Potenzialanalysen sind die Basis für Modernisierungen und Förderungen nach der Kommunalrichtlinie. Wesentliche Parameter können online generiert werden, so dass sie auch nach einer Modernisierung verfügbar sind.
This paper, however, merely intends to sound an alarm. Roman Catholicism, regardless of the impression it might give, is a genuine threat to the religious freedom guaranteed in the Federal Constitution. We shall not attempt to judge the validity of the American form of government. That we take for granted. But our purpose is this: to determine the extent of the liberty guaranteed in the law of the land; to point out apparent agreement and obvious discrepancies between liberty and the Vatican; and to cite the practice of Rome as evidence of her intolerance and the Papacy's authoritarian principles.
W dobie zagrożeń asymetrycznych cyberbezpieczeństwo infrastruktury krytycznej staje się poważną kwestią, a jednocześnie wyzwaniem dla twórców systemów zabezpieczeń. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono czynniki eskalujące poziom trudności detekcji zaawansowanych zagrożeń, a także, na przykładzie dwóch projektów naukowo-badawczych, opisano realizowane przez Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe (PCSS) prace podejmujące to wyzwanie. Na przykładzie krajowego projektu SCADvance opisano zastosowanie algorytmów uczenia maszynowego do wykrywania zagrożeń w protokołach sieci przemysłowych. Wskazano również na rolę, jaką środowisko naukowe jest w stanie odegrać w tworzeniu innowacyjnych systemów zabezpieczeń infrastruktury krytycznej, a także na konieczność zastosowania rozwiązań tej klasy dla właściwej ochrony wrażliwych sieci teleinformatycznych.
SCADvanceXP is an industrial network intrusion detection system that scans and monitors data exchange between engineering stations, field divides, controllers, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and other elements of the operational technology network in detail. SCADvanceXP has the potential to detect advanced attacks on industrial infrastructures with the use of rulebased, signature-based, and behavioural detection methods, which are supported by sophisticated machine and deep learning models. As a system developed in Poland, it addresses the needs of industry in that region of Europe. The goal of this work was to assess SCADvanceXP's potential to detect common industrial threats. In order to check SCADvanceXP's potential, an effort was undertaken to evaluate its functionality on major industrial threats. For that purpose, twelve malware strains interfering with industrial systems were described. Later, the SCADvanceXP functionality was overlapped on malware behavioural and detection markers, pointing out exact mechanisms in SCADvanceXP that would detect analysed threats. The results show that SCADvanceXP is able to detect a wide range of attacks on industrial networks. SCADvanceXP's rich functionality is able to provide a high standard of security. However, if a threat is affecting systems not directly connected with industrial networks, SCADvanceXP will not be able to detect it. SCADvanceXP only monitors industrial systems; hence, corporate networks must be protected by a different solution to provide the required level of security. Nonetheless, SCADvanceXP is dedicated to operating within industrial networks and does not have access to regular IT networks. It can be concluded that SCADvanceXP is a specialist tool providing desired security for industrial networks.
With the Roadmap 2012, e-IRG presents a vision of the future of e-Infrastructures in Europe . An advanced e-Infrastructure Commons will be necessary to implement the Innovation Union1 and the Digital Agenda2, two essential flagships of the EU's 2020 Strategy3 . e-Infrastructure is used to refer to an environment to share research and educational resources (e .g . network, computers, storage, software, data) so that these resources can easily be accessed and used by academia, researchers and scientists as required . The value to the users of any infrastructure is not in the infrastructure itself, but in the "leverage" it provides on (new) competitive "core activi- ties" of the users, which make is difficult to create sustainable business models for the exploitation of infrastructures . Commons4 is used as resource management principle by which a resource is shared within a community .5 This Roadmap 2012 presents the principles of the political, techno- logical, and administrative framework for an easy and cost-effective shared use of distributed electronic resources across Europe: the e-Infrastructure Commons .
In the Roadmap 2016 e-IRG intends to define a clear route on how to evolve the European e- Infrastructure system further, and turn the vision of the e-Infrastructure Commons into reality for 2020. e-IRG is convinced that the implementation of the e-Infrastructure Commons is a large step towards European leadership in research infrastructures including e-Infrastructures, including the realisation of the European Open Science Cloud and the EU Data Infrastructure, which are part of the Digital Single Market Technologies and the Public Service Modernisation Package.
This document explores possible means for sustaining the European Open Science Cloud beyond its initial phase which terminates at the end of 2020. This independent document builds on earlier strawman and tinman versions and the feedback received from the EOSC Executive Board, Governance Board as well as the European Commission (EC) and the stakeholder community on each version. It also takes into account the progress towards the EOSC goals as well as the outputs of commissioned studies. It considers the financing model, legal vehicle, governance structure under the planned European Partnership with the EC as well as the regulatory and policy environment of the EOSC. It recommends beginning with a first iteration to establish a Minimum Viable EOSC (MVE) addressing the needs of publicly funded researchers exploiting openly available data. Subsequent iterations expand the EOSC to address usage beyond openly available FAIR data and engage a wider user base including the public sector and the private sector.
This document explores possible means for sustaining the European Open Science Cloud beyond its initial phase which terminates at the end of 2020. This independent document builds on earlier strawman and tinman versions and the feedback received from the EOSC Executive Board, Governance Board as well as the European Commission (EC) and the stakeholder community on each version. It also takes into account the progress towards the EOSC goals as well as the outputs of commissioned studies. It considers the financing model, legal vehicle, governance structure under the planned European Partnership with the EC as well as the regulatory and policy environment of the EOSC. It recommends beginning with a first iteration to establish a Minimum Viable EOSC (MVE) addressing the needs of publicly funded researchers exploiting openly available data. Subsequent iterations expand the EOSC to address usage beyond openly available FAIR data and engage a wider user base including the public sector and the private sector.
This document explores possible means for sustaining the European Open Science Cloud beyond its initial phase which terminates at the end of 2020. This independent document builds on earlier strawman and tinman versions and the feedback received from the EOSC Executive Board, Governance Board as well as the European Commission (EC) and the stakeholder community on each version. It also takes into account the progress towards the EOSC goals as well as the outputs of commissioned studies. It considers the financing model, legal vehicle, governance structure under the planned European Partnership with the EC as well as the regulatory and policy environment of the EOSC. It recommends beginning with a first iteration to establish a Minimum Viable EOSC (MVE) addressing the needs of publicly funded researchers exploiting openly available data. Subsequent iterations expand the EOSC to address usage beyond openly available FAIR data and engage a wider user base including the public sector and the private sector.