The Decree-Law no. 115/2010, of October 22 transposed the Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks into Portuguese national law establishing a framework for the assessment and management of flood risks. Flash floods and debris events have a long history in the island of Madeira resulting in several adverse impacts on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity. For this reason and since the catastrophic debris event of 20 February 2010 the establishment of a flood risk management plan in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (ARM) has assumed double importance. The aim of the paper is to present flood risk analysis methods and technical options adopted in the elaboration of flood hazard and flood risk maps as well the flood risk management plan strategy. The hydrographic basin of Socorridos is used as case study to show the principles and stages of the implementation of the Flood Risk Directive (FRD) in the ARM. In spite of some limitations associated with the volcanic mountain island characteristics and the debris events specificities, the flood risk analysis methods used are in harmony with the requirements of the FRD. Another important issue is the flood risk management plan strategy that addresses all aspects of flood risk management. ; O Decreto-Lei n.º 115/2010, de 22 de outubro, em que a Diretiva 2007/60/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 23 de outubro de 2007, relativa à avaliação e gestão dos riscos de inundações é transposta para o direito nacional português, estabelece um quadro de avaliação e gestão dos riscos de inundações. As inundações rápidas e as aluviões têm uma longa história na ilha da Madeira, resultando em vários impactos adversos na saúde humana, ambiente, património cultural e atividade económica. Por este motivo e desde a aluvião catastrófica de 20 de Fevereiro de 2010, o estabelecimento do plano de gestão do risco de inundação na Região Autónoma da Madeira assume ...
The Decree-Law no. 115/2010, of October 22 transposed the Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks into Portuguese national law establishing a framework for the assessment and management of flood risks. Flash floods and debris events have a long history in the island of Madeira resulting in several adverse impacts on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity. For this reason and since the catastrophic debris event of 20 February 2010 the establishment of a flood risk management plan in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (ARM) has assumed double importance. The aim of the paper is to present flood risk analysis methods and technical options adopted in the elaboration of flood hazard and flood risk maps as well the flood risk management plan strategy. The hydrographic basin of Socorridos is used as case study to show the principles and stages of the implementation of the Flood Risk Directive (FRD) in the ARM. In spite of some limitations associated with the volcanic mountain island characteristics and the debris events specificities, the flood risk analysis methods used are in harmony with the requirements of the FRD. Another important issue is the flood risk management plan strategy that addresses all aspects of flood risk management. ; publishersversion ; published
The Decree-Law no. 115/2010, of October 22 where the Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks is transposed into Portuguese national law, establish a framework for the assessment and management of flood risks. Flash floods and debris events have a long history in Madeira Island resulting in several adverse impacts on human health, environment, cultural heritage and economic activity. For this reason and since the catastrophic debris event of 20 February 2010 the establishment of flood risk management plan in Autonomous Region of Madeira assumes a double importance. The aim of the paper is to present flood risk analysis methods and technical options adopted in the elaboration of flood hazard and flood risk maps as well the flood risk management plan strategy. For showing the principles and stages of Flood Risk Directive implementation in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Socorridos watershed is used as case study. Nevertheless some limitations associated with the volcanic mountain island characteristics and the debris events specificities, the flood risk analysis methods used are in harmony with the requirements of the Flood Risk Directive. Another important issue is the flood risk management plan strategy that addresses all aspects of flood risk management. ; O Decreto-Lei nº. 115/2010, de 22 de outubro, em que a Diretiva 2007/60 / CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 23 de outubro de 2007, relativa à avaliação e gestão dos riscos de inundações é transposta para o direito nacional português, estabelece um quadro de avaliação e gestão dos riscos de inundações. As inundações rápidas e as aluviões têm uma longa história na ilha da Madeira, resultando em vários impactos adversos na saúde humana, ambiente, património cultural e atividade económica. Por este motivo e desde a aluvião catastrófica de 20 de Fevereiro de 2010, o estabelecimento do plano de gestão do risco de inundação na Região Autónoma da Madeira assume uma ...
Telecommunications and geotechnology (electronic devices, computers and software, communicating with each other in real time) nowadays form the backbone of urban structures that support the everyday lives of people around the world. Despite their recognized role, little attention has been given to the social and gender impacts of these techno-urban systems, and little has been questioned about how they can be used to foster more inclusive and equitable mobility policies with the participation of communities. On the other hand, mobility is one of the great challenges that institutions face, and research related to gender imbalance in the everyday use of space-time is scarce.Deepening knowledge about mobility and the use of time by women and men in Portugal, the research that led to this article used the methodology of real-time monitoring of a (business) day of workers in order to examine their commuting patterns. To this end, and relying on volunteers, smartphones and/or devices with embedded GPS (trackers) were used for data acquisition. The results demonstrate the feasibility and relevance of the methodology (telegeomonitoring of commutes), highlight gender inequalities in mobility and time use, and help encourage more inclusive social policies and work-life balance tools. ; Telecomunicazioni e geotecnica (dispositivi elettronici, computer e software, comunicanti tra loro in tempo reale) al giorno d'oggi costituiscono la spina dorsale delle strutture urbane che supportano la vita quotidiana delle persone in tutto il mondo. Nonostante il riconoscimento del loro ruolo, poca attenzione è stata data agli impatti sociali e di genere di questi sistemi tecno-urbani, e poco è stato indagato su come possono essere utilizzati per promuovere politiche di mobilità più inclusive ed eque, con la partecipazione delle comunità. D'altra parte, la mobilità è una delle grandi sfide che le istituzioni devono affrontare, e la ricerca relativa allo squilibrio di genere nell'uso quotidiano dello spazio-tempo è modesta.Approfondendo la conoscenza sulla mobilità e l'uso del tempo da parte delle donne e degli uomini in Portogallo, la ricerca che ha portato a questo articolo ha utilizzato la metodologia di monitoraggio in tempo reale di una giornata lavorativa al fine di esaminare i modelli di pendolarismo. A tal fine, e basandosi su volontari, sono stati utilizzati per l'acquisizione dei dati smartphone e/o dispositivi con GPS integrato (trackers). I risultati dimostrano la fattibilità e la pertinenza della metodologia (telegeomonitoraggio degli spostamenti), evidenziano le disparità di genere nella mobilità e nell'uso del tempo, e contribuiscono ad incoraggiare l'adozione di politiche sociali più inclusive e degli strumenti di conciliazione.
Telecommunications and geospatial technologies (electronic devices, computers and software, communicating with each other in real time) nowadays form the backbone of urban structures that support the everyday lives of people around the world. Despite their recognized role, little attention has been given to the social and gender impacts of these techno-urban systems, and little has been questioned about how they can be used to foster more inclusive and equitable mobility policies with the participation of communities. On the other hand, mobility is one of the great challenges that institutions face, and research related to gender imbalance in the everyday use of space-time is scarce. Deepening knowledge about mobility and the use of time by women and men in Portugal, the research that led to this article used the methodology of real-time monitoring of a (business) day of workers in order to examine their commuting patterns. To this end, and relying on volunteers, smartphones and/or devices with embedded GPS (trackers) were used for data acquisition. The results demonstrate the feasibility and relevance of the methodology (telegeomonitoring of commuters), highlight gender inequalities in mobility and time use, and help encourage more inclusive social policies and work-life balance tools. ; Telecomunicazioni e tecnologie geospaziali (dispositivi elettronici, computer e software, comunicanti tra loro in tempo reale) al giorno d'oggi costituiscono la spina dorsale delle strutture urbane che supportano la vita quotidiana delle persone in tutto il mondo. Nonostante il riconoscimento del loro ruolo, poca attenzione è stata data agli impatti sociali e di genere di questi sistemi tecno-urbani, e poco è stato indagato su come possono essere utilizzati per promuovere politiche di mobilità più inclusive ed eque, con la partecipazione delle comunità. D'altra parte, la mobilità è una delle grandi sfide che le istituzioni devono affrontare, e la ricerca relativa allo squilibrio di genere nell'uso quotidiano dello spazio-tempo ...