In this paper we propose an inquiry into the patterns of regional specialisation and industrial concentration in Romania during its transition to a market economy (1990–2004). Following an econometric modelling-based approach we demonstrate that the changes in these patterns have been influenced to a large extent by election cycles, and more precisely by changes in the economic policy options determined by the 'colour' of each corresponding government. These findings have an important significance for the postaccession period, suggesting the need for decisions on economic structures to be carefully monitored when a new election cycle is approaching, in order to avoid possible negative consequences for efficiency and integration in EU structures.
Nos últimos 20-25 anos as economias regionais dos novos estados-membros da UE foram confrontadas com múltiplos desafios, desde a transição à crise e integração na UE. Estes refletiram-se no conteúdo de transformações estruturais e políticas regionais, estreitamente relacionadas com os objetivos de coesão económica, social e territorial. Este artigo propõe um estudo de caso no município de Alba, na Roménia, como um exemplo relevante de reestruturação bem-sucedida num ambiente económico turbulento. A metodologia da pesquisa foi baseada em profundas entrevistas realizadas com representantes dos intervenientes nacionais e locais, bem como no tratamento e na interpretação dos dados estatísticos socioeconómicos, documentos estratégicos versando sobre a estratégia de desenvolvimento, vários relatórios de avaliações das políticas públicas, etc.
The current research has concentrated on the following questions: What are the trends in restructuring Suceava's economy and which regional development factors were the most important (exogenous, endogenous, structural, socio-political ones, etc.)? Which is the relationship between social disparities and economic growth? Which regional/local policies proved to be the most successful for economic regeneration? How important was the external intervention for county's development? In order to respond these questions in-depth interviews were carried out with representatives of county and city office, national and regional authorities, Regional Development Agency, chambers of commerce, business associations, higher education institutions, and implementing authorities. Also, statistical socio-economic data were gathered and processed and strategic documents on development strategy, as well as various reports on evaluations of public policies have been studied. The study has been conducted within the GRINCOH FP7 project.
Dans les pays en transition et en développement, les biens immobiliers excédentaires pourraient constituer une réponse appropriée au besoin criant de sources locales de recettes pour autant que les exigences du nouveau management public en termes d'efficience, d'efficacité et de qualité des services publics soient bien satisfaites. Nous avons centré notre recherche sur le cas des biens immobiliers des villes roumaines, afin de faire apparaître les problèmes de l'actuel système de gestion des biens immobiliers municipaux (BIM) par rapport à la fois aux conditions générales de la ville et aux caractéristiques du cadre institutionnel et organisationnel. Nous avons utilisé pour ce faire une enquête basée sur un questionnaire, suivie de tests statistiques non paramétriques, ce qui a confirmé l'hypothèse qui souligne l'importance de l'existence d'un plan BIM, d'une stratégie BIM et d'une unité BIM au niveau de la municipalité afin d'assurer une utilisation efficace de ces ressources. Nous avons par ailleurs formulé une série de solutions viables aux problèmes épinglés. Remarques à l'intention des praticiens Notre article souligne le rôle décisif de l'approche stratégique et des instruments correspondants de gestion efficace des biens immobiliers municipaux, et formule quelques recommandations intéressantes pour que l'immobilier municipal devienne une importante source de recettes pour les gouvernements municipaux. Nos observations découlent de celles obtenues dans le cadre du projet financé par l'UE intitulé « Municipal Property Management in South-East European Cities » (PROMISE) de l'université d'études économiques de Bucarest, l'un des treize partenaires participants. Sa contribution a été désignée par l'International Project Management Association parmi les cinq finalistes du concours international « Achievement Award », dans la catégorie Service communautaire/Projet de développement 2013.
In the transition and developing countries the use of surplus real property might be a good response to the acute need for local sources of revenues provided the requirements of the new public management regarding efficiency, effectiveness and quality of public services are carefully observed. The research has focused on the case of Romanian cities' real properties, aiming to reveal the problems of the existing municipal real property (MRP) management system in relation to both overall city conditions and the characteristics of the institutional and organizational framework. A questionnaire-based survey followed by nonparametric statistical tests have been employed in this respect, confirming the working hypothesis which points to the importance of the existence of an MRP plan, an MRP strategy and an MRP unit at municipality level for the effective use of these assets. A series of viable solutions to the problems identified have been also formulated. Points for practitioners The article emphasizes the decisive role of the strategic approach and corresponding instruments for effective MRP management, putting forward valuable recommendations for making MRP an important source of revenue for municipal governments. They are derived from the findings obtained within the EU-funded project entitled 'Municipal Property Management in South-East European Cities' (PROMISE) by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies team, one of the 13 partners involved. Its contribution has been nominated by the International Project Management Association among the five finalists of the Achievement Award global competition, category Community Service/Development Project 2013.