Friedrich Schlegel and the Emergence of Romantic Philosophy
In: SUNY series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory
Intro -- Friedrich Schlegel and the Emergence of Romantic Philosophy -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Philosophy and Early German Romanticism -- The Literary Dimensions of Early German Romanticism -- Defining Romanticism -- Schlegel's Antifoundationalism -- Overview -- 1. Finding Room for the Romantics between Kant and Hegel -- Idealism: From Misconceptions to Post-Kantian Variations -- Searching for the Unity of Thought and Being:Idealist Jäger versus Romantic Spürhunde -- Frank's Romantic Realists versus Beiser's Romantic Idealists -- On Why Schlegel Is Not Hegel54 -- Romantic Skepticism -- 2. Searching for the Grounds of Knowledge -- Jacobi's Salto Mortale -- Schlegel's Reaction to the Salto -- Reinhold's Elementarphilosophie -- Aenesidemus and the Shift from Principle to Fact of Consciousness -- Fichte's Move from Fact to Act of Consciousness -- 3. Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre: A Tendency to Be Avoided? -- The Foundations of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre -- The Clash between Schmid and Fichte -- Fichte and Schlegel on Critical Philosophy -- Fichte's Mystical Errors -- The Spirit versus the Letter of Fichte's Philosophy -- 4. Niethammer's Influence on the Development of Schlegel's Skepticism -- Niethammer's Skepticism -- Niethammer's Appeal to Common Sense -- Schlegel's Philosophical Debut -- Schlegel's Critique of Niethammer's Appeal to Common Sense -- Schlegel's Historical Taxonomy -- 5. Critique as Metaphilosophy: Kant as Half Critic -- Revolution, Scientific Method, and Kant's Critical Project -- Critiquing the Critical Philosopher -- Away from Kant: Schlegel's Historical Turn -- 6. Philosophy in Media Res -- The Wechselerweis and the Search for Truth -- Philosophy "in the Middle": Between Fichte and Spinoza -- Destroying the Illusion of the Finite:Schlegel's Critique of the Thing.