hanf., S. 725-737
Die Geschichte des Bildungswesens in den Böhmischen Ländern zwischen 1760 und 1938 ist einerseits durch die gesetzlich geordnete Staatlichkeit, andererseits durch den nationalen Dualismus der tschechischen und deutschen Ethnie bestimmt. Das Jahr 1918 mit der Gründung der (ersten) Tschechoslowakischen Republik brachte zwar in Bezug auf die Machtverhältnisse in der staatlichen Steuerung und dem Status der beiden Ethnien eine Zäsur, doch blieben die offenen - und ungelösten - Probleme, wenn auch mit "umgekehrten Vorzeichen" im wesentlichen bestehen. Die Analyse der bildungsgeschichtlichen Entwicklung öffnet einen exemplarischen Zugang zum Verständnis der relevanten soziopolitischen Grundfragen, worauf der Beitrag konzentriert ist. (DIPF/Autor).;;;The history of the education system in the Bohemian Lands between 1760 and 1938 is identified by the legally regulated power structure of the State on the one hand, and by the national dualism between the Czech and the German ethnic groups on the other. It is true that the year 1918, marked by the foundation of the (first) Czechoslovak Republic, effected a change with regard to the power relations in the political decision-making, while the open - and unsolved - problems continued to exist on the whole. The analysis of the development of the education system points an exemplary way to understanding the relevant fundamental socio-political issues this article is based upon. (DIPF/author).
In: The education systems of Europe., S. 852-866
In view of the different national education systems of modern Europe comparable features of diversity can be observed, as well as a wide range of similarities, e.g. compulsory school attendance, the horizontally structured school system or core subjects. "In the current period education systems are affected by growing influence of global changes, concerning both their internal processes and their positions in the perceptions by the society." The author points out that since this trend is marked by strong dynamism, exact predictions on times to come are very difficult; thus his "predictions at the beginning of the 21st century" are made "on the provison that they need to be revised even in the near future." The author's considerations are focused on the following criteria which mirror trends to be observed in all European education systems: Educational sovereignty; opening of schools; curriculum development; intercultural socialisation and education; teaching profession and teacher education. In an exemplary excursion into the comparative domain Europe as educational space in its own right is compared to the United States, Australia and Canada. The author concludes with remarks on the global dimension of European education. (DIPF/Orig./Kie.).
In: Kulturen und Konflikte im Vergleich. Comparing Cultures and Conflicts, S. 725-737
Der Autor spricht mit seinem Beitrag eine normative Dimension und eine Tradition an, die in den auf Fragen der Steuerung, der Analyse, der Theoriebildung konzentrierten Beiträgen keinen systematischen Ort haben: die Verortung der aktuellen Rede über Globales Lernen im Kontext von, aber auch in Unterscheidung zu, 'Weltpädagogik'. Besonders in Fragen der Einschätzung von Entwicklungen in gesellschaftlichen Verständigungsprozessen ist dieser Aspekt von großer Bedeutung. Nicht zuletzt weil der Begriff des Globalen Lernens auch im öffentlichen Diskurs aktuell eine gewisse Konjunktur hat, sind die Anmerkungen, die der Autor in seinem Beitrag vornimmt, bedeutsam, und zwar jenseits der analytischen in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion geführten Auseinandersetzung in ihrem wertorientierten Bezug. (DIPF/Orig.) ; The present article discusses the limitations and chances of the concept 'Global Learning' in the context of globalization. It sets about to expose some of the historical origins of the term 'Weltpädagogik' (global pedagogy) in order to better delineate the term 'global learning' which has a narrower focus on didactical issues. Issues of teaching and implementing 'global learning' are focused on. Corresponding to the 'Four Pillars of Education' expressed on the UNESCO report (1998) four didactic principles are identified with reference to polar trends: 'globality/locality', 'universality/plurality', 'internationality/nationality (patriotism)', and 'interdisciplinarity/specialization'. Furthermore, 'global learning' can be seen as an essential tool for the teaching of ethical values and a discussion of issues such as human rights, tolerance, and peace is pursued here. The final part of the article discusses the limitations and chances of 'Global Learning', a conclusion being that a 'realistic utopia' may be a practicable way to the improvement and humanization of the world. (DIPF/Orig.)
Die Erweiterung der Europäischen Union bildet den Anlass für eine definitorische Untersuchung der Begriffe "Europäische Dimension" und "Europäische Identität" im zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext und der speziellen Frage nach dem Prozess der "doppelten Transformation" in Mitteleuropa. Die in der Bildungspolitik zu verzeichnenden Reaktionen werden exemplarisch gedeutet. Die Perspektiven der mitteleuropäischen Region werden schließlich unter dem historischen, pragmatischen und strategischen Aspekt diskutiert. (DIPF/Autor) ; The extension of the European Union lays the base for a tentative definition of the concepts of "European dimension" and "European identity" in the context of contemporary history and for the special question about the process of "double transformation" in Central Europe. The reactions to be observed in educational policies are interpreted in an exemplary way. Finally the perspectives of the Central European region are discussed under the historical, pragmatic and strategic aspects. (DIPF/Author)
Regarding the different national education systems of modern Europe comparable features of diversity can be observed, as well as a wide range of similarities, e.g. compulsory school attendance, the horizontally structured school system or core subjects. "In the current period education systems are affected by growing influence of global changes, concerning both their internal processes and their positions in the perceptions by the society." The author points out that since this trend is marked by strong dynamism, exact predictions on times to come are very difficult; thus his "prediction at the beginning of the 21st century" are made "on the proviso that they need to be revised even in the near future." The author's considerations are focused on the following criteria which mirror trends to be observed in all European education systems: Educational sovereignty; opening of schools; curriculum development; intercultural socialisation and education; teaching profession and teacher education. In an exemplary excursion into the comparative domain Europe as educational space in its own right is compared to the United States, Australia and Canada. The author concludes with remarks on the global dimension of European education. (DIPF/Orig./Kie.)
In: Kontinuität, Krise und Zukunft der Bildung. Analysen und Perspektiven., S. 195-206
In: Die deutsche Schule: DDS ; Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Bildungspolitik und pädagogische Praxis, Band 95, Heft 3, S. 280-292
ISSN: 0012-0731