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19 Ergebnisse
In: Adoption & fostering: quarterly journal, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 101-102
ISSN: 1740-469X
In: Adoption & fostering: quarterly journal, Band 32, Heft 4, S. 42-50
ISSN: 1740-469X
Judith Milner introduces the work of Barnardo's The Junction with children whose sexualised behaviour threatens their foster placement stability. A safety building approach to working with children, their carers and teachers is described, using examples of work carried out with children taken into care after discovery that they have been both sexually abused and abusive in their birth families.
In: Critical social policy: a journal of theory and practice in social welfare, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 79-101
ISSN: 1461-703X
This paper examines how feminist research and theorizing about domestic violence has been taken up in a condensed and selected way by professionals, leading to the promotion of 'challenging' men as the dominant intervention. The limitations of such interventions are discussed, particularly the ineffectiveness of group work programmes based on 'challenging', the ways in which such interventions serve to oppress women further, and the failure to provide appropriate services for women who are violent. The author illustrates her argument with case examples from her practice with men and women who both experience violence and are violent, offering an alternative approach which builds safety through cooperation and partnership.
In: Critical social policy: a journal of theory and practice in social welfare, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 79-101
ISSN: 0261-0183
In: Critical social policy: a journal of theory and practice in social welfare, Band 13, Heft 38, S. 48-63
ISSN: 1461-703X
This article analyses the links between the nature of child protection referrals and subsequent disposal, showing how mothers and fathers are subjected to markedly different investigative and intervention ap proaches. The bureaucratic mechanisms of child protection systems are examined to show how procedures impact on the social work process. Data obtained during the author's recent experience of child protection investigation referrals as a social worker in a small north ern city is used to illustrate the inexorable contraints of the system on social workers.
In: Communications, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 19-39
ISSN: 2102-5924
"More than any other challenging behaviour, the sexual abuse of one child by another generates anxiety, puzzlement and confusion. Adults confident in dealing with a defiant or delinquent child find their confidence leaves them when confronted with sexual misbehaviour in a child who they expect to be asexual. In this book, Jackie Bateman and Judith Milner provide an accessible overview of the evidence relating to such problem behaviours, from inappropriate behaviour to sexual abuse. They go on to propose research-based effective and creative methods that professionals can use to develop responsibility-taking and safety in the child, and outline a strengths-based model for practice. Using the model, the authors show how behaviour can be managed through the development of safe care plans for the home and/or school -- addressing communication, supervision, and supportive networks. They also provide guidance for working across a range of settings -- whether directly with families, in schools or with children with learning difficulties. This practical guide will be an essential tool for social workers, counsellors, teachers, nurses and any professional with responsibility for child protection"--Provided by publisher
This volume provides practitioners with a ready reference for the day-to-day problems that they are likely to face in key areas of engagement, such as promoting sexual health, preventing sexual violence, working with those subjected to sexual abuse and engaging with the complexities of contemporary sexualities
Assessing and managing violence places a heavy burden on practitioners in social work, criminal justice and health care settings. Milner and Myers examine current explanatory theories of violence and how these influence assessment and intervention. Using case studies and a variety of agency documents, the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches are weighed up and a framework is presented to help workers looking to effect positive change
In: Probation journal: the journal of community and criminal justice, Band 50, Heft 2, S. 127-141
ISSN: 1741-3079
This article reports on the first year of a pilot programme based on solution-focused and narrative approaches to working with violent adults who were not receiving assistance to change their behaviour. These adults constituted two groups: violent women for whom there was no service provision at all; and violent men who were either unwilling or unable to attend any of the existing programmes.
In: Children & society, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 255-268
ISSN: 1099-0860
SUMMARY. In recent years increasing concerns have been expressed about the behaviour of young people in Britain and responses to it. Within schools this has focused on the nature and incidence of violent and disruptive behaviour displayed by children and levels of exclusion. Perceptions that 'too many children' are excluded from school have prompted inquiries by the government, professional teaching associations and independent researchers and generated considerable media interest. This paper analyses existing evidence and identifies remaining gaps in knowledge concerning exclusion from school. In conclusion the authors argue that an adequate understanding of exclusion from school can only be achieved by locating it within the wider debate concerning social control and civic exclusion.
In: Practice: social work in action, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 230-241
ISSN: 1742-4909