v. 1. Colonial rights--the revolution--the Constitution.--v. 2. Foreign relations, part 1.--v. 3. Foreign relations, part 2.--v. 4. Slavery from 1790 to 1857.--v. 5. State rights (1798-1861) and slavery (1858-1861).--v. 6. The Civil War.--v. 7. Civil rights, part 1.--v. 8. Civil rights, part 2.--v. 9. Departments of government.--v. 10. Economic and social questions, part 1.--v. 11. Economic and social questions, part 2.--v. 12. Revenue: tariff and taxation.--v. 13. Finance, part 1.--v. 14. Finance, part 2. ; Mode of access: Internet.
"This edition is strictly limited to seventeen hundred signed, numbered and registered sets." This set is not numbered. ; "Sources of materials": v. 1, p. xviii-xxvii. ; v. 1. Colonial rights; the revolution; the Constitution.--v. 2. Foreign relations, part 1.--v. 3. Foreign relations, part 2.--v. 4. Slavery from 1790 to 1857.--v. 5. State rights (1798-1861); slavery (1858-1861).--v. 6. The Civil War.--v. 7. Civil rights, part 1.--v. 8. Civil rights, part 2.--v. 9. Departments of government.--v. 10. Economic and social questions, part 1.--v. 11. Economic and social questions, part 2.--v. 12. Revenue: the tariff and taxation.--v. 13. Finance, part 1.--v. 14. Finance, part 2, and indexes. ; Mode of access: Internet.
"This edition is strictly limited to seventeen hundred signed, numbered and registered sets." This set is not numbered. ; "Sources of material": v. 1, p. xviii-xxvii. ; an introduction by I. Fisher. ; v. 1. Colonial rights--the revolution--the Constitution; with an introduction by H. C. Lodge.--v. 2. Foreign relations, part 1; with an introduction by W. J. Bryan.--v. 3. Foreign relations, part 2; with an introduction by T. Roosevelt.--v. 4. Slavery from 1790 to 1857; with an introduction by C. F. Adams.--v. 5. State rights (1798-1861); Slavery (1858-1861) ; with an introduction by E. D. Warfield.--v. 6. The civil war; with an introduction by H. Watterson.--v. 7. Civil rights, part 1; with an introduction by W. Wilson.--v. 8. Civil rights, part 2; with an introduction by W. H. Page.--v. 9. Departments of government; with an introduction by W. H. Taft.--v. 10. Economic and social questions, part 1; with an introduction by A. T. Hadley.--v. 11. Economic and social questions, part 2; with an introduction by C. R. Van Hise.--v. 12. Revenue: the tariff and taxation; with an introduction by I. M. Tarbell.--v. 13. Finance, part 1; with an introduction by T. E. Burton.--v. 14. Finance, part 2, and indexes; with ; Mode of access: Internet.
I. Abraham Lincoln, the true story of a great life ; with critical estimates, stories and anecdotes.--II. Early speeches, 1832-1856.--III. Speeches and debates, 1856-1858.--IV. Speeches and debates, 1858-1859.--V. Speeches and presidential addresses, 1859-1865. Anecdotes and conversations of Lincoln, by F. B. Carpenter.--VI. State papers, 1861-1865.--VII. Letters and telegrams; messages to Congress; military orders; autobiography; etc.--VIII. Letters and telegrams; messages to Congress; military orders; memoranda, etc. ; Mode of access: Internet.
v. 1. Abraham Lincoln: the true story of a great life. Early speeches, 1832-1856.--v. 2. Speeches and debates, 1856-1859.--v. 3. Speeches and Presidential addresses, 1859-1865.--Anecdotes and conversations of Lincoln, by F.B. Carpenter. State papers, 1861-1865.--v. 4. Letters and telegrams, messages to Congress, military orders, autobiography, memoranda, etc. ; Mode of access: Internet.