The little big number: how GDP came to rule the world and what to do about it
In: Consumption, markets and culture, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 92-94
ISSN: 1477-223X
10 Ergebnisse
In: Consumption, markets and culture, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 92-94
ISSN: 1477-223X
In: Mobile media & communication, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 425-426
ISSN: 2050-1587
In: Asian journal of social science, Band 42, Heft 5, S. 682-684
ISSN: 2212-3857
In: Green Bag 2D, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 483-494
Working paper
The first part of the article proposes a theoretical-doctrinaire analysis about the sanctioning authority of the Public Administration and explains the sanctioning authority of the Supervisory Agency for Government Procurement. On the other hand, the second part of the article examines the definitions related to the personal liability concerning government procurement issues. Finally, the article explains the strict liability in this respect. ; En la primera parte del artículo se propone un desarrollo teórico-doctrinario sobre la potestad sancionadora administrativa de la Administración Pública. Asimismo, se desarrolla una explicación en relación a la potestad administrativa sancionadora del Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado. En la segunda parte del artículo se analizan los conceptos sobre la responsabilidad subjetiva en materia de contrataciones con el Estado,terminando con explicar acerca de la responsabilidad objetiva en la misma materia.
In this article, the faculties and power of Regional and Local Governments regarding the promotion of private investment through Public Private Partnerships are studied. Also, the existing problems in the process and implementation of such schemes will be assessed. ; Este texto aborda las facultades con las cuales cuentan los Gobiernos Regionales y Locales para promover la inversión privada a través de las asociaciones Público Privadas dentro de sus jurisdicciones; así como, la problemática existente en la implementación de este tipo de esquemas.
In: Games and Play
game studies, formalism, game analysis, aesthetic theory of games
The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator has convened the Transportation Electrification Partnership, an unprecedented partnership bringing together local officials, utilities, state regulators and industry leaders to accelerate transportation electrification and zero emissions goods movement in the Greater Los Angeles region by the time the world arrives for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Through its Zero Emissions 2028 Roadmap, this regional collaboration has set a bold greenhouse gas and air pollution reduction goal, along with a clear timeline and ambitious targets, guided by shared commitments to equity and economic development, while serving as an example for other regions in the U.S.
AbstractOne of the biggest challenges in molecular biology is bridging the gap between the known and the unknown coding sequence space. This challenge is especially extreme in microbial systems, where between 40% and 60% of the predicted genes are of unknown function. Discarding this uncharacterized fraction should not be an option anymore. Here, we present a conceptual framework and a computational workflow that bridges this gap and provides a powerful strategy to contextualize the investigations of genes of unknown function. Our approach partitions the coding sequence space removing the known-unknown dichotomy, unifies genomic and metagenomic data and provides a framework to expand those investigations across environments and organisms. By analyzing 415,971,742 genes predicted from 1,749 metagenomes and 28,941 bacterial and archaeal genomes we showcase our approach and its application in ecological, evolutionary and biotechnological investigations. As a result, we put into perspective the extent of the unknown fraction, its diversity, and its relevance in genomic and environmental contexts. By identifying a target gene of unknown function for antibiotic resistance, we demonstrate how a contextualized unknown coding sequence space enables the generation of hypotheses that can be used to augment experimental data. ; The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (RES-AECT-2014-2-0085), the BMBF795 funded de.NBI Cloud within the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) (031A537B, 031A533A, 031A538A, 031A533B, 031A535A, 031A537C, 031A534A, 031A532B), the University of Oxford Advanced Research Computing ( and the MARBITS bioinformatics core at ICM-CSIC. CV was supported by the Max Planck Society. AFG received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program Blue Growth: Unlocking the potential of Seas and Oceans under grant agreement no. 634486 (project acronym INMARE). AM was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [BB/M011755/1, BB/R015228/1] and RDF by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory core funds. EOC was supported by project INTERACTOMA RTI2018-101205-B-I00 from the Spanish Agency of Science MICIU/AEI. SGA and PS received additional funding by the project MAGGY (CTM2017-87736-R) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The Malaspina 2010 Expedition was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Consolider-Ingenio program (ref. CSD2008-00077). The authors thank Johannes Söding and Alex Bateman for helpful discussions.